duminică, 21 iulie 2019

On limits of the computers

Lines crawl in to letters.
Letters cluster into words.
Word in to stories.
Stories show a part of the real world.
We go from one dimension (lines) to two dimensions (text) to three dimensions (story).
The written story emerges from the lines and the text, but text can only be understood from a higher dimension which provide context.
We cannot understand the story analysing the lines.

The computer's processor unit is one dimensional because it makes operation sequentially.
Now artificial intelligence try to use this one dimensional device to understand, two dimensional universes, such as pictures, or three dimensional universes such as the environment around a robot.

Will they succeed?
For me predicting future outcomes of emergent systems is like predicting the future:
On short term, in general you can guess it right, the universe has it's own inertia.
But on the long term, on specific instances you fail.
Maybe for understanding our 3D or 4D if you include the time, universe we need a machine that works in 5D.

miercuri, 10 iulie 2019

About culture

I saw a documentary about dolphins, it seems that they have some basics of the culture, every pack of dolphins has its own way of hunting and its own language.
The learn from one another and the learn from their elders.
They have tradition and spreading of ideas,the corner stones of a culture.
Without them the random good discoveries would not be selected.
For example:
One guy used fire cook some rotten meat, other copied this method, some survived to pass to the new generation.  The new generation took this knowledge tried to produce by themselves the fire, everybody copied the idea, they passed to the next generation.

What is interesting in human society is that we have a conflict between tradition and novelty.
It is like it is a limit for how much change we can accept.
Maybe we are attached emotionally to the old ways and it is hard to give up, maybe it is a fear, maybe is a peer pressure.
From evolutionary point of view the novelty complements tradition.
I think the real breakthrough in spreading the ideas, was the printing press.
For the first time novelty spread faster than the tradition could keep up.
The printing press, later, radio and TV have formed communities. The editors has to use only one dialect of the language and enforced creation of a cultural language over a vast teritory.
Now the internet is spreading novelty faster but is 'balcanizing' the society: like minded people, with their own language, cluster and isolate themselves.