miercuri, 23 martie 2016

From United States to disunited Europe

I have read a recent article which describes the 6 rebellions, before the American Revolution. One of the main grievances of the rebellious colonists against British government was that it took no actions against of the native Americans who attacked colonies.
So the rebels took the matters in their own hands and massacred every native American that they encounter, including the peaceful native Americans that were baptised and tried to adopt English customs.
Now the people from Western Europe are complaining that the government don't do enough to stop the attacks of the terrorists.
It is the danger that people will take matter in their hands and start to attack Muslims.
The trend is started, in East Germany the refugee from Syria are attacked by extreme right, despite the fact that all the terrorists attacks from London,Madrid,Paris and Bruxelles were done by citizens born and raised. in that countries.
In 1775 a complacent British government and support from France and Spain for rebels, split the 13 colonies  from British Empire.
Now a complacent European Commision and a right wing movement fuelled by Russia can split the European Union.
The cracks appear, an old member of European Union, Britain is asking itself if it worth pursuing the dream of European Union.
The Eastern Europe integrated itself in EU because of Russia scare, the Western powers accepted them because they sought economic expansion, cheap labour,new resources and new markets.
Now the western powers are upset because the ungrateful ragged child who begged to be received in EU, doesn't obey orders and doesn't align to the interests of the West, and doesn't want refugees.
The difference between British Empire and EU is that between the actors it is a dialogue and no one can use force, I think that Europe will be reorganized and strengthen. What we see now is a powershift from its centre in Bruxelles, to Poland in East and to the Britain in West.
The problem will be in Eastern Europe where the only check for corrupt politicians is the Bruxelles.

miercuri, 16 martie 2016

Trump card 2

I saw a video from Steven Colbert show in which Mr. Colbert  mocks Mitt Romney who attacked Donald Trump and call him a phoney.
Mr. Colbert called anti-democratic  Mitt Romney's request that all the republican voters to vote against Trump.

In Romania democracy was saved when right and left united and voted against the demagogue Vadim Tudor who promised executions on stadiums.

In France the democracy was defended when the left and right "ganged" (to use Steven's Colbert term) against Jean Marie LePen and stopped this xenophobe and extremist to take control of a big European nation and a nuclear power.

Donald Trump can be stopped if his adversaries from left and right are united. If some of the other candidates will give up and only one will remain, maybe Trump will not be to one step far from the White House.
Steven Colbert is leaning towards democrats, and his attacks against a anti-Trump coalition, and the presence of Donald Trump in his shows, make me think to a democrat plot to have Donald Trump as republican candidate.
Mr. Obama said that Trump cannot be president, but once another president said about another psychopath that he cannot win.
It was German president Hindenburg, who declared that Hitler could not manage the ministry of post.

luni, 14 martie 2016

The Trump card 1

When the ex. prime minister Victor Ponta lied us, and some people believed I thought that our democracy is immature only 25 years old and people are still gullible.
But in a democracy of more than 200 years, Donald Trump is lying and he is believed.
I think the television and the podium have special powers.
If you are drinking with your buddies a beer and you say that you don't know anything about KKK, you be kicked out of the bar because you are lying.
But if you are on a podium or in front of a TV camera, you can say the same thing and be believed.
In fact you can say anything and you will be believed.You can say that you are successful businessman.
I think that the podium and the TV camera offer special powers.
Maybe because it is hard to reach in front of a TV camera or on a podium, and if you succeed to reach these places, means that you either smart or either connected, and you get the respect of the people who don't have access. Some private clubs have the same magic.
Or maybe people have low standards and don't care any more about politicians say.

Regarding Trump.
I saw few days ago a clip in which comedian Joey Diaz is accusing Donald Trump having Mafia connections while he was building in New York.

He didn't brought evidence but it is possible. It is possible that Donald Trump has some skeletons in the closet. Why none comes forward with evidence? Why FBI doesn't make an enquiry? Maybe somebody wants that some republican candidates to lose.
Maybe they want that Trump to be a candidate to the presidency.
Any sane person which will have to choose between Trump and other candidate, will choose the other candidate.
If Trumps wins the race to nomination, the republicans will lose the presidency.

Cand educatia si tehnologia nu folosesc la nimic

La spitalul Marie Curie sunt 16 bebelusi bolnavi deoarece au fost hraniti cu sarmale si piftele.Stau si ma intreb, atunci cand oamenii erau anafabeti, cate cazuri erau ?
Cred ca atunci oameii isi foloseau bunul simt si nu dadeau carne procesata la bebelusi.