sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2015

PR-ul patriarhiei

Azi dupa stirile de pe TVR1 s-au prezentat faptele bune ale Bisericii Ortodoxe. S-au prezentat lucrarile facute de episcopul Banatului, apoi au intervievat un preot din Sibiu purtator de cuvant al Patriarhiei. Acesta a inceput sa spuna de faptele bune pe care le fac, a spus ca guvernul a inchis 50 de spitale dar biserica a deschis 40. A spus ca toate afacerile Bisericii Ortodoxe sunt conduse de firme care platesc taxe la stat. Si ca ar fi gata sa plateasca taxe la stat si pentru serviciile prestate, gen inmormantari si nunti, si atunci nu ar mai putea sa   presteze unele servicii gratis.
As vrea sa cred toate astea daca un cunoscut de al meu nu i s-ar fi spus pe fata ca trebui sa dea spaga cateva zeci de mii de euro pentru o parohie, asta cand inalt preaferictule Daniel era episcop al Modlovei si Bucovinei.
Stiind realitatea  mi se pare ca faptele bune ale unor adevarati slujitori ai Domnului sunt confiscate de o sleahta de profitori pentru a-si face reclama.
Apropo spitalele bisericii cer bani pentru servicii si functioneaza ca niste societati comerciale.
De fapt a cui este patrimoniul bisericii? Daca este al enoriasilor? Enoriasii nu au dreptul la un raport financiar sa vada ce si cum?

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2015

France at war

In Romania now the old ladies are speaking about Muslim terrorism. It is a sign that we are in deep shit.
Cristian Tudor Popescu a Romanian journalist said that we are in World War 3 because ISIS has declared war to the world.
The war has began in already in Europe, but it is more  like a guerilla warfare.
If the classical guerilla warfare is war of local population against invaders, in France we have invaders who use guerilla warfare against the population and the state.
The irregular forces are sustained by the local population, or/and by the external power. But without support of local population we cannot have irregular forces, because they need intelligence, they need recruits and food.
The guerilla has 2 parts, the overt operation and the covert operation.
The overt operation are those who push the trigger, the covert part is assured by those who gather informations, gather supply, recruit and promote their ideology.
Because of the conditions in Europe, the part of overt guerilla is missing, till the terrorist act is carried out.
Another characteristic of this Muslim guerilla is the fact that  they are concentrated in cities where they can organize riots as in France 2006.
The French intelligence failed because they didn't disrupt the supply with weapons and explosives for terrorists from this covert guerilla.If you can't track 4000 terror suspects then focus on arms and explosives.
The state security begins with the police officer patrolling the street, who can limit the effectiveness of criminal gangs. Less effective criminal gangs less likely to transport AKM and bullets.

The guerilla tactic was expressed by Mao Tze Dung in the following phrase:
"If you are attacked, run, if the enemy stops, harass, if the enemy runs attack".
So the only option against a guerilla is to attack it continually. The decision of Hollande to attack ISIS is Syria was good.
Against irregular forces all the actions must be coordinated from a single point, so I would expect that in European democracies influence of the information services,police and the army increase, and the power to be more centralized.

Fragmented borders help terrorists to find refuge in other countries, so I expect that countries either will increase their border control, renouncing to Schengen agreement or they will unify their police forces. The easiest solution is border control.
Patrolling of the soldiers on the streets will be the norm in France.

I wonder if it will be used more radical methods against this guerilla warfare:
-search and seizure in the houses of the population supporting the guerilla, to confiscate arms and to intimidate people
-population displacement
-creating paramilitary forces from the civilians. I am not supporter of giving guns to people, but when you have many attacks and you cannot be everywhere, every time and you cannot prevent all the attacks, it makes sense to train and arm civilians. They are there and they will react faster, reducing the casualties.You transform them from victims to heroes.

If the French government cannot control the situation then the people will become more xenophobic and fascist, and the socialist will lose.
So in order for Hollande to stay in power he must become more oriented to the right.

vineri, 6 noiembrie 2015

Masele si puterea #colectiv

La moartea lui Cezar, Marc Antoniu si Octavian au folosit masele indurerate, pentru le coaliza impotriva lui  Brutus, si al alunga din Roma.
Similar in 2015 in noiembrie forte politice necunoscute se folosesc de moartea tinerilor pentru a dizloca de la putere persoane mai urate decat Brutus.
Elias Canetti in cartea sa "Masele si puterea" spunea ca mai intai se formeaza un alai de plangere, apoi se creaza o multime in actiune. Iar cand oamenii se aduna vor sa faca ceva, este o anumita stare de asteptare.
Faptul ca sistemul  i-a sacrificat pe Ponta,Oprea,Popescu-Piedone a fost o miscare inteligenta si de bun simt, dar nu cred ca e de ajuns.
Toate partidele au ajuns la guvernare pentru a-si demonstra incompetenta.
Niste alegeri anticipate acum, i-ar avantaja pe cei pregatiti sa ia puterea, PNL si cine mai agita apele in strada. La Revolutie s-a intamplat ceva similar, tinerii l-au dat jos pe Ceausescu si politrucii lui Iliescu, care se pregateau de ani de zile, au insfacat puterea.
Nu vreau ca din siajul revoltei populare sa mai apara alti "emanati"
Cred ca niste alegeri la timpul lor, ar da timp societatii civile sa se organizeze, iar partidelor sa se reformeze, sa mai impinga in spate pe un urmarit penal. (Ma gandesc la tine PSD)
Pana la alegeri s-ar putea reforma sistemul electoral si s-ar reduce numarul de parlamentari, astfel incat sa avem un parlament curat si uscat.

luni, 2 noiembrie 2015

Ziduri de hartie

In cartea "Vrajitorul din Oz" Leului Fricos i se da o medalie de bravura si devine curajos. Omului de Tinichea i se da suflet, Sperietorii de Ciori i se da minte.
Asemeni Tarii lui Oz in  Romania incompetenti si plagiatorilor li se dau doctorate, pe modelul Elenei Ceausescu.
Elevii cumpara note la BAC si studentii diplome.
Medici care au copiat a examen baga in mormant oameni.
Politistii de circulatie se urca beti la volan, crezand ca daca nu este cineva sa-i pedepseasca nu pot ajunge intr-un sant.
Proprietarii de cluburi cumpara acte de infiintare crezand poate ca sunt in regula si nu se poate intampla nimic.
Romania a devenit un sat a lui Potiomkin in care hartiile au devenit ziduri in fata realitatii. Ziduri in spatele carora, fortele vrasmase ale naturii, se pregatesc sa ne distruga.
Concentrati pe bani si pe profit, patronii au ignorat natura si pericolul adus de niste artificii in spatiu inchis.Poate barul "Colectiv" ar fi fost in functiune si azi daca proprietariilor le-ar fi pasat de clienti si ar fi tinut seama de realitatea ca izolatia poate lua foc usor.Crezand ca singurul pericol vine din partea autoritatilor ei si au creat propriul zid hartie.
In anarhie nu ai justitie si nu iti trebuie hartii. Justitia se face cu pumnul, pistolul sau cutitul. Justitia este imediata si violenta. Pentru a se proteja oamenii se asociaza in clanuri care pot duce o vendeta ani de zile, impiedicand crearea unui stat care sa faca fata dusmanilor externi.

Intr-un stat functional, ai justitie si ai nevoie de o reprezentare a realitatii pentru a judeca la rece chestiunea, de a impiedica o escaladare a violentelor. Folosirea violentei este rezervata exclusiv statului, si exclusiv in limitele legale stabilite de cetateni.
In ambele sisteme se cauta eliminarea indivizilor daunatori, in anarhie prin violenta, intr-un stat functional prin justitie (violenta monopolizata de stat).
Un stat nefunctional in care documentele falsifica realitatea, numarul de indivizi daunatori creste pana atinge un prag care declanseaza o riposta violenta a societatii.
Daca ai un bar intr-o anarhie, iei toate masurile pentru ca barul sa nu ia foc altfel vei fi linsat de rudele vicimelor. Te gandesti la ce poate lua foc, la cum stingi focul.
Daca esti intr-un stat functional urmezi procedurile autorizate de catre experti si te bazezi pe experienta lor pentru a preintampina rau.
In statul nostru cu tendinte anarhice, nu se alege nici una din variante, se merge pe coruperea statului prin hartii false, astfel incat parazitii sociali se hranesc pe seama poporului protejati de catre stat, pana cand zidurile de hartie sunt arse de catre natura si se trezesc goi si fara aparare.

miercuri, 21 octombrie 2015

Movie review: Black mass

The new film starring Johny Depp talks is about an criminal Bulger, who infiltrates FBI using a friend John Connelly. It is like the movie Donnie Brasco but on the reverse. Gangster James Whitey Bulger infiltrates FBI.
John Connelly an ambitious and incompetent FBI agent, proposes his childhood friend Bulger, to help with informations for arresting the head of the italian Mafia in Boston, in exchange for immunity from the authorities. Bulger grows and grows till upsets the authorities and they react.

The movie doesn't have suspense,  Bulger acts as it is expected as psychopathic criminal.
This movie is far from the value of "Departed" which described the same subject and the same characters, but muck better, with more suspense.
If I have to compare the how the Jack Nicholson acted as Costello in the "Departed" versus how Johny Depp acted as Bulger I would say that Nicholson was possessed by the character of the gangster and Depp played as a gangster.
Depp gave his charisma to the character, while Nicholson became the character.
In both cases, you see the influence of previous characters in their play, Depp's gangster was a strange person as Edward the Scissor hands, Nicholson was more like Jack Torance from  Shining, or McMurphy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 

European office for migration

The EU bureaucrats have use their imagination to invent different committees, but they miss an office to handle the emigration towards Europe,
With imposed quota of emigrants, the  Eastern Europeans  are afraid that the Western states will dump all the unwanted refugees in their countries.
And the refugees that put their hopes in reaching Germany will arrive in Romania.
This will create tensions between locals wary of these emigrants that they were forced to accept and the grumpy refugees who see their hopes shattered.
Germany and Sweden cannot accept all the refugees and some of them must be distributed in all Europe, but how to make this without herding people into trains like Hitler and Stalin did?
You send some of the refugees in Poland for example but how you keep them there?
The solution is to distribute them directly from the refugee camps from Turkey or Liban.
You can make there an office for processing paper of refugees.
Each country, will specify a quota of refugees. Let's say Romania will accept 1000 and Germany 100000.
Many refugees will apply for Germany and in this case the process will be slow, and few of them will apply for Romania, in this case the process will be faster.
If you are sick and tired of a refugee camp and you will want to get out of there you will find appealing the faster route to Romania. So the humanitarian cases will arrive in Romania, and they will be supported by EU.
The economic migrants will arrive in Germany were they need workforce, and they will strengthen the economy.
After the refugee will be accepted he will be sent in destination country where he will have the right to work, in order to self sustained.
The paper work will be done by European functionaries from countries different from the destination.
Germans will process papers for Romania, and Romanians will process paper work for Germans. So neither country will slow down artificially the process.
The advantages are clear:
- we avoid human trafficking across
- we ease the burden on Lebanon and Turkey
- we distribute the refugees across Europe
- we have the agreement of the refugees for moving in respective countries.
To stop migration from East we must suspend also the Schengen treaty.

duminică, 11 octombrie 2015

Questions for Russian army from an accountant

Recently the Russian Army prided itself with hitting of 11 targets from Syria with 26 missiles launched from Caspain Sea. They bragged that they hit all the targets. There is no reason for them to brag.
They were 11 targets, if they were so good they would need only 11 missiles. Ok, maybe they wanted to  be safe and succeed , and they sent 2 missiles for each target, this means 22 missiles, not 26.
Where are the remaining 4 missiles?
They missed maybe 2 targets? And Kremlin readjusted the desired outcome?
Did they crashed somewhere? Maybe in Iran?
The were stolen and sold?

vineri, 9 octombrie 2015

I hope they will not invent teleportation soon

Image if you combine e-commerce  with teleportation,and the on-line stores will beam you up merchandise.
You buy a a vase, they beam it up. Cool
You buy a bed, a wardrobe and some carpets. Pretty nasty, if they don't materialize the items on you, you will be must likely stuck in the house by the furniture.
You buy a car on-line . you can die if they beam it in your bedroom, and your floor will collapse.

duminică, 20 septembrie 2015

Handbook of disinformation

In these days of information war I found in my library a book by Vladimir Volkoff who treats the subject of disinformation.
According to him the difference between publicity and disinformation is that in publicity you praise an object while in disinformation you praise an subject while you are demonizing another.
For example saying that Germany is an welcoming country because Merkel accepted refugees is publicity.
Saying that Germany is an welcoming country because accepted refugees and Hungary is an unwelcoming country because it is trying to stop emigrants to reaching Germany is disinformation.
Vladimir Volkoff gives details how the disinformation works:

A Client goes to an Agent (a PR firm, a news channel a secret service etc.) who makes a Market Study.
Then the Support object are created to convince people. They can be use original facts as 3 years old boy Aylan drowning, or fact that really happen but long time ago like these images from a Bonn rally in 2012 who were used to show emigrants attacking police. They can falsify the information, but it is easier to tell half truths.
The these fabricated facts are sent via Transmitters news channels,news papers, blogs ,social media,politicians.
The Theme of the campaign can be Muslim terrorist threat in one case, the lack of  compassion of "democratic" European who let 3 years old drown and the fascist Hungarian government who beats refugees at border.
Another theme that I noticed is guilt of the Western Europe for what is happening. Like Sweden has to pay for the fact that Germany supported kurds, or US involved in Syria. And the whole Europe has to pay because shia and sunni don't get along for more than 1500 years. None of the today states existed in 7 century when the fight broke.

The Handling of the theme can be diverse as ignoring information ( like filtering the search on internet or improving searches for a certain result) , sending a false information, an half true, saturating the news channels with useless information, trolling the comments on sites (if you see similar comments from different people on a post it is sure a disinformation campaign).
The Resonance boxes are the people who repeat the message. For example the people who share a viral video, the journalist who analyse a subject, or publish "leaked" documents.
If journalists would analyse the subject and not copying it one from another, the effect of resonance box will decrease.
If we would analyse what we are sharing we would also diminish this effect.
The Target is the public opinion, and less the public opinion knows about a subject the more is sensitive to disinformation. What Europeans know about Arabs and Muslims? They know about the terror attack and they know about the Muslim criminal gangs that control city neighbourhoods in France and UK. So it easy for European to embrace the ideas that all Arabs are Muslim terrorist.
So an Arab Christian will be treated as Muslim. And a Muslim as a terrorist. Despite the fact that they run away from sectarian violence and persecution.
This hostility from the hosts will drive these refugees in the welcoming arms of Islamist from West who will provide them support, and the second generation who will be born as citizens will be soldiers of Islam.
On the other hand blaming the actions of Hungarian government as fascist, and labelling all those who are against these emigration as Nazi, will weaken the support of population for necessary hard-line measures against Islamic terrorists, and will increase the support for xenophobic fascist.
The condemnation of Hungarian fence for keeping out the unwanted emigration is a hypocrisy,nobody condemned Spain because they built a bigger fence in Mellila. The Serbian prime minister criticize the fence, but he doesn't do anything to arrest the emigrants who throw rocks at hungarian police. Maybe they want to settle some scores with Hungary, regarding their involvement in Yugoslavian war?

The Demonization is the part when the other party is dehumanized, it is transformed in pure evil.
The refugees become terrorists,  the government who protects the border became fascist, the rich nations of the west became warmongers who exploited the Muslims.
Then the next natural step is Manichaeism in which we are the good guys and they are the bad guys.
We are true believers who help one each other while they are heartless infidels who drink alcohol and pork, and exploit fellow Muslim brothers. We are the defenders of the Europe and  they are some filthy terrorists, who want to exploit the generosity of west European states.
The final step of disinformation is Psychosis a state in which all we see what we want to see and we propagate willingly the disinformation.
I don't know if Europe will reach this point, because of cultural differences who create a barrier in spreading of beliefs.
I can give as a example of psychosis: the case of Ahmed Mohammed the 14 year boy who was arrested because he made a home made digital clock for a science project.
This psychosis it is lingering since 11 September 2001 attacks, and shows the effects of  propaganda on child who was an infant at the time.

My advice?
1. Stay sane, don't become fearful and psychotic. Judge the people in front of you, don't let the propaganda fool you.
A friend of mine decided not to help refugees from Munich train station after I have sent her a video showing the radical Islamic from London. I told her if she sees people in need, help them regardless of religion, or nationality.After all first we were born humans, later we became citizens or believers in a religion.
2. Inform yourself from books. Books analyse more in depth an issue than an article on internet.
3. Search for written information, it has less emotional impact.
4. Don't spread unchecked information. Don't become a resonance box.
5. Try to identify agents and channels of disinformation.See who is transmitting what.
6.Identify the theme of disinformation. It is easy, it is repeated and repeated.
7.Identify the clients. Who has to gain more if a certain theme is popular? It can be the client, the agent, the transmitter.
Don't believe those who have vested interests in transmitting that information.

duminică, 13 septembrie 2015

Why Eastern Europe is against Muslim refugees?

The current migration crisis has split the Europe between the Western countries in which politicians welcome emigrants hoping that all of them will be skilled workers, and Eastern countries that fear of an Islamic invasion.

But why we have now an anti-Islamic current? In a region that for two centuries we don't have problems with Islam and had positive relations with Islamic countries during cold war?
The roots of this discontent are in the West.
One colleague of mine told me that when he arrived in London, he thought that he was in Saudi Arabia in some areas.
The fact that Muslim have strange suits and a strange religion is not a problem. But the fact that the extermists try to impose their religious belief on others is a problem in a society that should cherish freedom of expression.
The fact that Islamist use violence to promote their agenda puts them in same categories as the fascist:
Except Utoya massacre all the terror attacks in Western Europe were done by Muslims. Most of them recently converted or from second generation of emigrants.

We in Eastern Europe felt the horrors of Nazism and Communism and our social organism still has antibodies against this, and we react more violently. And we fought hard for our free speech and freedom. In 1989 in 2000 people died for freedom in Romania.
Many emigrants from eastern Europe arrived in West and didn't like that they see:
Bearded guys who shout 'Allahu akbar' and "Down with Britain" while they reside in UK and their freedom is protected by British authorities.
They didn't like either the 2005 Paris riots.In which 200 millions damage was done, and showed impotence of French authorities. Impotence reaffirmed once again with Charlie Hebdo massacre.
A welfare state that encourages women to make many children and to stay home helping in this way conservative Muslim families who ban the women from having a job.

They saw this and they didn't wanted back home.

From their communist experience they knew that you can't erase century old beliefs so easily. Soviet Union tried to with a harsh rule to suppress all religions  and didn't succeed. Why the West will succeed with a soft rule?
They didn't bought the stuff with tolerant Islam in Iberic peninsula. Almost 500 years old fight with the Ottomans learned them that Islam can be relentless and cruel.

The problem are not beliefs but the political power, communist, fascist and nazism all were a minority who took control of the country. The challenge is to defend the democracy against these extremist groups. But in order to defend something you must have clear in mind what is the line you hold with price of your life. The political parties have no values and don't have a line to defend.

The Western governments in their need for oil tolerated some extremist stances as for example condemnation of Salman Rushdie to death by Ayatolah Komeini.
It is interesting to read Joseph Anton Memoir by Salman Rushdie regarding this matter:
Margaret Thatcher in order to keep an oil deal with Iran, didn't defend publicly the author Salman Rushdie.
The only politician who supported him publicly was the Czech president Vaclav Havel.
Here you have already a crack between West and East.
The British authorities preferred to deal with extremist that demanded death of Rushdie, instead of supporting the Muslims that accepted the democratic values and supported Rushdie. And since then this radical minority dominated the political debate.
Maybe the Conservatives needed an enemy to show how brave they were in defending the country against foreigners.  And the Left, their political rivals started to defend these extremists because they were attacked by the Right.
From this useless political struggle between Right and Left the extremists won because neither Left or Right have some value to defend: everybody wants power and everybody is annoyed by other freedom of speech.
The integrated Muslims  were left out because they are boring, don't blow trains and buses. The Right cannot scare people with them, and they don't need to be saved by the Left, because they have jobs.

Maybe the Eastern Europe is the economic colony of Western Europe, but it doesn't want to be a full colony, with population displacement.

vineri, 11 septembrie 2015

Bye, bye European Union

Soviet Union fell because of greed. It could not provide common goods, and people feverish hunted for them: socks, cigarettes, booze,meat etc.
European Union will fell because of fear. It cannot protect this huge space, it doesn't have an european police, an european army, and the people will return to the only actors that have army and police: the nations states. The borders will close, and the Brussels bureaucracy will lose its power.
I don't think that countries will go back to pre world war 2 situation, because most of the countries are in NATO.
The EU will be more decentralized Italy, Greece and Hungary will try to solve by their own the problems, not waiting for a fast response from UE.
Maybe the anti-islamic movement will create an ideology that will unite these countries.

joi, 10 septembrie 2015

Finnally Russia it is at the Mediterranean sea

In 1856 the Crimean war was fought to keep Russia out of Eastern Mediterranean sea.
In 1967 after the six day war Soviet Union was ready to send its army in Middle East to help its allies Syria and Egypt, but it was persuaded not to by the US threat of a nuclear war.
In 2015 US watches how Russia is sending troops in Syria to fight ISIS (maybe with its silent agreement).
It is a second victory after the Iran nuclear deal. The main supplier of nuclear technology for Iran was Russia. Allowing to Iran to have a nuclear program is opening a new market for Russia, who can diversify its revenues.So either you buy Iranian or Russian oil, the money goes to Putin.

A third victory can be, that Russia has its army in a area rich in oil, and can control the supply. An extensive conflict in Middle East will increase the price, and Russia can replenish its gold coffers by selling oil at higher price.
Maybe after they finish off with ISIS in Syria they discover some ISIS fighters in Irak and go there to make some order. (The Iraq people will regret Americans, after they will meet the Russian harsh rule) .
And which is the neighbour of Iraq? Saudi Arabia ? The main competitor on the oil market, and the number one sponsor for terrorism in Russia?
Will USA help it's Arab ally against Russia? They will risk a nuclear war for co nationals of Bin Laden?
The Saudi Arabia in this case is alone, Russia doesn't care about other Islamic nations. It doesn't buy anything from them, it sells them only old weapons. Pakistan will not dare to launch nuclear missiles to defend Saudi Arabia, because it will be obliterated, by Russian or Indian nuclear rockets.
Who will help Saudi Arabia? Europe? No, after the recent wave of propaganda against the Islamic invasion no politician from Europe will dare to defend them in public.
(Very good work Kremlin propaganda office, but a little advice: tell your people to criticise from time to time Russia because it is too obvious).
Anyway Europe is disunited, they don't have a solution to the refugee problem which will become more and more critical, and it will be affected by the high oil prices.
If Russia will move toward Middle East , it will be capable to maintain the Eastern Ukraine?
Russia will be so involved in Middle East conflict that it will consume its resources and make a draw in Ukraine?
Or the turmoil in Middle East will affect Kiev backers and Ukraine wil remain in the orbit of Moscow?
A chinese scholar, after the unification of China by Huang Di said that the rulers who are good at winning wars, cannot make a country prosper during peace time, because the wars are won using cruelty and wile, while a country prospers when it is kindness and rule of law.
Putin's clique is not good at making Russia prosperous, but they are good at war.
Europe on the other hand has a good political bureaucracy which administers well the resources but it is bad to at taking fast decisions during time of crisis. EU must reform itself if wants to survive.

luni, 7 septembrie 2015

The pirate Black Beard is back, under ISIS flag

Except the love for rum, is little difference between ISIS and a group of pirates.
They have a black flag,long beards and they spread terror.
Even the tactics are the same.
A pirate in order to conquer a Spanish fort, has taken some monks hostages, and forced them to carry the ladders to the wall, under the defenders rain of bullets.
The devout catholic fort defenders, had to choose either to shoot an holly man and losing their soul or risking their life, in a hand to hand combat with pirates on top of the wall.
I don't remember which was the result, but ISIS is using the same tactic, by threatening that will unleash 500000 emigrants to the European shores.
The Europeans will have to chose between their political ideals and the realistic measures.

miercuri, 2 septembrie 2015

Europe under siege

An old tactic used by Alexander the Great to conquer cities was to plunder the county around the fortified city and force the men from the county to take harbour in the city.
This extra population will exhaust the city food reserve and will force a fast capitulation.
Maybe these emigrants from Africa or from Middle East are routed into Europe, to weaken it for an incoming blow.
For sure ISIS chased a lot of refugees from their land, these refugees had to sell cheap their goods, then had to buy an expensive passage to Europe from organized crime which in turn can finance ISIS.
What it is interesting that in Europe, the Left is prepared to welcome these refugees. The Left usually is financed by Russia ex.Soviet Union.
The discourse is separated now, on TV you have the Left political views, in which we should welcome poor refugees, and on the internet we have images with mobs of muslims, devastating refugees camps in Hungary and images of terrorist hiding between refugees.
The Europe fears islamisation, and because of that it is not eager to receive refugees.
800000 of refugees to 80 millions Germans is nothing compared with 1000000 Syrian refugees to 8 million Jordanians.

joi, 30 iulie 2015


Creierul are o proprietate interesanta: acomodarea.
Cu cat ii prezinti mai mult un stimul cu atat raspunde mai putin la el.
Daca auzi zilnic zgomotul masinii, dupa un timp nu il mai bagi in seama.

Daca toata viata ai trait printre hoti sau poate ai furat si tu, nu te mai impresioneaza faptul ca altii fura.

Pe vremea lui Ceausescu putini erau cei care nu furau din avutul public.

Oamenii care au trait atunci s-au acomodat la o realitate in care furatul era un mod de viata, asa ca nu e de mirare ca n-au nici o greata in a vota niste hoti.

Din fericire noua generatie nu este acomodata la rele ca vechea generatie.
Din pacate noua generatie e din ce in ce mai firava, iar populatia este imbatranita.

Imbatranita in rele.

joi, 2 iulie 2015

Arithmetike and Oikonomia, 2 greek sciences that were forgotten

All kind of leftist are complaining that IMF imposed austerity measures on greek people, and IMF is to blame for all what happened bad in Greece.
Like the contemporary Greek politicians, the Roman emperors overspend. The result was that they were either killed by rioting legions or by the barbars.
Luckly for greeks now they have IMF and international finance, that have no desire to kill their men and enslave their women and children like in greek antiquity. All they want the public utilities and banks against some loans.
If you spend more than your means you will end badly, regardless of economic system.
It is Arithmetike science of counting,that tells you that the revenues must be greater than expenses.
Now Tzipras must use Oikonomia the old science of household management to increase revenues, and reduce expenses.

If Greece wants to break the financial dependence, it must create it's currency.
But the trick is that drahma has competition from other currencies.
The success of nations has reached a level in which interstate competition undermines weaker states, leading them to dissappearence.
The western states by better life quality attracts young Romanians who are leaving the country weakening it.
Euro by its stability and power, undermines any regional concurrent.
If drahma wants to succeed it must be a better currency than euro.
In times of crisis the gold is sought.
What more stable than a currency backed up by gold reserves?
Let's see how much currency can cover the Greek gold reserves.
Greece has 112.5 tonnes of gold (112500 kg) at price of 33700 euro/kg this means 3.79125 billion euro. The GDP from 2012 224.8 billion Euros so the a currency backed only by gold cannot sustain the economy.
It cannot sustain even the yearly expenditure of 122 billion euro (2012 data).
Greece will be volens nolens in Euro zone.If the state will give up euro, the citizens will use it instead of drahma.
Greece doesn't have alternatives.
(Mister Tzipras bluffing when the opposing party has all the aces is not an alternative)
The only path of Greece is to stay in euro, repair its budget , while it encourages investments in new domains, with big added value.

marți, 9 iunie 2015

So what?

This is the attitude of the parliament and Prime Minister regarding the accuses of undermining the state institutions.
Historically the Right ( the bourgeoisie) used the army and the police to crush opposition and the Left (the communists and socialists) used the strikes,the meetings and the popular uprising to accede to power.
Now in Romania the Left is controlling the Parliament and it is building a wall around prime minister Ponta against justice enquiry and it has the control of the army and the police. Add to this the loyalty of unions and support of some business men, and you see the might of their power.

The PNL must change their tactics if they want to win the power.

When PSD was in opposition and president Basescu had to leave, they mobilized very quickly a large mass of people. PNL it is far from doing this. What happened in November 2014 was the effort of the people and of some guys from secret services, not PNL's. PNL cannot mobilize large masses on the streets.

In a true democracy the people would fill the streets and ask for Ponta's resignation. But because the streets are empty, PSD can ignore the indignation of the people and of the Western allies, and delay Ponta visit to prison.

duminică, 31 mai 2015

Movie review: Woman in gold

Before I went to this movie, I was thinking about a case when 3 Christians were excommunicated because they opposed of sending their priest to a monastery. This is the first excommunication in Romanian Orthodox Church since Middle Age.
The problem with group rejection is that you are left alone without its support and resources, and maybe you are attacked by your former group. In Middle Age it could be very bad for them. (If they were Catholics living in Western Europe maybe they could be burn to the steak.)

Sometimes the groups define themselves as in opposition to the others. Think about football supporters: the supporters of Steaua are define themselves as  enemies of the Dinamo supporters.
And because in the groups it exists a tension this tensions can be relieved by an attack to an another group.

In a high polarized society where the power of groups is not balanced this leads to violence.
In "Woman in gold" movie , Nazi's decide that the Jews are not longer Austrians and they decide to exterminate them. Excluded from the large group of Austrians and without a police force to protect them, the Jews are a live bait for all kind of looters and for all kind of sadist who love unleash their hatred on the weakest one.
The facts from 1938 Austria will happen in Romania in 1947 when communist took power with help of Soviet Union, the great fighter against fascism.
People will be chased and thrown in prison, fortunes and art confiscated. Art will be considered decadent.
Minorities will persecuted.
Profiteers will pray on the widow and the orphan.
Social climbers will lick the boots of the new masters.

Using the true story of recovery the "Adele Bauer Bloch" portrait from the Austrian government, the director Simon Curtis describes the fight of an old Holocaust survivor Maria Altmann with her inside demons.
The family of Maria Altmann was a rich, well integrated jewish family in Vienna, who was thinking that were Austrian. This till Nazi's came and deny their identity, put them the label of jews, inferior race, looted their house and leave them at the mercy of criminals.
During the looting the portrait of Maria's aunt, Adele Bauer Bloch was confiscated and put in Belvedere gallery under the name of "Woman in gold".
Finding the some letters from her deceased sister, Maria decides to fight for the identity of her aunt and she reclaims the painting.
She and a nephew lawyer aided by a son of a Nazi, battle the arrogant bureaucrats of the Austrian government, who as their Romanian counterparts put all kind of paper barriers in front of the ones that claim their rights.
Because it is an american movie and not a real Romanian trial, Maria Altmann wins the trial and sells the painting to a New York gallery for 135 millions. She donated all the money.

This movie made me think:
What is your identity? What you think about yourself (Maria thought that she was Austrian)
Or the label that others stick on you? (Austrians and Nazi's thought that she was a Jew)

How can you stop someone to deny your identity?
Of course a system in which your identity is determined arbitrary (church,communism,fascism) is bad.
If your identity is determined by the majority of population, it is also bad, think about the discrimination against afro-americans and irish emigrants in USA.
Maybe the identity should be determined by a law that guarantees equal rights to all born in same country. Then all will assume that identity and nobody will deny it. 

sâmbătă, 9 mai 2015

Why Eastern Europe shouldn't celebrate 9 may

In a speech given in Red Square with the occasion of 70 celebration of the Great Victory against fascism in the Great War for defence of  motherland, Putin thanked the French,British and American people for their war effort.I think France,Britain,Belgium,Holland,Finland,Sweden,Norway,Greece,Turkey and maybe Italy and Switzerland should thank Hitler and to German army that they cripple Stalin's war machine, and their citizens were not sent in Siberia, and they could continue to live free, and forget about the Nazi atrocities.
Here in Eastern Europe, we had to live another 50 years of terror and economic disaster.
If in the West Nazi victims are vindicated somehow, at least symbolically, the same didn't happened with communist victims.
Maybe because the victors were communists?
Maybe because you don't know who is victim and who is executioner ? Like in Pitești experiment in which prisoners were tortured to torture other prisoners?
As Hitler portrait and swastika is banned on public display, also Stalin portrait and the hammer and sickle should be banned.
The fate of East European was to suffer a tyranny.
Their executioners are dead and we cannot make justice any more, but we can make a damnatio memorie, to condemn the memory of Stalin and of his henchmen.

vineri, 1 mai 2015

Fraiele sunt tinute de calaret

Basescu la B1 a declarat ca pana sa vina el politica a calarit justitia si acum era revoltat ca justitia a ajuns sa calareasca politicul.
Se pare ca fostului presedinte nu-i place ca a fost aruncat din sa.
Sa zicem ca are dreptate ca toti judecatorii sunt corupti si dau numai verdicte proaste. Deci daca un judecator lucreaza 365 zile pe an, la 8 cazuri zilnic, nenoroceste vietile a 2920 de oameni pe an.
Intr-un an un presedinte sau un premier pot nenoroci 19 milioane de oameni si ale generatiilor ce vin.
Un judecator are un rol pasiv, aplica sau nu o lege. Nu poate sa trimita pe urmele amantei sale politia locala, precum primarul Iasului Gheorghe Nichita.
(Apropo de cazul Nichita: la inceput s-a vorbit de faptul ca isi spiona rivalii politici, acum a aparut ca avea o amanta pe care o spiona. Se poate ca amanta sa fi aparut pentru a justifica divortul de sotie si ca averea sa nu fie confiscata?)
Judecatorul nu dispune de un buget pe care sa-l fure, poate sa ia spaga de la particulari, dar nu poate fura direct de la vaduve si orfani, cum poate politicianul.
Politicianul este sanctionat odata la 4 ani si atunci poate sa scape nepedepsit prin controlul mass-media
Politicianul are mai multa putere de aceea trebuie sa fie tinut in frau de justitie.Iar fraiele se tin de calaret

duminică, 26 aprilie 2015

Video chat with deputies and senators

Some of deputies and senators from Romanian Parliament are not satisfied with their salaries. (One lady parliamentarian said that her salary of 1000 euro's wasn't enough to pay her hairdresser)
Another one from UNPR said that parliamentarians deserve a bigger pension because of the pressure of the public scorn. He said the he felt humiliated by the opinion of the population regarding the Parliament.
I think that I found a solution that will give parliamentarians more money and more satisfactions to he people who elected them:
Paid chat rooms with politicians.
If the girls get paid to be humiliated in internet chat rooms why not politicians?
They will get a bigger salary without an expense on the budget, we get the satisfaction to pay back the humiliation, that the ruling class is inflicting on the people.

Cum isi da cu stangul in dreptul statul roman in chestiunea bacsisului

M-am grabit sa-i dau nota 2  lui Gheorghe Ialomitianu, asa ca actualului ministru de finante Eugen Teodorovici nu-mi ramane decat sa dau -2 pentru ideea cu impozitarea bacsisului.
Da, niste oameni castigau niste bani, pe care nu plateau taxe si impozite la stat. Dar cine erau acei oameni? Nu erau oare tinerii pe care statul se chinuie sa-i angajeze, prin facilitati acordate angajatorilor?
In locul statului care ar fi trebuit sa dea facilitati angajatorului pentru angajarea tinerilor,clientul subventiona locul de munca al tanarului si culmea subventia se ducea la cei mai buni.
Tinerii nu consuma bani de la asigurarile de sanatate asa ca nu vad de ce ar plati la fel cand au intre 18 si 25 de ani, sunt sanatosi si nu au bani.

Dar statul trebuie sa stie tot si sa controleze tot in cel mai pur stil comunist, e invatat de pe vremea fanariotilor sa ia si sa nu dea nimic inapoi.

Eu vad  3 variante de dezvoltare a problemei:
1.remane bacsisul ca pana acum. Dar prinr-o spaga se va rezolva treaba
2.ospatarii renunta la bacsis deoarec trebuie sa faca o gramada de acte finaciare, serviciile vor fi proaste
3.patroni le maresc salariile, dar ospatarii nu mai iau bacsis ceea ce va duce la decaderea serviciilor
Doar in varianta 3 statul va catiga niste bani.

duminică, 19 aprilie 2015

Raspuns domnului Ialomitianu

Nu credeam ca ma citeste cineva :)
Scuze pentru tonul emotional, dar daca pe net nu poti spune adevarul tau atunci unde?

Pana la loterie, bonurile ma incurcau asa ca nu ma oboseam sa le cer, dar acum colectez bonuri de peste tot, in plus observ ca din ce in ce mai multe magazine dau bonuri. Eu cred ca loteria bonurilor a reusit sa faca oamenii sa se conformeze.
Depinde de oameni daca vor sa isi valorifice sansele la loterie sau nu. Daca nu o vor face ei o vor face altii. Daca loteria va continua si mai multi oameni vor participa, problema cu cei care colectioneaza bonuri va fi rezolvata.
Faptul ca unii agenti comerciali nu au case de marcat, este o abatere grava si usor de depistat, de ce organele care ar trebui sa depisteze asta nu o fac? Sunt prea putini functionari? Stau prea mult in birou? Sau sunt protejati agentii economici evazionisti?
Problema este ca organele de control financiar nu sunt impartiale, unii nu sunt vizitati cu anii, in timp ce altora le este inchis magazinul pentru 5 lei in gestiune.
Tare as vrea sa vad partidul care va lasa ANAF-ul sa-i verifice sustinatorii financiari.
Modul in care este construit statul, de sus in jos duce la abuzuri de genul ca pentru 50 lei in plus in casa cineva a platit 10000 lei amenda.
Va dau un exemplu: la politia rutiera dintr-un oras s-a impus de sus sa se ridice 10 carnete de conducere pe zi. Care este scopul? Imbunatatirea treficului? Daca scopul politistilor este sa ia carnete, de ce sa imbunatateasca traficul?
Poate si la ANAF li s-au dat tinte de amenzi si s-au apucat cu spor de impartit amenzi in stanga si dreapta. Daca  scopul functionarului devine sa dea amenzi,de ce sa se oboseasca sa faca sistemul mai clar si predictibil?
Un prieten a platit degeaba niste taxe,din greseala unui functionar.Greseala recunoscuta si de functionar si de seful sau. Prietenul meu s-a lasat pagubas, deoarece sistemul de recuperare era complicat si indelungat.(Interesant pentru o suma de 100 lei a trebuit sa faca audienta la director, deoarece functionarii de pe nivelele inferioare nu puteau sa o rezolve. Legile si regulamentele clare si aplicate unitar creaza un cadru in care functionarii nu se tem sa ia hotarari in mod individual).

Domnule Ialomitianu nu sunt in masura sa judec cum ati condus ministerul de finante, nemultumirea mea este referitor la solutia prezentata de dvs, nu intotdeauna avem cele mai bune solutii, dar cred ca politicienii ar trebui sa gandeasca de 2 ori si sa actioneze o data.
Am sa-mi prezint mai jos parerea de cum trebuie reformata administratia, este o parere profana, deoarece nu am experienta in administratie si nici studii in domeniu.

Cred ca scopul ministerului de finante este sa se asigure ca toti platesc aceleasi taxe, in mod corect si printr-o procedura transparenta si usoara.
Amenda este o metoda prin care se poate obtine conformarea oamenilor la plata, nu un scop in sine.

Problema in Romania nu o vad ca fiind taxele in sine, cat administrarea lor de la colectare pana la cheltuire. Administratia ar trebui sa ajute cetateanul, nu sa-l puna sa lucreze pentru ea. Cred ca un prim pas ar trebui sa nu se mai dea tinte punctuale, gen retineti 10 carnete pe zi, aduceti N milioane de lei la buget, ci tinte mai generale gen "asigurati-va ca toata lumea respecta aceleasi reguli, si ajutatii sa le respecte". Acest lucru nu costa un leu.
Tintele desi sunt generale pot fi masurate si verificate.
Cum verifici ca toata lumea respecta aceleasi reguli? Fiecare agent economic trebuie verificat o data pe an , de inspectori diferiti. Ar trebui sa se realizeze niste profile de evazionisti: gen daca firma nu are profit,si un numar mic de angajati.Asa cum politia ii urmareste pe cei care spala bani, asa ar trebui sa faca si fiscul.
Cum ii ajuti oamenii sa respecte regulile? Colectezi parerile oamenior despre serviciul prin e-mail, posta, sondaje de opinie, pui niste oameni respunzatori cu colectarea si analiza, si apoi numesti altii sa implementeze, si apoi verifici implementarea si rezultatele. Firmele au oameni care fac sondaje de piata de ce sa nu aiba si administratia? Ar fi mai utile decat sondajele de opinie electorale.

Uneori pentru a imbunatati serviciul cu cetatenii trebuie doar sa pui niste indicatoare sau sa reorganizezi niste birouri.Degeaba castigi electorat prin reduceri de taxe daca il pierzi deoarece un director lenes, nu s-a obosit sa usureze viata cetatenilor si ei trebuie sa stea a coada sau sunt plimbati la birouri.
Sunt corporatii care au 1000000 de angajati si operatiuni pe tot globul, de ce ele pot functiona bine, si statul nu poate? Statul nu poate prelua unele din metodele lor pentru a imbunatati administratia?
Odata cu intrarea in UE statul roman a ajuns sa concureze cu celelalte tari pentru mentinerea fortei de munca calificata.
Nu ar fi bine sa copie ceva de la corporatii pentru a juca in acest mediu competitiv?

luni, 6 aprilie 2015

Lenea functionarimii

Guvernul Ponta vrea sa reduca TVA-ul la 20% in loc sa reduca TVA la alimente la 9%, deoarece este greu de calculat.
Taxele au si scopul de a rationaliza consumul, de aceasta tigarile,cafeaua si alcoolul sunt suprataxate.
9% la alimente ar fi ajutat saracii, un electorat de stanga favorabil PSD.
Asta nu e nimic nou, fiscul prefera sa urmareasca pestii mici deoarece faptele lor marunte sunt mai usor de dovedit, in timp ce rechinii cu conturi off-shore scapa.
Nu e nimic nou: Varujan Pambuccian cand s-a dus cu propunerea de reducere a impozitului pentru informaticieni la 5%, fiscul a spus ca mai bine reduc la 0%, deoarece este mai usor de calculat.

duminică, 5 aprilie 2015

Soviet Union client states in Mediteranean: yesterday it was Egypt,now is Greece

In the '50 the Egyptian president Abdel Nasser, was supported heavily by russians, with armament and finance. But despite of the armament sent by Soviet Union and despite of soviet training and of the pilot sent by Warsaw pact, Egypt lost the 6 day war in 1967.
50 years after, the ally of Soviet Union: Egypt is lagging economically behind the America's ally: Israel and Russia lost a key ally in region.
Why Russia has lost it's influence in Egypt?
In my opinion Soviet Union supported an ally which cannot sustained itself. The Egyptians had more weapons more territory but lost twice the Sinai peninsula, the cause it is obvious: bad military leadership. And if the military leadership is weak, you can imagine how it is the civil one.
Greece has also a leadership problem, and it seems that cannot sustain itself economically, and like the Egypt in the '50, when if they didn't received money from the West they headed East.
It is good that prime minister Tsipras help Putin to spend some money, in something else that weapons.

joi, 2 aprilie 2015

Movie review: Aferim un western romanesc

Am vazut filmul Aferim de Radu Jude. Pe scurt un zapciu (un politist al anului 1835) impreuna cu fiul sau pleaca in urmarirea unui tigan fugar.
E un soi de western romanesc, in care se prezinta in sectiune societatea romaneasca din sec.XIX.
Dar spre deosebire de westernul american in care eroii principali sunt in afara legii, zapciul si fiul sau sunt uneltele carmuirii in aplicarea legii.
Daca in westernul american conflictul este deschis si taberele clar definite, aici taberele nu sunt clar definite iar in relatii cu cei puternici, cei slabi folosesc minciuna si ipocrizia.(Tiganul fugise pentru se incurcase cu boieroaica, iar boierul aflase.Zapciul o critica in particular pe boieroaica dar ii saruta picioarele si ii arata respec cand o intalneste, Taranul care-l ascunsese pe rob il minte zapciu, zapciul il minte pe turc in privinta directiei de mers. Boieroaica il minte pe boier.)
Fiind un film romanesc micile fapte de coruptie nu lipsesc:
Zapciul il plateste un altul pentru ai spune unde este robul si a-l lua.
Ajuns la casa taranului mai gaseste un tiganus care fugise de la alta mosie, si pe care in loc sa-l duca inapoi la proprietarul sadic care-l va omori, il vinde in targ pe cateva mahmudele.(Alberto Dinache este foarte bun in rolul tiganusului Tintiric, nu am vazut un copil sa joace asa bine)
Boierul hotaraste sa o desparta pe sotia tiganului si sa o vanda, desi nu a avea voie.
Este o lume corupta si mincinoasa, in care personajele se mint pe ele: in final boierul le tine un discurs slugilor si robilor in care le reproseaza ca le da de mancare si imbracat si ei ii sunt nerecunoscatori. Zapciul spune catre fiul sau ca a fost un om drept si ca nu a batut pe nimeni fara sa merite, desi pe unde se putea mai ciupea si el, si nu se temea sa loveasca tiganii.
Protagonistii cred ca lumea asa a fost si asa va fi, ca barbatii aveau dreptul sa-si bata nevestele de la Adam si Eva. Dar primele semne de schimbare apar cu Ionita fiul zapciului, care se ntreaba daca nu e mai bine sa elibereze robul. In scena in care Zapciul si fiul sau trec prin balta, Ionita e uimit de frumusetea din jur, in schimb tatal sau trecut prin viata e insensibil la acest lucru vazand balta ca un obstacol intre el si banii pe care trebuie sa-i ia pe rob.
Westernul american este plin de oameni egali, iar cel care se ridica prin rautate asupra celorlalti este pedepsit,
In 'Aferim' straturile sociale sunt bine diferentiate boier,popa,zapciu,taran,rob, si in acest sens creste violenta si scade dreptatea. In secoul 19 doar cei cu bani si putere isi permiteau dreptatea.(Zapciul refuza sa gaseasca calul furat al unui taran, in timp ce pentru un rob fugit de la boier a mers pana in creierul muntilor),
In final ierarhia sociala este mentinuta: boierul ramane boier, boieroaica e trimisa la manastire, tiganul e castrat, zapciul isi vede de ale sale si spera ca Ionita sa ntre in armata si sa devina polcovnic.
Din pacate aceasta ierarhie se pastreaza si azi, parlamentari mana in mana cu afaceristi fraudeaza statul cu milioanele iar unora pentru 50 de lei in plus in casierie li se da amenda 10000lei. Chiar azi asistenta care supraveghea copiii la maternitatea Giulesti cand a pornit incendiul a primit 2 ani de inchisoare, in timp ce sefii ei care s-au ocupat de organizarea maternitatii au primit cate 6 luni cu suspendare.

duminică, 15 februarie 2015

How not to make a public reunion if you are threatened by terrorists

Today there were 2 attacks in Copenhagen and one of them was against a reunion regarding free speech. At the reunion attended a Swedish cartoonist targeted before by terrorists.
It was expected that terrorist will attack.
Yet the reunion was held in a space with a huge glass window to the street.
An invitation for someone to come and spray bullets.
They couldn't find a more concealed place? Or a a room at a higher floor?
My condolences to the victims.

vineri, 13 februarie 2015

Some black swans can be predicted and prevented

I read the book of Nicholas Taleb 'The black swan', and I was thinking of stability.
There are 3 types of systems: with negative feed-back, open loop and with positive feed-back.
A system with negative feed-back it is the regulation of blood sugar. If the glucose concentration in blood exceeds a certain threshold, then the pancreas produces insulin and glucose level decreases.
If the glucose level decreases then glucagon hormone it is produced, and glucose level rises.
A negative feedback system tries to cancel the perturbations.
If the person have diabetes the regulation it is not possible and the disturbances like eating sugar, are not cancelled. In this case the system it is in open loop.
The system with positive feedback are not natural because they are unstable.
For example a nuclear  fusion it is a positive feed back system: 4 neutron from fission of a nuclei trigger fission of another 4  nuclei, which produce 16 neutrons, which trigger fission of another 16, and so on, till the whole uranium is consumed.
Another system with positive feedback loop it is the stock exchange: some wise guys are buying some shares.The price of shares rise, others are noticing the rise and they are buying increasing the price. The price increase attracts other buyers till the buyers pool is exhausted and the share crashes.

The most dangerous positive feedback system it is the arms race. Russians are scared that USA will dominate them military, and boost the armament spending, USA feels threatened by this and boost also its military spending, which triggers another increase in Russia's arms spending. Till one cannot keep the pace of arms race it is scared that will lose and attacks first.

I think that t the open loop  and positive feedback systems are producing the black swans.Their behaviour is similar to black swan appearance.

Nicolas Taleb says that are 2 regions Mediocristan and Extremistan.
In Mediocristan everything it is averaged, for example the weight of the population or the number of the patients treated by a doctor. In Mediocristan the systems are with negative feedback or in worst case open loop.
A man with 1000 kg it is not able to survive because the cardiovascular system doesn't allow it. So the cardiovascular system it is negative feed back system which limits the weight of a person.
In Extremistan we don't have such limits, the are few limits for the personal fortune, or for the number of readers for a book. A rich man will be richer, till he makes some bad decisions and losses his fortune.

In Extremistan we have positive feedback loops. Some loops are positive some are negative.

If you are in a positive feedback system expect to a black swan.

How we can stabilise the positive feedback system to prevent black swans?

We can search answers from nature, or we can look how people have dealt with positive feedback loops, after all we use nuclear power, and we have avoided some nuclear wars.

In nature the main positive feedback loop it is population growth, and for this nature has predators. You have a population that grows exponentially develop a population of predators that grows also exponentially.
Every predator uses it's own information and decision to control the target population.
The control is decentralized.

Engineers have found solution to control the fission chain reactions, using pumps to pump water for cooling reactors, for using graphite rods to absorb the neutrons. The positive feedback system was embedded in a negative feedback system.
In this case they used information from the process and energy from outside to control the variables of the process.

The nuclear war was prevented because it was mutual destruction assured , or there were negotiations who calmed things, or war effort was too much for economy, and the leaders of URSS and USA had to begin disarmament talks.
What we have here is negative feedback (mutual destruction,economy) and sharing of information. Information came from outside of the systems (via espionage,diplomacy) or from the inside (economic performance) but control it is within the system. URSS had better control but lower inside information.

Why we cannot stabilize the economy and prevent crashes?
The market is made of actors that don't share information because it is not in their interest.
The market it is not controlled by an outside force (this is against the principle of market economy) to stabilise it and all the actors have a limited impact.
Similar to elections the feed back comes late, and it is paid by others (see the bailout of banks in US). The difference is that in elections you see the big picture: after 4 years you want to have prosperity, or you don't want a certain politician in office,so you are deciding on the long run.
In market you are interested only in you,and the yearly balance sheet and you don't see the big picture.
For example the tobacco companies who now fight hard against electronic cigarettes: they thought only to their interest,only to their balance sheet, they didn't thought to their consumers, that they must provide them a healthier way to smoke.

duminică, 8 februarie 2015

From Yalta to Moscow

In 1945 at Yalta conference Stalin,Churchill and Roosevelt, split the influence in Europe.
The eastern European goverments were not involved.
Now Merkel and Hollande went to Moscow to decide the fate of Ukraine without Poroshceko.
Again the fate of the eastern Europe will be changed without the subject of this change to be asked.
So for sure, if it will be peace, Ukraine will lose sovereignty over some territory.
Maybe the Ukraine will become a federal state, with more autonomy for republics.
If Ukraine will have a federal parliament then the representative from eastern Ukraine will challenge pro western initiatives.
What it will be their leverage?
Many people fled the zone so the population density will be low in case of new election and they gain few seats. The political leverage will be low.
Prior the conflict the Donbas the Ukraine industrial heartland  was heavily subsidized. , now it is in ruin, so the economic leverage is low.
The only leverage that they have it is military and this is limited by the Russian support, the western support for Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian army strength.
Russia supports the separatist because:
1.they need a corridor to Crimea through Mariupol,
2.they want to disrupt a pro western government in Ukraine
3.they want to send a warning to all neighbouring republics who want to leave Russian side.Message was received but the reaction will contrary of what Putin wants. Belarus,Armenia are trying to find a back-up solution in case of losing russian support.

Regarding disruption: Putin has made the maximum harm to the Ukrainian government, if he continues like this it will be a waste of resources. Ukrainian's have a civil war, their economy collapsed, and only the threat of the war keeps the government in power. only a nuclear attack or a full invasion will do more harm.

I think solving the Crimean problem will solve the Donbas problem.

I see 4 scenario's for Crimea:

1. a correct referendum organised by UN, in which population to answer what country to join,
2. a UN backed referendum for independence.
3. Crimea to be a federal state within a Ukrainian federation, with the risk of falling into Moscow influence.
4.Crimea to become like northern Cyprus a peaceful frozen conflict

On the long term the Putin system will fail, and eventually they will have internal troubles in Russia, and Crimea will be the last of their concerns. Even if Russia will win in all 4 scenario's it won't matter.
The worst for Crimea will be if they will be incorporated in Russia and they will share it's fate.

Why the Putin system will fail?
Putin it is mortal, and the actual paranoid system from Russia selects only loyal people not competent people.
Similar decaying imperial powers like Ottoman Empire and Portugal survived because they were propped up by emerging powers such as Great Britain and France.
But finally France and Great Britain split the Ottoman empire when they saw an opportunity after world war 1.
Now the only support for Russia is China. India, a traditional ally of Russia is leaning towards US.
Only nuclear weapons are stopping China to take over the Eastern Siberia, with its resources.
I don't think the Chinese will take a military action in Eastern Siberia, but they will use their leverage to gain economical control over the region and take what they want: cheaper natural gas, cheaper minerals,oil,timber. 
They will replicate in Eastern Russia what the western powers have done in China till mid XX century: the emperor from Beijing was the nominal ruler, but in reality warlords and foreign powers controlled country.

The Eastern Siberia will be so economically connected to China, that the Moscow rule won't matter.
And if Moscow will try to reassert control, the eastern regions will will declare their independence Donbas style, with military help of China.
It is not he first time when a pocket full of money beats inner patriotism.

marți, 20 ianuarie 2015

Ramzan Kadirov the trojan horse of Putin in islamic world?

Ramzan Kadirov is the president of Chechnya by the grace of Vladimir Putin.
The Boston bombers were from Chechnya, now in Paris attacks some Chechens were involved.
In  Chechnya it seems that they are 2 types of fighters, those who want Russia out and Kadirov dead, and those who work for Russia and Kadirov, and swell the ranks of separatist in Ukraine.

Why someone who hate Russia will attack Western countries who offered refuge and help for Chechens?
The manifestation from today from Groznii it is strange: it is too well organized, it is like a communist manifestation but with Islamic ideology.
What Kadirov wants?
To prepare the population for the case when it is discovered that he helped the Paris attacks?
To gain influence in Islamic world?
I wonder how many Chechens are fighting in ISIS.
Whatever he is doing I think it is approved by Kremlin.

duminică, 18 ianuarie 2015

The anarchism is the fifth column in Europe? But for who?

In Russian Civil War the White Army lost south of Ukraine because of Nestor Mahno, the anarchist ally of the Bolshevik Red army.
After the his victory over the Whites the Reds destroyed Mahno's army and Nestor Mahno fled the country.
Nestor Mahno was popular because he shared the land to the peasantry and he fought against tyranny, yet his aid for the Reds brought the most awful dictatorship on peasantry, and they lost their land forever.
The Charlie Hebdo's team was considered anarchist an communist, but I wonder if their attack on religion doesn't help the new totalitarianism: the Islamic fundamentalism?
In France and in Europe we have a divided majority of free thinkers and on the other side we have an well organized minority: the Islamic fundamentalists.
In Russia in Civil war we had divided majority of tsarist, liberals,anarchist, socialist, peasants and a united and well organized minority of Bolsheviks.
The fight between Muslims and Europeans helps Russia, because if Saudi Arabia rises the price of oil, the budget of Russia rises.
Because of that Obama wasn't present.
I wonder if it isn't the hand of Russia in this issue, we have American-Zionist conspiracies we crave for one from Russia.
Also the events from Paris endanger the support of Europe and especially of France for Palestine.

marți, 13 ianuarie 2015

Le ministre de l' ínterieur et le premier ministre doit demissioner

En Etats Unis ou tu peut acheter un fusil a la magasin, les teroristes on du utiliser des couteaux ou explosifs pour faire des atentats.
En France ou le regime des armes de feu est plus stricte, les terroristes etait bien utiles, ils avait du Kalaschnikov, du lanceur du grenades,et plein des munitions. Et s' agissait des personnes conues par la police.
La police a eu chance parce un des teroristes a perdu son carte de identite,autrement les teroristes pouvait etre libre encore 24h.
Monsieur ministre de l'interieur ne avez pas fait votre boulot.
Monsieur prime ministre parce en avant vous avez ete ministre de l' interieur vous etes coupable aussi.
Monsieur Sarkozy avait raison, on doit fermer notres frontiers.
Je veux que Roumanie ferme ses frontiers.
Je ne veux pas que les terroristes venues de France de faire des attentats en Roumanie.

sâmbătă, 10 ianuarie 2015

Types of conflict

There are 2 types of conflict: 1) constructive: when people compete to give the best solution or to give the best arguments for their ideas.
2) personal conflicts
First type of conflict generates novel solutions for the problems, the second type of conflict generates hate, war and destruction.
By our attitudes we can determine what type of conflict we will have.
Because the recent incidents from Paris made me think to types of conflicts, I will take as example the conflict between an atheist and a religious man.
The atheist despise the religious man rationality.
The religious despise the arrogance of the know all atheist.
Because of their views they are in conflict.
If the atheist says to the religious man "You are stupid because you worship a god which doesn't exists" then he will provoke the rage of the former, and he will create a personal conflict.
But if the atheist will ask the religious man "Why are you worshipping something that you don't see?"  he will create a conflict of opinions, which is beneficial for both.
The atheist might get some interesting questions. He might find out that in the practice of religion gives psychological soothing, that creates communities who help each other.
The religious man, may wonder if some of the rituals of his religion made sense.
It is conflict between West and Islam. No doubt. But we can make this conflict personal or constructive.

 In this conflict it is supposed that the West is more enlightened. So why the media from West  makes money by feeding with stereotypes a population that is more and more anti-emigration?
I didn't watched how the press from France treated the Arabs, but it seems that for a while Romanians were targets of the hate campaign from french press.
Someone said the arrow of truth should be covered with sweetness of a joke.
A joke it is when both parties are laughing.
I don't think a Christian laughed at these images published by Charlie Hebdo. What message they wanted to transmit? That they can slander anyone?
I cannot say "Je suis Charlie" because they belonged to a type of press that slandered and provoked personal conflicts for gaining money. They pissed on the beliefs of people. They didn't deserved to die.The duels for honour are gone in Europe.

In 1859 when the politician Ion Bratianu requested help from Napoleon III for unification of Moldova and Walachia in Romania, he said:
"Romania will be always your ally, Our harbours will be your harbours, our army will be your army".
In 1916 despite that we had a german king, we sided with France. Someone even said: "If Romania perishes it perishes a small country, if France perishes a civilisation is dying"
After the world war I, we gave France, Brancusi,Enescu, Eugen Ionescu,Mircea Eliade,Emil Cioran.
Even in communist times we had cordial relations with France. Till recent years the first foreign language taught in Romanian schools was French.
To destroy this century old friendship it was necessary a handful of beggars, some idiotic politicians and especially a slandering press.

miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2015

The attackers from Charlie Hebdo were trained military experts

According to a man from military invited at television, the attackers were military trained.
Their shooting was very accurate and grouped.
They moved at ease in a formation similar with one of special forces.
Anyone can see that they were not shy to leave their car and shoot the police officers.
Maybe a less trained and a less experienced attacker would hide behind the car, or he would spray with bullets.
So there were not a lone wolfs, some islamists from France upset from the insults of Charlie Hebdo, who bought some pistols and attacked randomly people in the newspaper headquarters.
These people were professionals who received intelligence from other conspirators .
(They missed first time the address, this means that they didn't made themselves the surveillance, so there were also other conspirators who gathered information)
They swiftly  executed their plan and escaped, maybe toward some harbour, to leave the country a board of a ship.
It was a conspiracy who used spies,cars and houses from the French Muslim community.
This is more interesting to investigate.
I wonder how this was not detected by France intelligence.

How to defend a journal against armed fanatics

Today I found out about the murder of 12 people and injuring of other 11, in the attack against 'Charlie Hebdo' headquarters.
What can you do against an unknown attacker?

a) you increase your defences: 
More guards, concrete walls, body checks etc. This is not possible for a small journal.

b) you go undercover:
Maybe the press from the free world could learn something from the editors of "Inspire", the magazine for jihadist. They succeed printing issues despite the fact they are hunted down by USA.
Now you can publish on internet a journal with total anonymity.
The people are not necessary to meet in an public headquarters for  creating a magazine, they can use Skype, and e-mail.
The orders to the printing press can be done via intermediaries.
The correspondence can be received via a mailbox.
Don't publish information that can physically lead to you.