marți, 24 ianuarie 2017

The members of NATO, already pay US for their safety,Mr. Trump

Donald Trump often declared that NATO in an old alliance the members should pay US for security provided.
NATO membership doesn't mean that all countries will receive free weapons from US. They have to pay for their planes,tanks and rockets.
Below is a list with planes bought by NATO allies.The planes are the most expensive items and they are a good indicator of how much the US armament industry has sold in that countries.
  • Albania
  • Belgium 60 planes F16,10 transport plane Lockheed C-130 Hercules

As we can see except France and Germany who have money and industry for producing their armament and they can provide security for the alliance, and excepting cash strapped countries, all other allies are customers of the US armament industry.
In addition to the planes the allies bought also spare parts, licenses, payed for trainings and bought equipment for land forces.

So if US will leave NATO, they will leave a lot of customers who will buy European made planes as Eurofighter ,Saab or Mirage.

Another interesting point is that the defense of UK,Netherlands,Italy and Norway is depending of F35 plane, so canceling this plane will determine these countries to find another supplier, and US will lose money and jobs.

In my opinion even a baby is better president as Trump: a baby doesn't know to speak and cannot affect the NATO security with stupid declarations, but most important a baby is cute.

Heat shock proteins and shell shock

I was always intrigued by the fact that a temporary trauma as the shell shock (or post traumatic stress disorder) can have long term effects on the human psyche.
I was viewing this lecture in heat shock proteins and the effect of the stress on them, and I was wondering what effects on the psyche the quantity of heat shock proteins can have.
A mild stress on the cell increases quantity of heat shock proteins, protecting in this way correct folding of proteins and functioning of the cell.
A high stress however depletes the reserve of heat shock proteins and the functioning of the cell is more affected by the genetic factors.
For example lets suppose that you have vulnerability for an organic psychiatric disease but due to heat shock proteins your neurons are working normal in a normal environment, but if you receive a shock like an aggression or a drug consumption, the heat shock proteins are depleted, and your neurons are working chaotically and you start to have delusions.

Truth, post-truth and alternative truths

I am reading the novel of brothers Arkadi and Boris Strugatzki "Monday,starts Saturday" and the main character ask himself if we believe more extraordinary things because of scientific discoveries.
If you are telling a person in 1940 that in 1968 someone will walk on the moon, you were considered a nut-case.
But now we foresee in near future, a flourishing   space tourism industry.
Also the Internet has aggregated all kind of unbelievable strange fact from all over the world.
Because we know that some things are possible we don't analyze too much the tricked photos and video's, and video of a alien autopsy becomes news.
Also because existence of tricked photo's we don't believe anymore in Moon landing, and it is hard to prove the truth.
It is the same with the Trump's inauguration photos.
How can you prove that picture is true?
You can't, because every falsehood has a hint of truth, as a yogurt with fruits has some pieces of fruit and a tonne of food additives.
A photo alone is not enough to be used as evidence in court, it must be correlated with other information sources or the picture must be proved forged.

duminică, 22 ianuarie 2017

More details you know,less you are informed

Two things happened Wednesday 18 ianuary 2017 in Bucharest.
The president Klaus Johaniss has presided a government session in the morning and in the afternoon it was a demonstration against the planed pardon of 4000 convicts for corruption.
In that day the government led by Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu should have proposed 2 ordinances that should modify the penal code and pardon the deeds of corruption and bad public management.
Luckily the President intervened, in time and according to article 87 from Romanian Constitution he presided the government session, and blocked in this way the adoption of the ordinances.
What was on the TVR state television?
It was a talkshow in which some "journalists" discussed minute by minute what happened in that morning. What the president has done at 9.05? But what he did at 9.06?The prime minister was announced or not ? The president should have announced with an hour before or not? The protection service of the president informed the prime minster about it?
The "journalist" Ion Cristoiu was wondering why the president didn't announced with 24h before that he will participate?He didn't bothered to read the constitution to know that the president it is not obliged to ask permission to participate at government meetings regarding national security.
In short it was discussed every detail, but not the main problem: that government wanted to free some felons and that the people are in the street.

Post scriptum:
Now the famous Bamboo club owned by Castelano family burned down, a it can be reason for televisions to avoid again discussions about the pardon of the felons.
Or maybe it will trigger a movement like the one after the burn of the Colectiv club in November last year.
It seems that in order to persuade the Romanian youth to participate in politics you have to burn down their clubs.

miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2017

Republica Bananiera Romana

In campania electorala trecuta am auzit deseori argumentul ca Transilvania este mai bogata deoarece a votat cu dreapta (PNL,PD,PNT).
Cunoscand incompetenta politicienilor romania as zice ca e invers: Transilvania bogata a votat cu dreapta.
Sa ma explic:
Dupa revolutie economia a fost capusata de catre fostele cadre din PCR si din Securitate.
Dar nu toate judetele au fost egale in privinta sanselor de dezvotare economica.
Sa comparam Botosaniul cu Timisoara.
Cei din Botosani nu se puteau duce in URSS sa faca trafic cu marfuri, dar cei din Timisoara se duceau in mod frecvent la sarbi si unguri sa cumpere marfa ce nu se gasea in Romania. Acest lucru a dus la acumulare privata de capital.
Pentru a avea un partid, trebuie bani pentru a plati oameni care sa organizeze campaniile si sa cumpere mass media.
Transilvania datorita avansului economic a putut avea mai multi oameni care sa se lanseze in politica, iar votul acolo a fost mai divers.(Nu a fost niciodata 100% dreapta dar votul a fost mai diversificat)
In Moldova si Muntenia dependenta de economia statului a creat un monopol politic al FSN,PDSR,PSD din lipsa de concurenti.
In Europa acumularea de capital din orase a dus la aparitia burgheziei, si a parlamentarismului si dezvoltarea democratiei.
In Africa concentrarea bogatiilor in mainile colonistilor si mai tarziu a guvernelor indigene, a dus la o saracire mai accentuata a populatiei, pentru ca o populatie saraca care traieste de pe azi pe maine, nu va cere drepturi politice si va fi mai usor de controlat. Rezultatul a fost tipica dictatura africana.
La noi se incearca implementarea aceluiasi model african, prin care doare cei conectati si putin sa aiba acces la resurse, in timp ce restul populatiei sa lucreze pe bani putini sau sa emigreze.