joi, 28 ianuarie 2016

The universe is playing Russian roulette with us

Russian roulette is a game of chance, in which a bullet is put in a revolver, then the cylinder is spinned, the muzzle is put against the head and the trigger is pulled. 
You have 1/6 chances to die.The same is happening in life: when you cross the street, it is x% chance to be hit by a car, when you fly a plane it is y% chance to crash, when you go to a terrace in Paris it is z% chance to be shot. I don't count here millions of deadly viruses,bacteria's,diseases,radiations,chemicals,human killers that could end our life.
We live our lives by ignoring this. It is like universe is playing Russian roulette behind our back and we are not aware.
Sometimes, life makes us to turn around and face the revolver pointed at us with cylinder spinning.
Then we are scared  because of uncertainty: we will have x% chances to live and (100-x)% to die.
It is like facing a guy with a weapon in the hand or a wild beast preparing to charge.
Our fight or flight system is torn apart by the conflicting decisions.
If they attack  you will focus on defending yourself and forget about fear, but they wait, and you are uncertain and tense.
We don't like uncertainty and because of that we used gods as explanation when we didn't understood natural phenomena.
Uncertainty produces fear, and because of that we ignore it or we search any explanation plausible.

sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie 2016

1984 and France

I have seen the Manuel Valls interview. He said that emergency state should continue till Daesh is finished.But how do we know that is finished?
US sent Japanese nationals in camps in World War 2, till the Japan capitulated. After that they were sent home.
Valls can keep his extraordinary powers forever, because Daesh is a phantom state that it will never capitulate.
The situation will be like in George Orwells novel '1984' in which the state Oceania is forever at war with Euroasia, and from time to time rockets hit proletarian neighbourhoods to keep the state of fear.All to remind people that Big Brother is their protector, and they mus support the state.
The current situation is similar with the period of Weimar Republic before the rise of Hitler in Germany.
In 1930 German president Hindenburg appointed Henrich Bruning as Cancelor
Bruning governed using presidents special emergency powers, bypassing the Parliament.
He tried to solve economic problems with these new powers, but he failed.
As result Nazi' s gained 37% of places in Parliament and Hitler was chosen as Cancelor with extended powers which he used to gain the absolute power.
Manuel Valls wants more extraordinary powers to fight terrorism.
If  Front National wins the elections they could have prime minister with extended powers.
How they will use it?
All attackers from Paris were Muslim but not all the Muslims from France are terrorists, or they supporting terrorists, but they can be discriminated in getting jobs. I don't think that Front National will concern with that. And in few years France could have a more polarised population if Front National wins.
The conflicts between Arabs and French  can keep Front National in power for a long time.
Maybe the EU will sanction more often the French government for human rights abuse.
Maybe one day a France  will decide that it had enough interference from Bruxelles and will exit from EU.
With UK and France out of Union, the main power in EU will be Germany.
What France needs now it is a reform in its institutions, and its political class.
Unknown to us, besides rioting of arabs, there were rioting of french gipsies who blocked roads,rail and burned cars in Moirans.This shows a lack of respect of the law caused by the government inefficiency, I don't think that this will be solved in 3 months during the emergency state.
Socialist party criticized Sarkozy for the fact that the police didn't stopped a young muslim to kill 5 kids. If they would find a common ground to solve then the terrorism problem we would not have the 2015 attacks.
Strange now the socialist government has 2 major attacks in a year with 160 deaths and nobody is requesting resignation of ministry of interior and of the Valls government. Maybe opposition knows that situation is serious and they cannot solve it.

Funny note: M. Valls was asked by reporter if the Schengen treaty will die. He responded "Schengen treaty will not die, but EU can die" If EU will die Schengen treaty cannot survive.

marți, 12 ianuarie 2016

Private versus public

In politics and in media it is a ragging battle between a religious, anti abortion camp and politically correct, pro gay marriage , pro LGBT camp.
Putting aside the fact that this conflict is exacerbated to deviate the public attention from the real problems, I think that this conflict it is between what we believe it is public and what is private.
The religious camp think that the woman's uterus is public domain and society must have a saying if a woman can give birth to a child or not.
The pro gay marriage camp thinks that we all must acknowledge the sexual deviations of some citizens, and we must guarantee to every body the right to have a family.  The sexual behaviour is of  private sphere and should not interest of the public. Even the most savage tribesmen, people who are naked all the time, are doing sex in private. Why we should acknowledge that Harry and James are making sex? We acknowledge that Mary and James are making sex because Tom must know that Mary's uterus reserved for James, and he should not leave some spermatozoa there otherwise he will be punished. James will not support Mary in raising the children if they are Tom's.
Marriage brings order in society. You know what children you have to raise, and as a parent you are obliged to give them material support.
If in a marriage cannot result children, the marriage is useless.
The gay marriage is a nonsense,even a couple as the Virgin Mary and Jacob, by the grace of God they had a children.
The gay marriage is a invasion of the public sphere by the private sphere.
I don't understand why we as a majority we must conform to a minority when it is not in our interest.
Why we should change our legal system to solve the private matters of John and Harry?
Why it is of public interest to know if John and Harry have sex?
In order to solve this conflict once for all we must define boundaries of private and public.
This is difficult because it is depending on society. The East Asia cultures are more collective and the private sphere is small, while the North European cultures are individualistic and they cherish their intimacy and private sphere.
Now the boundary of private is shrinking but more and more people are sensitive to share information, so in the future it will be cool not to be on Facebook.