I see a lot of Trump and Russian supporters saying that Zelensky should have bended the knee and accept any shitty deal from Trump.
In Middle Ages the were seniors and vassals.
Seniors protected military the vassals, and vassals supported seniors with goods,money and troops.
No senior had the right to take the land of vassals.
If that happened the vassals had the right to rebel.
In European history there are numerous cases of wars started by conflicts between seniors and vassals.
Kings also showed the respect to their vassals otherwise they would have weaken the authority of their vassals in the eyes of their men.
The relation between US and smaller allies is of vassalage. US is the senior.
This is tacitly accepted because is beneficial for both sides.
If Trump wanted to Zelensky to bend the knee, he had to behave like Senior, protect his vassal and show him respect
But instead he behave like the manager of a company, who wanted to fire Zelensky after a bad performance.