vineri, 24 iunie 2016

The Brexit is good for EU

The split of Great Britain from European Union can be a good thing for EU because it is creating a challenger for Bruxelles bureaucracy.
If till now the EU official were complacent and they thought that no country will split from the Union. Now they will have to prove that governance is better than national governance.
On the long term they had to reform themselves to survive.
But on the short term they will punish UK, in order to discourage other splits.
I am worry about Great Britain. If they didn't succeed to impose in a  500 millions inhabitants market, how they will succeed alone ?
Now they don't have any more British empire as a cushion.
Even Australia and Canada are orbiting around USA.
India is independent.
African countries are attracted by China.
Brexit remembers me about another British blunder: "Made in Germany" trade mark.
In the late XIX , early XX century, British industry was heavily competed by the German one.
In order to rally in the defence of the national industry, the patriotism of British subjects, the British government enacted the obligation of producers to imprint on their products the country of manufacturing. The side effect was that people were seeking now products "Made in Germany" without giving a second look at the products "Made in England",because they felt that they were of better quality,

The parochial thinking that led to Brexit is not new in Britain:
A Scottish woman who travelled in Romania at the end of XIX century noticed that english products were missing from Romanian stores, being replaced with French and German products.
The few clothes catalogue that arrived in Romania were in Imperial Units, making the ordering of the products impossible.
One Bulgarian importer of British agricultural machines, asked the producer to change the colour of its products from gray to more cheerful colours to make them more appealing to the customers. He was refused.
No wonder that the empire collapsed, in early XX century.

duminică, 19 iunie 2016

Educam copiii pentru prostie?

Niste elevi care se pregateau pentru BAC la istorie, m-au intrebat de ce a inceput al doilea razboi mondial. Ma intreb cat de prost pregatita este profesoara lor daca nu a stiut sa e explice lucru asta. M-am uitat pe ghidul lor care trebuia sa-i ajute la BAC: o colectie de date puse gramada care nu explica istoria. Wikipedia este de 100X mai buna.
Educatia romaneasca este orientata pentru trecut examane. Se dau niste examene, toate cartile sunt facute pentru a memeora niste date si a trece examenele.
Nu se explica si nu se urmareste ca elevul sa plece cu ceva util din liceu.
Suntem romani pentru ca avem o istorie comuna, daca tinerii uita istoria, natia dispare.
Neintelegand istoria, oamenii vor fi manipulati de orice fituica cu mare tiraj sau de orice site cu trafic mare.