duminică, 20 septembrie 2015

Handbook of disinformation

In these days of information war I found in my library a book by Vladimir Volkoff who treats the subject of disinformation.
According to him the difference between publicity and disinformation is that in publicity you praise an object while in disinformation you praise an subject while you are demonizing another.
For example saying that Germany is an welcoming country because Merkel accepted refugees is publicity.
Saying that Germany is an welcoming country because accepted refugees and Hungary is an unwelcoming country because it is trying to stop emigrants to reaching Germany is disinformation.
Vladimir Volkoff gives details how the disinformation works:

A Client goes to an Agent (a PR firm, a news channel a secret service etc.) who makes a Market Study.
Then the Support object are created to convince people. They can be use original facts as 3 years old boy Aylan drowning, or fact that really happen but long time ago like these images from a Bonn rally in 2012 who were used to show emigrants attacking police. They can falsify the information, but it is easier to tell half truths.
The these fabricated facts are sent via Transmitters news channels,news papers, blogs ,social media,politicians.
The Theme of the campaign can be Muslim terrorist threat in one case, the lack of  compassion of "democratic" European who let 3 years old drown and the fascist Hungarian government who beats refugees at border.
Another theme that I noticed is guilt of the Western Europe for what is happening. Like Sweden has to pay for the fact that Germany supported kurds, or US involved in Syria. And the whole Europe has to pay because shia and sunni don't get along for more than 1500 years. None of the today states existed in 7 century when the fight broke.

The Handling of the theme can be diverse as ignoring information ( like filtering the search on internet or improving searches for a certain result) , sending a false information, an half true, saturating the news channels with useless information, trolling the comments on sites (if you see similar comments from different people on a post it is sure a disinformation campaign).
The Resonance boxes are the people who repeat the message. For example the people who share a viral video, the journalist who analyse a subject, or publish "leaked" documents.
If journalists would analyse the subject and not copying it one from another, the effect of resonance box will decrease.
If we would analyse what we are sharing we would also diminish this effect.
The Target is the public opinion, and less the public opinion knows about a subject the more is sensitive to disinformation. What Europeans know about Arabs and Muslims? They know about the terror attack and they know about the Muslim criminal gangs that control city neighbourhoods in France and UK. So it easy for European to embrace the ideas that all Arabs are Muslim terrorist.
So an Arab Christian will be treated as Muslim. And a Muslim as a terrorist. Despite the fact that they run away from sectarian violence and persecution.
This hostility from the hosts will drive these refugees in the welcoming arms of Islamist from West who will provide them support, and the second generation who will be born as citizens will be soldiers of Islam.
On the other hand blaming the actions of Hungarian government as fascist, and labelling all those who are against these emigration as Nazi, will weaken the support of population for necessary hard-line measures against Islamic terrorists, and will increase the support for xenophobic fascist.
The condemnation of Hungarian fence for keeping out the unwanted emigration is a hypocrisy,nobody condemned Spain because they built a bigger fence in Mellila. The Serbian prime minister criticize the fence, but he doesn't do anything to arrest the emigrants who throw rocks at hungarian police. Maybe they want to settle some scores with Hungary, regarding their involvement in Yugoslavian war?

The Demonization is the part when the other party is dehumanized, it is transformed in pure evil.
The refugees become terrorists,  the government who protects the border became fascist, the rich nations of the west became warmongers who exploited the Muslims.
Then the next natural step is Manichaeism in which we are the good guys and they are the bad guys.
We are true believers who help one each other while they are heartless infidels who drink alcohol and pork, and exploit fellow Muslim brothers. We are the defenders of the Europe and  they are some filthy terrorists, who want to exploit the generosity of west European states.
The final step of disinformation is Psychosis a state in which all we see what we want to see and we propagate willingly the disinformation.
I don't know if Europe will reach this point, because of cultural differences who create a barrier in spreading of beliefs.
I can give as a example of psychosis: the case of Ahmed Mohammed the 14 year boy who was arrested because he made a home made digital clock for a science project.
This psychosis it is lingering since 11 September 2001 attacks, and shows the effects of  propaganda on child who was an infant at the time.

My advice?
1. Stay sane, don't become fearful and psychotic. Judge the people in front of you, don't let the propaganda fool you.
A friend of mine decided not to help refugees from Munich train station after I have sent her a video showing the radical Islamic from London. I told her if she sees people in need, help them regardless of religion, or nationality.After all first we were born humans, later we became citizens or believers in a religion.
2. Inform yourself from books. Books analyse more in depth an issue than an article on internet.
3. Search for written information, it has less emotional impact.
4. Don't spread unchecked information. Don't become a resonance box.
5. Try to identify agents and channels of disinformation.See who is transmitting what.
6.Identify the theme of disinformation. It is easy, it is repeated and repeated.
7.Identify the clients. Who has to gain more if a certain theme is popular? It can be the client, the agent, the transmitter.
Don't believe those who have vested interests in transmitting that information.

duminică, 13 septembrie 2015

Why Eastern Europe is against Muslim refugees?

The current migration crisis has split the Europe between the Western countries in which politicians welcome emigrants hoping that all of them will be skilled workers, and Eastern countries that fear of an Islamic invasion.

But why we have now an anti-Islamic current? In a region that for two centuries we don't have problems with Islam and had positive relations with Islamic countries during cold war?
The roots of this discontent are in the West.
One colleague of mine told me that when he arrived in London, he thought that he was in Saudi Arabia in some areas.
The fact that Muslim have strange suits and a strange religion is not a problem. But the fact that the extermists try to impose their religious belief on others is a problem in a society that should cherish freedom of expression.
The fact that Islamist use violence to promote their agenda puts them in same categories as the fascist:
Except Utoya massacre all the terror attacks in Western Europe were done by Muslims. Most of them recently converted or from second generation of emigrants.

We in Eastern Europe felt the horrors of Nazism and Communism and our social organism still has antibodies against this, and we react more violently. And we fought hard for our free speech and freedom. In 1989 in 2000 people died for freedom in Romania.
Many emigrants from eastern Europe arrived in West and didn't like that they see:
Bearded guys who shout 'Allahu akbar' and "Down with Britain" while they reside in UK and their freedom is protected by British authorities.
They didn't like either the 2005 Paris riots.In which 200 millions damage was done, and showed impotence of French authorities. Impotence reaffirmed once again with Charlie Hebdo massacre.
A welfare state that encourages women to make many children and to stay home helping in this way conservative Muslim families who ban the women from having a job.

They saw this and they didn't wanted back home.

From their communist experience they knew that you can't erase century old beliefs so easily. Soviet Union tried to with a harsh rule to suppress all religions  and didn't succeed. Why the West will succeed with a soft rule?
They didn't bought the stuff with tolerant Islam in Iberic peninsula. Almost 500 years old fight with the Ottomans learned them that Islam can be relentless and cruel.

The problem are not beliefs but the political power, communist, fascist and nazism all were a minority who took control of the country. The challenge is to defend the democracy against these extremist groups. But in order to defend something you must have clear in mind what is the line you hold with price of your life. The political parties have no values and don't have a line to defend.

The Western governments in their need for oil tolerated some extremist stances as for example condemnation of Salman Rushdie to death by Ayatolah Komeini.
It is interesting to read Joseph Anton Memoir by Salman Rushdie regarding this matter:
Margaret Thatcher in order to keep an oil deal with Iran, didn't defend publicly the author Salman Rushdie.
The only politician who supported him publicly was the Czech president Vaclav Havel.
Here you have already a crack between West and East.
The British authorities preferred to deal with extremist that demanded death of Rushdie, instead of supporting the Muslims that accepted the democratic values and supported Rushdie. And since then this radical minority dominated the political debate.
Maybe the Conservatives needed an enemy to show how brave they were in defending the country against foreigners.  And the Left, their political rivals started to defend these extremists because they were attacked by the Right.
From this useless political struggle between Right and Left the extremists won because neither Left or Right have some value to defend: everybody wants power and everybody is annoyed by other freedom of speech.
The integrated Muslims  were left out because they are boring, don't blow trains and buses. The Right cannot scare people with them, and they don't need to be saved by the Left, because they have jobs.

Maybe the Eastern Europe is the economic colony of Western Europe, but it doesn't want to be a full colony, with population displacement.

vineri, 11 septembrie 2015

Bye, bye European Union

Soviet Union fell because of greed. It could not provide common goods, and people feverish hunted for them: socks, cigarettes, booze,meat etc.
European Union will fell because of fear. It cannot protect this huge space, it doesn't have an european police, an european army, and the people will return to the only actors that have army and police: the nations states. The borders will close, and the Brussels bureaucracy will lose its power.
I don't think that countries will go back to pre world war 2 situation, because most of the countries are in NATO.
The EU will be more decentralized Italy, Greece and Hungary will try to solve by their own the problems, not waiting for a fast response from UE.
Maybe the anti-islamic movement will create an ideology that will unite these countries.

joi, 10 septembrie 2015

Finnally Russia it is at the Mediterranean sea

In 1856 the Crimean war was fought to keep Russia out of Eastern Mediterranean sea.
In 1967 after the six day war Soviet Union was ready to send its army in Middle East to help its allies Syria and Egypt, but it was persuaded not to by the US threat of a nuclear war.
In 2015 US watches how Russia is sending troops in Syria to fight ISIS (maybe with its silent agreement).
It is a second victory after the Iran nuclear deal. The main supplier of nuclear technology for Iran was Russia. Allowing to Iran to have a nuclear program is opening a new market for Russia, who can diversify its revenues.So either you buy Iranian or Russian oil, the money goes to Putin.

A third victory can be, that Russia has its army in a area rich in oil, and can control the supply. An extensive conflict in Middle East will increase the price, and Russia can replenish its gold coffers by selling oil at higher price.
Maybe after they finish off with ISIS in Syria they discover some ISIS fighters in Irak and go there to make some order. (The Iraq people will regret Americans, after they will meet the Russian harsh rule) .
And which is the neighbour of Iraq? Saudi Arabia ? The main competitor on the oil market, and the number one sponsor for terrorism in Russia?
Will USA help it's Arab ally against Russia? They will risk a nuclear war for co nationals of Bin Laden?
The Saudi Arabia in this case is alone, Russia doesn't care about other Islamic nations. It doesn't buy anything from them, it sells them only old weapons. Pakistan will not dare to launch nuclear missiles to defend Saudi Arabia, because it will be obliterated, by Russian or Indian nuclear rockets.
Who will help Saudi Arabia? Europe? No, after the recent wave of propaganda against the Islamic invasion no politician from Europe will dare to defend them in public.
(Very good work Kremlin propaganda office, but a little advice: tell your people to criticise from time to time Russia because it is too obvious).
Anyway Europe is disunited, they don't have a solution to the refugee problem which will become more and more critical, and it will be affected by the high oil prices.
If Russia will move toward Middle East , it will be capable to maintain the Eastern Ukraine?
Russia will be so involved in Middle East conflict that it will consume its resources and make a draw in Ukraine?
Or the turmoil in Middle East will affect Kiev backers and Ukraine wil remain in the orbit of Moscow?
A chinese scholar, after the unification of China by Huang Di said that the rulers who are good at winning wars, cannot make a country prosper during peace time, because the wars are won using cruelty and wile, while a country prospers when it is kindness and rule of law.
Putin's clique is not good at making Russia prosperous, but they are good at war.
Europe on the other hand has a good political bureaucracy which administers well the resources but it is bad to at taking fast decisions during time of crisis. EU must reform itself if wants to survive.

luni, 7 septembrie 2015

The pirate Black Beard is back, under ISIS flag

Except the love for rum, is little difference between ISIS and a group of pirates.
They have a black flag,long beards and they spread terror.
Even the tactics are the same.
A pirate in order to conquer a Spanish fort, has taken some monks hostages, and forced them to carry the ladders to the wall, under the defenders rain of bullets.
The devout catholic fort defenders, had to choose either to shoot an holly man and losing their soul or risking their life, in a hand to hand combat with pirates on top of the wall.
I don't remember which was the result, but ISIS is using the same tactic, by threatening that will unleash 500000 emigrants to the European shores.
The Europeans will have to chose between their political ideals and the realistic measures.

miercuri, 2 septembrie 2015

Europe under siege

An old tactic used by Alexander the Great to conquer cities was to plunder the county around the fortified city and force the men from the county to take harbour in the city.
This extra population will exhaust the city food reserve and will force a fast capitulation.
Maybe these emigrants from Africa or from Middle East are routed into Europe, to weaken it for an incoming blow.
For sure ISIS chased a lot of refugees from their land, these refugees had to sell cheap their goods, then had to buy an expensive passage to Europe from organized crime which in turn can finance ISIS.
What it is interesting that in Europe, the Left is prepared to welcome these refugees. The Left usually is financed by Russia ex.Soviet Union.
The discourse is separated now, on TV you have the Left political views, in which we should welcome poor refugees, and on the internet we have images with mobs of muslims, devastating refugees camps in Hungary and images of terrorist hiding between refugees.
The Europe fears islamisation, and because of that it is not eager to receive refugees.
800000 of refugees to 80 millions Germans is nothing compared with 1000000 Syrian refugees to 8 million Jordanians.