vineri, 22 aprilie 2016

Eurovision: Romania's moment of silence

Romanian Television had for years debts to EBU the organizer of Eurovision.
Suddenly the EBU requests the 16 millions dollars debts or Romania will not be present. Romanian Television is bankrupt and it cannot pay.
This silenced the song "A moment of silence"of the artist Ovidiu Anton.
You will remark that the song is revolutionary and can inspire some people in France,UK,Germany,Belgium,Spain,Greece where the social tensions are increasing, and the political elite is losing ground.

marți, 19 aprilie 2016

Warning: sharks and terrorists

Acording to Russia Today the german news paper Bild, warn us that terrorists can attack people on italian or spanish beaches.
It seems that the terrorist will infiltrate as african salesmen, and put bombs on beaches, or they will shoot people as they did in Tunisia.
I think that the beaches can be defended, Israel has beaches and I didn't heard on any attack on the beach.
Anyway lets suppose the worst happens:
You are naked on the beach and a terrorist is aproaching you with a gun.
What you do?
Run in water and swim away underwater. The bullets lose their energy in a dense liquid as water. See the video

sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2016

Game of chicken

Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany bowed to the will Turk president Erdogan and allowed prosecution of comedian Jan Boehmermann for insulting the turkish president.
The Chancellor of Germany swerved aside last year when president Putin invaded Crimeea.
Angela Merkel is constantly avoiding conflict.
The base of the submission is conflict avoidance. The lions listen to the tamer's whip because they avoid conflict not because they are weak and the tamer strong.
We listen to our bosses not because they can beat us but because we want to avoid a conflict that can finish bad for us.
The human race it seems started as a matriarchy, Pharaoh's married their sister because the power was transmitted from mother to daughter. Some populations from remote Tibet and Tuareg from Sahara, are still ruled by matriarchs.
But now the patriarchy in the rule, even in most democratic countries, the politics is a boy's game, in which from time to time a brilliant woman has success.
The answer is in the Agela Merkel''s actions:
She is superior to Erdogan and Putin as education.( Erdogan was footbal player, Putin was a KGB officer, while she was a physics researcher.)
She is a better ruler than both. Germany didn't had internal unrest till the arrival of Syrian refugees. Turkey has problems with kurds. Russia with every nation that they occupied, mainly with muslims.
She stayed 11 years in power in a democracy where you cannot use force to intimidate opponents as in Russia, or close down newspaper and block youtube as in Turkey.
She is modest and doesn't have dreams of grandeur as Putin the Tzar of Soviet Union and Erdogan the Sultan of the new Turkish empire.
She is a leader of an economic power, in which citizens from both Turkey and Russia want to emigrate.
Yet, she makes concessions to both leaders.
Males play often the game of chicken. One classic case is when 2 men drive one toward each other in a collision course, and the one who swerves is "chicken" and lost status and respect of the spectators.
The best example is in movie "Rebel without a cause" with James Dean.
When 2 men compete the level of testosterone rises and the most rational thinker can be attracted in a deadly game.
Also in this game, being rational doesn't pay off. If you see a drunk men driving the other car, you will swerve, you cannot intimidate an irrational man.
The chicken game is game of guts, the most irrational and determined opponents wins.
Image now a chicken game between a man and a woman.
The man emboldened by testosterone, will forge ahead, while the woman thinking about future deadly consequences will swerve.
Angela Merkel swerved when Putin entered in Crimea because she thought at long term consequences on the German economy.
She swerved again,when Erdogan requested punishment for the German comedian, because she doesn't want to break relationship with ally that can keep millions of Syrians arriving in Germany.

History is a long list of wars, or chicken games between different groups.
Who swerved, or avoided a confrontation lost, not only that battle but also the future battles because they send the message that they do what ever it takes to avoid war, and they attracted other enemies who wanted their land and women.
Because women are tend to avoid conflict the most they swerved most and the matriarchy has lost ground in face of patriarchy.
The chicken game is fatal for both sides, and the only rational choice is to not playing it or both players to swerve.
If the women would ruled the empires from beginning of XX century we would not have WWI, because one of women leader would swerve, in that particular game of chicken.

The terrorism is a game of chicken between state and terrorists.
The terrorists as in a classic game of chicken show that they are irrational, (they behead hostages and destroy monuments) in hope that the government will swerve and make concessions.
The government must show it efficiency and ruthless, in order to discourage terrorist from taking action.

How to gain a game of chicken ?
Don't enter in a game of chicken. The game of chicken is a game of status. Go somewhere where the status is not important.
Make sure that the opponent that doesn't swerves gets a heavy loss if he wins.
For example: the Moldavian light cavalry in the Battle of Grunwald, run away in forest when they met Teutonic knights. The Teutonic knights believing that they won this "chicken game" they follow them in the forest were were butchered by hidden Moldavian forces.