vineri, 30 decembrie 2016

Types of inventions

There are 3 types of inventions:

1. Inventions that prolong our lifes: medicines, seat belt, armour vest etc
2.Inventions that help us to use time more efficient: transportation means (car,train,plane) computers, internet, mobile phones
3. Inventions that shorten our life: guns, drugs, different chemicals.

An invention can be in 2 categories:
For example a drug can be used as a medicine or as a poison, a car can help us use our time more efficient, but in same time making us sick.

It is rational to use a car for saving 1h of driving to work even we die 1 year earlier because of exhaust gases?

marți, 20 decembrie 2016

Qui prodest?

When you study history don't bother to search for causes because history is a collection of unwanted results.
The French revolution was started by the Louis XVI cousin, who wanted power.
The Russian revolution was supported by Russian nobility and bourgeois.
The Iranian Islamic revolution started because USA supported the shah.
And the list can go on and on.
Instead we must focus to on who profits? Qui prodest?

Yesterday we had 3 events:

1. Shooting of Russian ambassador to Ankara
2.Attack in Berlin with a truck
3.Shootings in a Islamic Center in Zurich

1. Shooting of Russian ambassador to Ankara
This benefits the enemies of Erdogan, from the interior and exterior. Erdogan it is seems to be a weak leader, unable to control the army and the police. Maybe the attack won't create a wedge between Russia and Turkey,but maybe Putin will consider other options than Erdogan.
The attacker was killed.

2.The attack in Berlin weakens the position of Merkel before elections, increases the hostility of German population towards the refugees from Middle East.
Very unlikely that German will meddle in Middle East by supporting anti-Assad opposition.
The attacker is still at large.

3. The shooting in Zurich could create hostility between Islamic world and Switzerland.
In Switzerland exists strong xenophobic movements, that can be provoked.
Interesting that the killer was a swiss of ghanese origin who was found later dead.

Whom has watched Macbeth can suppose that the killers were some tools that were disposed afterwards.

In case 2 and 3 the Russia profits, in case 1 Erdogan  and Russia's enemies .