vineri, 28 noiembrie 2014

Movie review: Mocking jay

The film set-up is more sober, this time, the glamour of Capitol is missing.
Katniss Evergreen is forced to join a militaristic society of rebels, who try to use her as a symbol, to rally the troops.
The more elder rebel president Alma Coin, and Plutarh old Capitol game master, are trying to steer Katniss for their interest using her emotions as reins.
Katniss as any young female, is untameable, their can't force her to act in front of camera. In Capitol she acted to save innocents, now she is free to negotiate the terms.
On the other side president Putin, I meant Snow, sorry, is trying to pull her emotional reins by  keeping Peeta captive, and use him as a propaganda tool. Katniss is torn apart between her love for Peeta, the disgust for his words and the love for her old lover Gale, who stand by her.
Gale will be noble enough to volunteer to rescue Peeta from Snow's hand, leaving Katniss anxious about the fact that bothe her lovers are in Snow's grasp.
If in previous 3 film, action and glamour predominated, this film is more sober and more psychological.
Some scenes are very realistic, sometimes you think you see images from Ukraine war zone.
I won't spoil the end, but I will say that the screen writer have left an opening for the next film.
What is strange how some things don't change:
 In Romania in presidential 2014 elections, and before that in 1989, the elders politicians have steered the discontent and energy of the young people, to reach the power.
Now I just expect next Mocking Jay film and the next year to see how they will use it.

sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2014

Reptilian brain versus mammalian brain in Romanian elections.

PSD and Victor Ponta didn't see it coming, they lost at almost 9% difference after they leaded in polls with 10%.Why?
The first layer of the brain it is the reptilian brain, it handles territory protection and food, it is ruled by fear and hunger.
The second layer it is mammalian brain. It handles social skills and emotions. In this layer resides the empathy, commitment and social bonding.
The messages given by Ponta campaign staff came from the reptilian brain:

  • Fear: Johannis, will secede Transylvania, will start a civil war. He is a foreigner and an heretic.Only the current government will protect the pensions.
  • Hunger: If Johannis will win, you will suffer from pensions cuts and unemployment as it was under Boc government.

They tried to separate the electorate from mr. Johannis
But fear of losing elections determined them to block the vote from diaspora.
Their reptilian brain didn't understand that the emotions of seeing fellow Romanians, crowded in front of embassy triggered a solidarity with them in Romania, and the society coagulated against Ponta government. They didn't understood other people feelings.
The adversaries of mister Ponta used messages for the mammalian brain: solidarity with our fellow countrymen, unity against tyranny, fight for common values of freedom and justice.  They united the electorate against Ponta, and they succeed.
Mammalian brain 1 reptilian brain 0. The evolution works, it seems.
Mr. Ponta stuff would succeded in a system that uses fear and hunger to control people: a dictatorship, but the democratic society it is based on social bonds, and on shared values, so to succeed in such a society you must have empathy to understand people and convince them.
They are not adapted to a democratic society, so they will disappear, as our society will become more democratic.

Indian Babel Tower

I have read the this article and it seems that new India government tries to reject  western influence and tries to make the society more 'Indian'.
A society that seeks its identity will try to clean the language first.
In 1859 Romania, gave up Cyrillic alphabet and started to clean the language from non-latin words. In same time Greece tried to reverse history and return to ancient Greek language. In 1921 Turkey was cleaning the Turkish language from foreign elements but adopted the Latin alphabet.
Also Unites States became more Anglo-Saxon, after the education became standardised and English was mandatory, a beginning of the XX century.
In Romania, the trend to make the language more national stopped when it tried to replace foreign technical words with Romanian words.
For example we didn't have the word for screw, so we imported the German word Schraube and we transformed in to surub.
The purpose of making romanian language more uniform and more latin, was to strengthen the new formed state, that didn't had enough military power to impose it's will.
This was eased because the dialects were very similar, the population was small and concentrated in a small area, compared with India.
This is not the case in India, it has a huge population, spread over a large surface, with many languages.
Under what language you can unite this population?
If you try to impose a dialect from a region, then the nationalism from other will rise. This is the reason why in EU you have so many official languages, despite the fact that everyone uses English.
If you encourage every region to use its own language without having an official language like English, India will be separated into regions and it cease to exist.
People will follow the path of least resistance and learn only one language and discuss only with the people from the region who uses that language.
But the dumbest idea is to translate foreign scientific words into sanskrit.
How you translate transistor in sanskrit? This device didn't existed 60 years ago?
Romania gave up translating scientific words into romanian, and adopted foreign word when it didn't had one, so the romanian society cached up with Western science and in 1911 a romanian Henri Coanda presented at Paris first jet engine. In '30 Eugen Ionescu and Emil Cioran published in french their works. And Mircea Eliade wrote later his treaty of history of religion.
If these people would be deprived from knowing from the school a foreign language, then their country would be deprived from some world class scientist or world class writers, they will deprived from personal development and the world would be deprived from some valuable persons.
The reason why India has a big influence in international science and especially in IT, it is because many educated people know English, and they learned science using English scientific term, this connected to the world, and allowed a cultural exchanged who enriched India.
I don't understand why this have to be changed. And if it is changed where it is the gain?
According to the Bible, when people tried to build a tower to reach the sky, God stopped them by giving them different languages.
India it is like a Babel tower, if it doesn't find a common language it will crumble.

luni, 17 noiembrie 2014

Ponta a pierdut

Machiavelli ii recomanda princepelui ca pentru a conduce trebuie sa nu fie urat de oameni.
Ponta a reusit sa fie urat: miciuna, ipocrizia, atacurile murdare au fost folosite prea des ca sa nu fie observate.
Ponta a fost cel care a unit tara impotriva lui.
La asta se adauga impotenta administratiei PSD din judete de a gasi solutii pentru problemele tinerilor: somaj, locuinte, invatamant.
Un alegator pro-Ponta a fost intrebat: A facut ceva PSD-ul pentru tine? Nu. Si atunci de ce il votezi?
Alegatorul roman e pragmatic, nu crede in statistici, in trenduri. Se uita in buzunar, si functie de asta voteaza. I-a luat basescu banii a votat impotriva lui, nu i-a dat nimic Ponta a votat impotriva lui.
Ponta avand 2 ani de mandat de prim ministru putea sa faca ceva, sa faca niste lacrari publice, sa salveze CFR marfa, Oltchim. Dar obisnuit doar cu trasul sforilor in partid, nu avut curajul unor abordari curajoase in economie.
In politica e ca in surfing: trebuie sa vezi care e valul mare,sa te urci pe el si sa reusesti sa stai pe el.
Ponta nu a ghicit valul de anti-coruptie care crestea si nu s-a pozitionat pe el, in schimb Johannis a facut-o si acum este sustinut de un val anti-coruptie, sa vedem cum sta pe el si cum reuseste sa-si fidelizeze electoratul.
Basescu a facut prostia sa fie presedinte jucator, de parca un campionat de fotbal corupt are nevoie de jucatori buni, si nu de arbitri corecti.
Ma astept de la Johannis sa fie un arbitru corect. El nu datoreaza nimic PDL sau PNL, a caror activitate in judetele PSD a fost minora, datoreaza totul voluntarilor care s-au mobilizat pe facebook.

Lack of professionalism or bias in Western Europe media?

Yesterday I looked for informations in international media about Romanian elections.
The information was scarce despite the fact that at Romanian embassies from Munchen and London has long queues in front of the gates.
A friend from Munchen voted after 10 hours of waiting.
But you could not find this information on BBC site or on  Deutsche Welle site.
What you could find the were some dull articles (see here and here) in which Victor Ponta was a sure winner.
BBC and Deutsche Welle were professional news agencies who cover a wide range of interests, so I expected a better analysis and better informations.
Why they ignored the polls in which Ponta and Johannis were running neck to neck?
Lack of professionalism?
It was desired in Germany and UK, Ponta's victory?
European Socialist Party had the interest to have a PSD victory in Romania?
I find the European parties a real mistake. Maybe some countries afford to have socialist policies, maybe other need more pro business policies.
It depends of the countries and other from outside should not interfere in internal economic policy. The days of International Socialist, and Comintern are over.

sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2014

Legarea picioarelor si votul pentru PSD

Citind o carte despre istoria Chinei, am aflat de obiceiul legarii picioarelor la femei pentru a avea un picior cat mai mic.
Fetelelor de la o varsta frageda, cred ca de la 4 ani li se legau labele picioarelor pentru ca sa nu se dezvolte. Fetele sufereau ani in sir dureri ingrozitoare.
Interesant ca aceste fete ajunse mame, le aplicau fiicelor aceiasi metoda de scurtare a labei piciorului.
Cartea intreba cititorul de ce mamele aplicau acest tratament inuman fiicelor desi ele suferisera asa mult.
O prima motivatie ar fi fost din cauze economice, femeile neputand avea slujbe platite, trebuiau sa se marite, iar barbatii bogati doreau femei cu piciorul mic. Taranii erau mai pragmatici si vroiau femei cu picioare normale care sa-i ajute la gospodarie.
Un alt motiv pentru care bogatii vroiau femei cu piciorul mic era faptul ca femeile cu piciorul mic nu puteau fugi daca erau nemultumite de sot, toate casatoriile fiind aranjate.
Totusi cum puteau suporta femeile sa-si tortureze fiicele, dupa ce au fost torturate la randul lor.
O prima cauza ar fi obisnuita, omul dupa un timp se obisnuieste cu raul, iar el compara ce era inainte cu ce e acum.
Mama chinezoaica stia ca durerea va trece si se va obisnui, pentru fiica era ceva neasteptat.
Pentru generatia de dinainte de '89 regimul PSD actual este liberal fata de regimul PCR, si oricum pe vremea PCR-ului nimeni nu a murit de foame, asa cum nimeni nu a murit ca avea laba piciorului mai scurta.
Pentru generatia tanara obisnuita cu mai multa libertate, actualul regim este ca o legatura ce impiedica picioarele sa creasca, pentru a-l tine dependent de stat. Generatia tanara nu s-a obisnuit cu durerea si infrangerea, si ar fi bine sa nu se obisnuiasca vreodata.
A doua cauza a fost supunerea, de mici erau invatati sa se supuna normelor si sa indure, deoarece nu se poate schimba nimic. 50 de ani poporul a invatat sa se supuna normelor comuniste si timp de mii de ani a invatat sa indure pentru ca nu poate face nimic.

Votul pentru PSD este un vot pentru dependenta. E ca si cum ai intra intr-o casatorie aranjata cu un bogatas pentru ca el sa te intretina si tu sa ii faci copiii/sustinatori.
Toata filozofia lor este sa ia de la unii si sa dea la altii, si sa pastreze mult mai mult pentru ei. Dar asta nu produce crestere economica, statul nu poate crea joburi. Oamenii cu bani creeaza joburi.
Daca ai bani in loc sa stai in fata TV-ului, te duci la un concert si platesti niste artisti care in mod normal ar muri de foame, pe drum ai lua un taxi care si el ar  sta degeaba daca tu ai sta acasa la TV.
Dar din sistemul asta de distributie nu beneficiaza pensionarii, care nu pot sa munceasca.
Ei sunt afectati de cresterea economica deoarece preturile cresc, iar pensiile stagneaza.
Este in interesul lor pentru a avea un stat care distribuie.
Statul distribuie prost si daca pentru pensionari distribuie mai mult deoarece voteaza, pentru cei de sub 18 ani nu distribuie, deoarece nu voteaza.Si cand zic asta ma gandesc la rata anafalbetismului care este in crestere de dupa '89 si este cea mai mare din Europa.
Cei care voteaza PSD mutileaza viitorul in favoarea castigurilor imediate. Macar mamele chinezoaice se gandeau la viitorul ficelor lor cand isi mutilau fiicele.
Ce va face PSD-ul cand nu vor mai avea pensionari?
PSD-ul deja a inceput concentrarea mass media si amutirea vocilor critice: Moise Guran va fi dat afara de la TVR, grupului Distractis i s-a anulat un spectacol, din Iasi ce trebuia sa aiba loc intr-o sala a Patriarhiei.
Ar trebui ca tinerii sa se coalizeze si sa se implice mai activ in politica,pentru a conta ca o forta politica, dar omul nu gandeste in perspectiva, gandeste pe baza trecutului, si de abia dupa ce ai acumulat suficient trecut poti sa iti dai seama la ce te asteapta in viitor.

miercuri, 12 noiembrie 2014

Basescu este noul Goldstein

Am vazut ieri filmul "1984" dupa romanul omonin de George Orwell.
In film si in carte furia maselor asuprite este reorientata dinspre tiran Fratele cel Mare spre tradatorul Goldstein prin manifestatii publice de ura.
Acum PSD-ul l-a distribuit pe Basescu in rolul lui Goldstein iar oamenii nu se mai aduna in manifestatii publice, trebuie doar sa se uite la televizor.

duminică, 9 noiembrie 2014

Presedintele care dezbina

Ca orice scoate pe gura V. Ponta si sloganul "Presedintele care uneste" este fals.
Cred ca va fi primul presedinte care va dezbina tara.
Cei din Transilvania s-au saturat sa dea bani de la buget pentru ca guvernele PSD sa plateasca votul asistatilor sociali din Oltenia si Moldova.
Iar cei din Moldova si Oltenia s-au saturat sa stea in saracie, asa ca au plecat in strainatate, astfel ca judetele sarace sunt captive la mana asistatilor sociali.
Blocand diaspora, PSD blocheaza pe cei din Moldova si Muntenia sa voteze de fapt.
S-ar putea sa fie ultima picatura care sa umple paharul, si sa ne trezim cu un vot pentru independenta Transilvaniei, iar Victor Orban si Vladimir Putin si-ar freca bucurosi mainile.

luni, 3 noiembrie 2014

Romania in Evul Mediu

Sunt dezamagit de scorul obtinut de Monica Macovei la alegeri. Ma asteptam sa nu treaca in turul 2, dar credeam ca va obtine mai multe voturi deca sluga PSD-istilor Tariceanu. A avut o campanie mai buna, mai inventiva, fata de campania fada a lui Tariceanu.
Oare oamenii nu sunt interesati de justitie?
Au parut interesati atunci cand l-au votat pe Vadim, care promitea executii pe stadioane.
Ma intreb ce se intampla daca Monica Macovei promitea acelasi lucru.
Se pare ca din punct de vedere a regulilor suntem in evul mediu cand predomina vendeta personala si nu respectarea unui cod de legi acceptat de toti cetatenii, iar drepturile omului nu existau ci doar privilegiile seniorilor care erau impartite la slugi dupa loialitate.

Tot  din evul ar trebui sa invatam ca banii urmeaza forta si nu invers, baronii feudali nu produceau nimic si isi permiteau sa ia si pielea de pe taran, deoarece aveau fortele armate.
Deci pentru ca banii sa fie distribuiti cat mai echitabil dreptul fortei trebuie sa fie franat de justitie.

Conflictele armate au fortat centralizarea statelor si dezvoltarea tehnologiei militare, ceea ce a facut ca armatele de tarani conduse de feudali sa nu mai aiba valoare militara, dominand in schimb armatele de mercenari instruiti in utilizarea armelor de foc si care erau platiti din banii negustorilor.
Negustorii au capata astfel o influenta politica mai mare in defavoarea feudalilor.
La fel trebuie sa se intample si la noi, firmele care adauga valoare prin cercetare si manufactura trebuie sa depaseasca ca valoare firmele care sug de la sanul statului.

In plus statul roman trebuie recentralizat din punct de vedere a fortelor de ordine si justitie, nu e posibil sa existe republica Constanta si comitatele Vrancea,Teleorman si Olt.
Pentru asta, cine vine la guvernare trebuie sa schimbe sistemul, puterea sa fie impartita printr-o competitie deschisa si clara, cu respectarea unor reguli.Totusi nu cred ca se vor abtine sa nu ia totul pentru ei.