luni, 30 septembrie 2013

Religion not usefull?

I saw yesterday night  a show about the psychology of religion, hosted by the well known illusionist Derren Brown.
Mr. Derren Brown claimed in the show that religion is fake and useless.
In the same show 2 teams were assigned the same task: make a difficult test and report voluntarily their mistakes:
To one team it was suggested existence of supernatural (They told them that in the old armchair from the room sits the ghost of an old lady whom died.)
In the control group 3 of 4 people cheated, in the group primed with supernatural fact, all the participants were honest.
So a simple ghost story increased ethics with 75%.
Imagine if we apply a complex religion to the whole world:
75% of the total population (7 billion) is 5.25 billion people who behave more ethic.If we save a dollar for each, we have a gain of 5.25 billion dollars just because people believe in supernatural and they are behaving more ethic.
Mr. Brown is so rich that he consider 5 billion dollars not useful?
In my opinion the main downside of religion it is the social part.
Because in religion many people are participating, a competition between believers starts to form, and if this t competition is not checked, either by internal moral views either by law and a secular government, the religious fanaticism flourish, and destroys country future.
A good example is the catholic Spain, were the kings allowed unchecked development of catholic church, in order to control a highly fragmented territory.
The catholic church first persecuted the muslims and the jews, the minorities who could challenge the official doctrine. The after finish with them it started to persecute the internal free thinkers, and Spain from a leader among nations is now a follower.

I wonder what will happened  if all religious acts will take place indoors.
They will be bloody religious ceremonies like Ashura? With the occasion of Ashura some shia muslims flog and cut themselves in public.
(If you want to see more gruesome images it is follow the link)

Let's imagine that the Ashura ceremony will be indoors.
I imagine a believer cutting once, twice, and then realizing that it is not necessary to cut deep, and then one day he will realize that is not necessary to cut at all, because you don't have to prove your faith to anyone.
(I think french done  right baning of all religious symbols in public space. They prevented having Ashura on Champs Elysee)

But let's come back to secular England, ruled by head of Church of England, and were the atheist Derren Brown says that religion is useless.

Recent discoveries show that the people are ruled by emotions.
This is not a bad thing: suppose you see a man laying on the street unconscious.
The mind will tell you to avoid to get in trouble (it could be an insane that pretends to be helpless in order to attack people), but the heart tell you to help him, after all it is human as you are
.(If he is dead the mind will tell you to take his money because he doesn't need them, but your moral grounds will stop you, if you have any.)

Without the feelings a society won't work, because you cannot have a social care system to help everybody, and you cannot have a police to prevent everybody from stealing.

 They are also negative feelings like rage, lust, greed and envy. Feelings that have produced many literary works alongside many personal and public tragedies  (see Shakespeare for reference).
So for your own and common good we must damp the negative feelings and increase the positive ones.

Let's look at the religion and how the religion solve this problem.

All religions have meditation/prayer techniques that have proved successful in reducing stress and anger.

All religions encourage charity:  first toward the clergy, then to the believers, then to the non believers and last to the infidels.Giving charity increase social bonds between people, and increase well being of the donor because he feels that he has money. (Here there are big differences between religions, in some  clergy is very rich, other don't give anything to not believers, other persecute infidels).

All religions have period of fasting from food, from sex or other pleasurable things. This increase self control.

We could say that religion if it used for your own wellbeing and not for proving something or for converting and controlling , is a psychotherapy for the masses.

luni, 23 septembrie 2013

Cate Mall-uri s-au construit la Rosia Montana?

Ministrul Culturii a spus ca a bagat 30 milioane euro in restaurarea Rosiei Montana. Ma intreb daca au gasit destule case pe care sa le refaca de banii astia.
Un miner zice ca tatal sau, la fel ca bunicul sau a trait din minerit.
Oare vrea ca si copilul sau sa scurme pamantul pentru ca altii sa se imbogateasca?
Sa-si riste viata lucrand cu cianura?

Politica strutului

Domnul Victor Ponta ar trebui sa-si dea seama ca este prim ministru si trebuie sa ia o decizie in legatura cu Rosia Montana. Ori cedeaza grupurilor de interese si sustine proiectul, ori asculta de strada, si il anuleaza.
Ori ceea ce face el, este sa astepte sa se disipeze demonstrantii si sa faca PR pentru Gabriel Resources intre timp.
Nu stii ce vor face oamenii, dar in mod sigur se anunta din ce in ce mai multi in strada. Si nu imi imaginez cum va fi cand Victor Ponta va vedea cateva zeci de mii de oameni in Piata Victoriei, vrandu-i capul.
Si atunci ce va face ? Ii va suna pe prietenii lui bogati aflati in Bahamas? Va trimite RMGC minerii sa faca ordine in Bucuresti? Sa il intrebe pe Basescu cum l-au ajutat oamenii pe care i-a imbogatit pe seama poporului, in ianuarie 2012, cand i se cerea in cor demisia, la Universitate.
Va veni Dragnea cu moroii lui din Dolj? Aia sunt buni doar la falsificat alegeri, si oamenii s-ar putea sa nu astepte pana atunci, sau sa nu le mai pese de alegeri.
PSD-istii cred ca daca il au pe Iliescu in tabara lor, nu mai poate fi o lovitura de stat din partea Rusiei?
O multime nemultumita aflata la o aruncatura de bat de geamul tau este periculoasa, asa ca ar fi bine sa o dispersezi.
Cel mai usor lucru ar fi sa anulezi proiectul Rosia Montana.
O alta solutie ar fi sa pui jandarmii pe ei, dar cum a aflat si Ceausescu asta se poate intoarce impotriva ta.

duminică, 22 septembrie 2013

Cat cheltuim de la stat pentru fiecare persoana neocupata?

Sunt 9 milioane de oameni care lucreaza si mai raman 10 milioane de oameni care nu sunt active, fie sunt copiii,fie sunt batrani fie sunt someri. Ia sa vedem cat cheltuie cel mai socialist guvern al Romaniei pentru protectie sociala: 18167585 lei adica 1,8 lei pe om.
E clar ca cele 9 milioane de oameni ajuta in mod direct pe cei inactivi, cel putin o persoana activa are un copil,un parinte sau o ruda care o ajuta. Deci ar ramane cam 1 milion de inactivi, care primesc 18 lei ajutor de la stat.
Cine primeste cu adevarat bani de la stat?

sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2013

Book review: Creierul si inteligenta emotionala

Am citit recent Creierul si inteligenta emotionala de Richard J. Davidson si Sharon Begley o carte foarte interesanta, care da peste cap tot ce stiam despre temperamente si despre organizarea creierului.
Creierul s-a descoperit ca este foarte plastic si este modelat de experientele noastre.
De exemplu un copil timid la 4 ani poate deveni la 9 ani destul de extrovertit daca este crescut intr-un mediu potrivit. Iar un copil de 4 ani foarte extrovertit poate deveni extrem de introvertit in urma unor traume.
Se pare totusi ca introversia si extroversia nu sunt genetice, doar reactia la stimuli este determinata genetic. Unii copii se sperie mai usor si pot retine teama fata de oameni noi mai mult timp.
Ceea ce mai aduce nou cartea este descoperirea a 6 caracteristici de personalitate care depind de circuitele noastre neuronale:
  1. Rezilienta- cat de repede iti revii dupa o trauma
  2. Perspectiva-daca esti optimist sau pesimist
  3. Intuitie sociala-iti dai seama de limbajul nonverbal al oamenilor?
  4. Constiinta de sine- iti dai seama ce se intampla cu corpul tau? Iti dai seama ca esti nervos?
  5. Sensibilitate la context-iti dai seama cum trebuie sa te comporti?
  6. Atentie-Esti foarte atent la detalii sau te distrage orice?
Ce este interesant este ca aceste caracteristici pot fi masurate cu un electro encefalograf.
Astfel persoanele cu perspectiva pozitiva au o activitate mai puternica in emisfera stanga, iar cele depresive au o activitate scazuta in emisfera stanga, si nu pot mentine aceasta activitate mult timp.
Ce este interesant este ca nici una din caracteristici nu este negativa. Am putea crede ca avand rezilienta crescuta e foarte bine. Totusi o rezilienta prea mare ne face sa trecem usor peste greutati si sa nu fim motivati sa schimbam ceva.
Am putea crede ca o perspectiva pozitiva este foarte buna, nu e buna cand ai dus la capat un proiect, deoarece daca totul va fi bine ce motiv ai sa te ingrijorezi si sa iei niste masuri preventive. (Atentie la manageri foarte optimisti).
Tot perspectiva pozitiva este responsabila si de consumul de droguri.(Nu mi se va intampla nimic, nu o  sa devin eu dependent).
Si constiinta de sine excesiva este daunatoare, deoarece esti pur si simplu atent la fiecare bataie a inimii si asta poate provoca atacuri de panica, care cresc bataile inimi si care acentueaza atacul de panica.
O sensibilitate la context prea mare te face sa te adaptezi dupa toata lumea si sa fii usor manipulabil.
O atentie excesiva te face sa te pierzi in detalii, iar o atentie slaba te faci sa nu duci nimic pana la capat, sa fii impulsiv si manios.
Interesant este ca pentru marirea atentiei trebuie sa faci cate un singur lucru odata, de exemplu, sa nu asculti muzica si sa scrii in acelasi timp, asa cum fac eu acum.
Daca nu e recomandat pentru atentie sa faci 2 lucruri deoadata, atunci de ce sa ne miram de epidemia de ADHD care a aparut odata cu obiceiul oamenilor de a lucra in timp ce vorbesc pe mess si asculta muzica.

Cartea ofera spre final exercitii de meditatie pentru a ne regla aceste 6 caracteristici si a ne acorda mai bine la mediul in care traim.

luni, 16 septembrie 2013

Vreau implicarea politicienilor in sustinerea companiilor

M-ar fi bucurat daca domnul Ponta ar fi depus acelasi zel pentru Rosia Montana, cand au fost inchise fabricile: "Industria Sarmei" de la Campia Turzii si Fabrica de Oteluri speciale de la Targoviste.
Dar acolo unde au fost dati afara mii de oameni, premierul nu s-a bagat pentru ca erau firme private.
In schimb aici unde de abia daca se vor face 500 de locuri de munca si se vor toca vreo doi munti, se baga si ii sustine.
Daca politicienii romani ar fi sustinut firmele romanesti cum sustin acuma Rosia Montana, mii de oameni ar fi fost inca angajati, tara ar fi fost mai bogata si ei ar fi fost mai bogati.
Dar nu, ei inchid ochii la ce se intampla in economie, ca noi se ne vindem pe nimic, aurul si forta de munca.
Sa zgarciorim pamantul dupa aur, ca altii sa se imbogateasca.
Un nene de la Rosia Montana spunea ca e treaba celor de acolo ce fac cu pamantul.Statul intr-o tara e aceiasi cu statul la bloc, actiunile care ii afecteaza pe toti trebuie sa fie aprobate de toti.
Rosia Montana ii afecteaza pe toti. Cianura si metalele grele nu se opresc la granita Rosiei Montana.

marți, 10 septembrie 2013

A simple iodine solution for Rosia Montana Gold Corporation problem

Instead on investing in PR and politicians, Gabriel Resources should have invested in applying the newest finding in reclaiming the gold from ores. Such as use of iodine solution, as it is described in this patent.
Everybody should be happy, Gabriel resources had their gold, the miners the money ,and the environment would be cyanide free. The only drawback would be that the mountains would be transformed in dust.Mostly ordinary dust, not gold dust.
Once again it is proven that greed makes you stupid.
Other links:

joi, 5 septembrie 2013

Oamenii nu mai cred in lacrimi

Dupa ce Basescu a bocit in direct si cu orice ocazie posibila, nu mai cred nici un politician care plange.
Oricum nu-l compatimesc pe Oprescu, care cu ochii inlacrimati se lamenta la reporteri ca si el are 2 nepotei care pot fi sfasiati de maidanezi, asa cum s-a intamplat recent cu un baietel de 4 ani in Bucuresti.
Daca te temi ca iti vor fi sfasiati nepotii de caini, de ce nu faci ceva? Doar esti primarul capitalei.
Daca pentru altii nu poti sa faci ceva, macar pentru tine si neamul tau.

Oare de unde a inceput boceala asta la politicieni?
Poate Oprescu il copie lamentabil pe Basescu, dar nu Basescu a inceput comportamentul asta jenant la un barbat. Mai ales la un barbat de stat, care trebuie sa conduca o comunitate.
Dupa stiinta mea cel mai vechi comportament de acest gen a aparut prin 1940 la Dictatul de la Viena, cand ambasadorul nostru a plans cand a vazut harta impinsa de Hitler si Mussolini, prin care Ardealul era cedat ungurilor.Ambasadorul nostru doar atata putea sa faca sa planga, era un mesager, un supus.
Dar Majestatea Sa Carol al 2-lea Regele Romaniei, seful Armatei, singurul om care putea sa ordone apararea tarii, a facut la fel, a plans.
E o rusine faptul ca regele Carol al-2-lea a fost adus in tara cu funeralii militare,in timp ce aceeia care au luptat cu adevarat pentru Romania, au murit in mizerie si chinuri groaznice pe front.
Oare cum ar fi fost daca Vlad Tepes s-ar fi smiorcait? Ar fi ramas la Stambul si ar fi facut turcii posta din el.
In schimb depasit numeric de dusman Vlad Tepes s-a imbracat in turc si mijlocul oastei inamice a intrat in cortul sultanului pentru a-l omori.
Pana si cand tara era la cheremul turcilor si nu avea armata, voda Grigore Ghica al-3-lea a protestat  impotriva luarii Bucovinei, platind cu viata.N-a plans nici el.
Pe scurt nu am auzit pe nici un mare voievod,om politic, rege sa se fi plans de la Neagoe Basarab pana la Ferdinand.Desi situatia era mult mai rea ca acum.
Nici macar Ceausescu nu a plans la executie, desi ii era clar sfarsitul. Nu a cazut in genunchi sa ceara indurare.
Trebuie sa intelegem ca politica nu este o telenovela sud-americana, si nu lacrimile conteaza ci faptele.
Faptele fac diferenta dintre un om de stat si un excroc sentimental.
Un om de stat ar fi strans javrele din Bucuresti intr-o saptamana si ar fi pedepsit fundatiile care au lasat liberi cainii pe strazi.
Dar Oprescu a preferat sa lacrimeze in fata presei pentru a prosti niste babe sentimentale, si fiindu-i frica sa ia o decizie corecta, deoarece si-ar pierde electoratul, a convocat un referendum
Cand iti lasi gospodaria in paragina poate sa ia foc la orice scanteie, la fel cu administrarea orasului.

duminică, 1 septembrie 2013

Peace protests for hire

Obama announced that "US should attack Syria" and a lot peace demonstrators have appeared in front of the White House shouting against Syria's attack.
One lady said that that the attack will kill innocent Syrians. In this moment innocent Syrians are killed without US intervention. Why she didn't protest against this till now?
Soviet Union organized and encouraged left wing movement (including peace movement) in western Europe in order to undermine war mobilization and reduce military expenses.
The peace movement were financed later by other governments or by islamist organisations..
Because of that you see few people protesting against Bashar Al-Assad or against Sadam Hussein regime, but many people protesting against US intervention in Iraq or Syria.
Sometimes a war is not the worst thing that could happen.Think of world war 2:
If the war would started earlier, when Hitler occupied Chechoslovakia, the war would have been shorter and smaller, because then Germany was weaker.

Attrition war of China and Russia against USA

Obama wanted to shift the military and political effort from Middle East to Pacific Ocean where China is growing stronger.
The Syrian civil war is a opportunity for China to keep busy USA with Middle East, so China will veto against a ONU resolution for military intervention in Syria, leaving USA alone to carry the burden of stabilizing the region.And this burden can be high for a US strained economy.
Russia is reluctant to see its influence shrinking, so will do anything possible to support Assad regime.
Any weak empire will use violence to maintain its prestige, France conquered Algeria in 19 century after it lost it's European empire, Spain tried to conquer Morocco after it lost the last colonies of Cuba,Puerto Rico and Philipines, Portugal entered in a colonial war in Angola.
Russia entered in a bloody war Chechnya, and invaded Georgia.
I wonder how Russia will react if Turkey will forbid the crossing of its airspace for Russian planes.
As we have seen in Spanish civil war, the side that is more united and it has better supply lines wins.
The republicans in Spain have lost because they were cut off from Soviet supply and because they were fighting one each other. And they fought one each other because a radical fraction of communist was supported by their main supplier of arms and ammunition, Soviet Union.
In Syria the rebels can be supplied easily by land from Turkey,Iraq and Jordan, all countries allied with US.
The Assad regime can be supplied only  by sea and air, from Russia and from Iran.A long and costly route that can be shut down easily.
If US declares war to Syria it can stop the flow of ammunition by sea using its navy, and can install anti aircraft missiles in Northern Iraq, (at the request of the Iraq government of course).
The naval embargo it  is an effective measure that can be done without Congress approval, and for an air embargo is necessary the cooperation of Turkey and of Iraq.
But the rebels have a problem: they have different reasons for fighting Assad, and some of them are radicals as Muslim brotherhood.And if these radicals win an influence in opposition forces, they will lose the support of population which is tolerant regarding religion.