marți, 20 ianuarie 2015

Ramzan Kadirov the trojan horse of Putin in islamic world?

Ramzan Kadirov is the president of Chechnya by the grace of Vladimir Putin.
The Boston bombers were from Chechnya, now in Paris attacks some Chechens were involved.
In  Chechnya it seems that they are 2 types of fighters, those who want Russia out and Kadirov dead, and those who work for Russia and Kadirov, and swell the ranks of separatist in Ukraine.

Why someone who hate Russia will attack Western countries who offered refuge and help for Chechens?
The manifestation from today from Groznii it is strange: it is too well organized, it is like a communist manifestation but with Islamic ideology.
What Kadirov wants?
To prepare the population for the case when it is discovered that he helped the Paris attacks?
To gain influence in Islamic world?
I wonder how many Chechens are fighting in ISIS.
Whatever he is doing I think it is approved by Kremlin.

duminică, 18 ianuarie 2015

The anarchism is the fifth column in Europe? But for who?

In Russian Civil War the White Army lost south of Ukraine because of Nestor Mahno, the anarchist ally of the Bolshevik Red army.
After the his victory over the Whites the Reds destroyed Mahno's army and Nestor Mahno fled the country.
Nestor Mahno was popular because he shared the land to the peasantry and he fought against tyranny, yet his aid for the Reds brought the most awful dictatorship on peasantry, and they lost their land forever.
The Charlie Hebdo's team was considered anarchist an communist, but I wonder if their attack on religion doesn't help the new totalitarianism: the Islamic fundamentalism?
In France and in Europe we have a divided majority of free thinkers and on the other side we have an well organized minority: the Islamic fundamentalists.
In Russia in Civil war we had divided majority of tsarist, liberals,anarchist, socialist, peasants and a united and well organized minority of Bolsheviks.
The fight between Muslims and Europeans helps Russia, because if Saudi Arabia rises the price of oil, the budget of Russia rises.
Because of that Obama wasn't present.
I wonder if it isn't the hand of Russia in this issue, we have American-Zionist conspiracies we crave for one from Russia.
Also the events from Paris endanger the support of Europe and especially of France for Palestine.

marți, 13 ianuarie 2015

Le ministre de l' ínterieur et le premier ministre doit demissioner

En Etats Unis ou tu peut acheter un fusil a la magasin, les teroristes on du utiliser des couteaux ou explosifs pour faire des atentats.
En France ou le regime des armes de feu est plus stricte, les terroristes etait bien utiles, ils avait du Kalaschnikov, du lanceur du grenades,et plein des munitions. Et s' agissait des personnes conues par la police.
La police a eu chance parce un des teroristes a perdu son carte de identite,autrement les teroristes pouvait etre libre encore 24h.
Monsieur ministre de l'interieur ne avez pas fait votre boulot.
Monsieur prime ministre parce en avant vous avez ete ministre de l' interieur vous etes coupable aussi.
Monsieur Sarkozy avait raison, on doit fermer notres frontiers.
Je veux que Roumanie ferme ses frontiers.
Je ne veux pas que les terroristes venues de France de faire des attentats en Roumanie.

sâmbătă, 10 ianuarie 2015

Types of conflict

There are 2 types of conflict: 1) constructive: when people compete to give the best solution or to give the best arguments for their ideas.
2) personal conflicts
First type of conflict generates novel solutions for the problems, the second type of conflict generates hate, war and destruction.
By our attitudes we can determine what type of conflict we will have.
Because the recent incidents from Paris made me think to types of conflicts, I will take as example the conflict between an atheist and a religious man.
The atheist despise the religious man rationality.
The religious despise the arrogance of the know all atheist.
Because of their views they are in conflict.
If the atheist says to the religious man "You are stupid because you worship a god which doesn't exists" then he will provoke the rage of the former, and he will create a personal conflict.
But if the atheist will ask the religious man "Why are you worshipping something that you don't see?"  he will create a conflict of opinions, which is beneficial for both.
The atheist might get some interesting questions. He might find out that in the practice of religion gives psychological soothing, that creates communities who help each other.
The religious man, may wonder if some of the rituals of his religion made sense.
It is conflict between West and Islam. No doubt. But we can make this conflict personal or constructive.

 In this conflict it is supposed that the West is more enlightened. So why the media from West  makes money by feeding with stereotypes a population that is more and more anti-emigration?
I didn't watched how the press from France treated the Arabs, but it seems that for a while Romanians were targets of the hate campaign from french press.
Someone said the arrow of truth should be covered with sweetness of a joke.
A joke it is when both parties are laughing.
I don't think a Christian laughed at these images published by Charlie Hebdo. What message they wanted to transmit? That they can slander anyone?
I cannot say "Je suis Charlie" because they belonged to a type of press that slandered and provoked personal conflicts for gaining money. They pissed on the beliefs of people. They didn't deserved to die.The duels for honour are gone in Europe.

In 1859 when the politician Ion Bratianu requested help from Napoleon III for unification of Moldova and Walachia in Romania, he said:
"Romania will be always your ally, Our harbours will be your harbours, our army will be your army".
In 1916 despite that we had a german king, we sided with France. Someone even said: "If Romania perishes it perishes a small country, if France perishes a civilisation is dying"
After the world war I, we gave France, Brancusi,Enescu, Eugen Ionescu,Mircea Eliade,Emil Cioran.
Even in communist times we had cordial relations with France. Till recent years the first foreign language taught in Romanian schools was French.
To destroy this century old friendship it was necessary a handful of beggars, some idiotic politicians and especially a slandering press.

miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2015

The attackers from Charlie Hebdo were trained military experts

According to a man from military invited at television, the attackers were military trained.
Their shooting was very accurate and grouped.
They moved at ease in a formation similar with one of special forces.
Anyone can see that they were not shy to leave their car and shoot the police officers.
Maybe a less trained and a less experienced attacker would hide behind the car, or he would spray with bullets.
So there were not a lone wolfs, some islamists from France upset from the insults of Charlie Hebdo, who bought some pistols and attacked randomly people in the newspaper headquarters.
These people were professionals who received intelligence from other conspirators .
(They missed first time the address, this means that they didn't made themselves the surveillance, so there were also other conspirators who gathered information)
They swiftly  executed their plan and escaped, maybe toward some harbour, to leave the country a board of a ship.
It was a conspiracy who used spies,cars and houses from the French Muslim community.
This is more interesting to investigate.
I wonder how this was not detected by France intelligence.

How to defend a journal against armed fanatics

Today I found out about the murder of 12 people and injuring of other 11, in the attack against 'Charlie Hebdo' headquarters.
What can you do against an unknown attacker?

a) you increase your defences: 
More guards, concrete walls, body checks etc. This is not possible for a small journal.

b) you go undercover:
Maybe the press from the free world could learn something from the editors of "Inspire", the magazine for jihadist. They succeed printing issues despite the fact they are hunted down by USA.
Now you can publish on internet a journal with total anonymity.
The people are not necessary to meet in an public headquarters for  creating a magazine, they can use Skype, and e-mail.
The orders to the printing press can be done via intermediaries.
The correspondence can be received via a mailbox.
Don't publish information that can physically lead to you.