vineri, 30 decembrie 2016

Types of inventions

There are 3 types of inventions:

1. Inventions that prolong our lifes: medicines, seat belt, armour vest etc
2.Inventions that help us to use time more efficient: transportation means (car,train,plane) computers, internet, mobile phones
3. Inventions that shorten our life: guns, drugs, different chemicals.

An invention can be in 2 categories:
For example a drug can be used as a medicine or as a poison, a car can help us use our time more efficient, but in same time making us sick.

It is rational to use a car for saving 1h of driving to work even we die 1 year earlier because of exhaust gases?

marți, 20 decembrie 2016

Qui prodest?

When you study history don't bother to search for causes because history is a collection of unwanted results.
The French revolution was started by the Louis XVI cousin, who wanted power.
The Russian revolution was supported by Russian nobility and bourgeois.
The Iranian Islamic revolution started because USA supported the shah.
And the list can go on and on.
Instead we must focus to on who profits? Qui prodest?

Yesterday we had 3 events:

1. Shooting of Russian ambassador to Ankara
2.Attack in Berlin with a truck
3.Shootings in a Islamic Center in Zurich

1. Shooting of Russian ambassador to Ankara
This benefits the enemies of Erdogan, from the interior and exterior. Erdogan it is seems to be a weak leader, unable to control the army and the police. Maybe the attack won't create a wedge between Russia and Turkey,but maybe Putin will consider other options than Erdogan.
The attacker was killed.

2.The attack in Berlin weakens the position of Merkel before elections, increases the hostility of German population towards the refugees from Middle East.
Very unlikely that German will meddle in Middle East by supporting anti-Assad opposition.
The attacker is still at large.

3. The shooting in Zurich could create hostility between Islamic world and Switzerland.
In Switzerland exists strong xenophobic movements, that can be provoked.
Interesting that the killer was a swiss of ghanese origin who was found later dead.

Whom has watched Macbeth can suppose that the killers were some tools that were disposed afterwards.

In case 2 and 3 the Russia profits, in case 1 Erdogan  and Russia's enemies .

marți, 15 noiembrie 2016

Why Donald Trump faults were ignored

I listen the following blog
which tries to understand why despite his faults Donald Trump has won.
The explanation is simple: when you wear a clean shirt, every spot is seen, when you wear a rag, the dirt is ignored.
If Obama would done the 10% of Donald Trump mistakes, he would be impeached.
But Trump has done so many outrageous things that 1 or 2 doesn't matter.

marți, 1 noiembrie 2016

Movie review: Inferno

Dan Brown earns money by making sacrileges and blasphemies. First he earned money on Christianity, when he wrote "The Da Vinci code", a book in which professor Langdon discovers a conspiracy that tries to hide the fact that Jesus Christ had a child with Mary Magdalene.
In book  "Angels and demons" a new conspiracy within Catholic Church brings a lot of cash for Dan Brown.
In "Inferno" the sacrilege is more secular: the desire of a elite to play the god.
The Italian cathedrals are used only as scenery, while professor Langdon is trying to foil a plot in which a billionaire is trying to trim the human population by 50%.
The director Ron Howard, has made the characters more deep, the "villains" are some smart people that want to save the world using an inhuman solution.The images of Langdon having hallucinations regarding the inferno are very creative and disgusting.
But as in other Dan Brown's book there are holes in the story.
If in the "Angels and demons" it was the antimatter. (It is very expensive and it is very hard to transport), in "Inferno" the biggest hole is the production of a deadly virus.
In order to produce a virus you need a lab, with specialists in microbiology and they will know what you try to do, and they will try to stop you and disclose the informations or they will try to protect their families by giving them a vaccine, which will rise questions.
Also the virus must be tested, on humans, this will increase the mortality rate of some population, and draw attention of medical authorities.
Zobrist the bad guy from "Inferno" would have a hard time to produce a virus without raising suspicions.
It would be simpler for him to buy some TV stations,news papers and some websites and promote via these media outlets that the vaccines are bad.
The simpletons would believe this they will not take their vaccine shots, and some different epidemics would  wipe them.
And the beauty of the plan is that he and his family would be alive because they are protected by common vaccines, and even if the plot would be discovered, he could be accused only of misinformation.

luni, 3 octombrie 2016

How to get sex when you are old

There is tonne of literature and the internet is full of advices about how to get layed. But it seems that the best method is to became a cult leader. Like this 61 years old guy from Targu Mures Romania who pretended to be in connection with Jesus (Cehov1 as he said it).
The story is old, it happened before with Guru Bivolaru, Jim Jones and other cults leaders
 and with same methods:
A nut or a crook in the best case, convince some people that he is "The chosen One" that he is in contact with Jesus,God or aliens and it has special powers.(In this case he convinced a women and her daughter.)
These people are influenced and isolated then they are sent to recruit other vulnerable persons. Like in our case some young female students from an art school.
They are isolated in a house, and required to do all kind of strange rituals that strengthen the cohesion of the group and help brainwash you.
(If you made dumb rituals like praying at midnight then you have made sex with the guru, you don't question your adherence to the group because you will realise that you were stupid.)

Isolated with a like minded group it is harder and harder to refuse requests from the cult leader.
Today he is requesting a small donation, tomorrow he will request to borrow money from bank and donate to the cult.
Today the cult leader will request a hug tomorrow he will request to make sex with him.
What pisses me off is that these tricks are old, and still people don't learn from it,even if the people are intelligent.
It seems that the cults prefer sane and intelligent people, to exploiting them.
An homeless schizophrenic person it is useless and even worse, it can be a threat for the leader, because its delusions can be a stronger than leader's.
Also a psychotic person is less manipulated by group.
In conclusion the leader of the group can be psychotic but its member they are not, they are just sheeps.

Here is a good link to cult psyhology:

sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2016

Cand va fi un miracol si pe malurile Dambovitei?

Am vazut recent un film de Clint Eastwood "Micracolul de pe raul Hudson" in care este prezentata povestea lui Chelsey "Sully" Sullenberger pilotul care a amerizat in 2009 cu un avion in fluviul Hudson fara ca nici unul din cei 155 de pasageri sa nu moara.
Pe 15 ianuarie 2009 motoarele avionului sau au fost lovite de un stol de rate, devenind inutilizabile.
Avionul plan deasupra NewYork-ului fara propulsie putand sa se prabuseasca peste cladirile din oras provocand un mic 9/11.
Din fericire Sully avea 40 de ani de experienta in pilotat avioane si a realizat o amerizare perfecta, in raul Hudson.
Dar problemele nu se sfarsisera: apa raului avea 2C iar temperatura aerului era de -20C, orice intarziere putea provoca moartea prin hipotermie a 2 pasageri care sarisera in apa si a vreo 3 bebelusi.
Aici a intervenit organizarea: paza de coasta si transportatorii fluviali s-au mobilizat au adus vase care i-au luat pe pasageri, le-au oferit paturi si bauturi calde si le-au acordat primul ajutor.
Scafandrii pazei de coasta au sarit in apa si au salvat pasagerii panicati ce sarisera in apa.
Capitanul Sully a fost esential, daca nu lua deciziile corecte si nu ameriza, probabil 155 de oameni erau morti dar daca serviciile de salvare nu functionau, nu supravietuiau toti.
Acum sa revenm la cutremurul de la ora 2am.
Daca ar fi fost un cutremur mai serios ce credeti ca s-ar fi intamplat?
Deoarece a fost un cutremur minor singurul efect negativ a fost ca tot soiul de destepti isi dau cu parerea despre cum trebuie sa mearga un sistem de urgenta.
Mandruta printre altii sustinea ca trebuie sa fie un punct central de comanda, in caz de dezastru.
Este un reflex infantil ca in situatii de urgenta sa te adresezi lui taticu.
Solutia cu un centru unuic de respuns nu e fezabila.
Sa zicem ca este un cutremur si sunt N cazuri  ce trebuie rezolvate,
Sa presupunem ca liniile de comunicatie nu sunt supraincarcate, iar cei de la centru pot localiza toate cazurile, in cazul acesta un singur grup trebuie are de rezolvat si de prioritizat N cazuri. Daca esti cazul numarul N e nasol.
In cazul unui cutremur drumurile sunt distruse, si ajutoarele nu pot ajunge la toate N cazurile.
In consecinta se pierde timp cu decizia si cu transmiterea ajutoarelor.
Fiecare caz sa se ajute pe cat posibil singur.
Asta inseamna:
-educarea la scoala si la servici in privinta tehnicilor de prim ajutor, asta s-ar putea face in cadrul orelor de biologie, care ar deveni obligatorii. Oare n-a fi bine sa dam la BAC in cadrul probei de biologie si teste de prim ajutor?
-stocarea de catre populatie de apa,hrana,medicamente, baterii si lanterne

Inspectoratul de situatii de urgenta ar trebui sa se ocupe de cazuri grave, si de refacerea drumurilor.

Partea buna cu Romania este ca oamenii au invatat sa se descurce singuri, partea proasta este ca in situatii de urgenta nu stiu decat sa improvizeze.
Pentru a trece la nivelul de profesionism sistemul de urgenta trebuie sa exerseze si sa invete din ce in ce mai mult, si trebuie implicata populatia, trecand peste aroganta unor structuri guvernamentale fata de civili.
Miracolul de pe malurile Dambovitei va fi cand in posturile cheie vor fi oameni competenti si cu experienta, iar structurile statului vor fi rodate si antrenate pentru a raspunde in situatii de urgenta.

duminică, 28 august 2016

Far left,far right,minorities and violence

The right ideology considers giving power to an elite (aristocrats,church,billionaires,officers, ethnic group). 
The elite is a minority, and in order to rule a majority which is excluded form the decision making process it must use the military force.
Wherever you see a far right dictatorship you see the military.
The left consider including all to the decision making, but because divergent interests it lacks unity . The worker and the billionaire seldom have common interests.
Without unity a far left government cannot be effective so everybody must be kept in line, everybody must have the economic and intellectual level, everybody must believe the same thing. So for this you have the Commissariat for the Safety of the People (KGB), Popular army/People Liberation Army and Propaganda Bureau, who by force or propaganda repress dissent.
Here also the military forces are used for repressing population, but they are branded as "popular".
Because of the left thinking that man is born as a blank slate which later is written by environment, I think the far left tries to indoctrinate more than far right.
Far right think that some belong to an inferior race and they must be handled violently if they don't obey.
I think that a correct political system should allow minorities to exist and to have access to decision making, because every one is a minority.
Europe is a minority in the world,Romania is a minority within EU, Bucharest is minority within Romania, and so on.
Sometimes minorities have divergent interests, sometimes they don't.A good leadership search for common interests with the minorities that it is leading.

luni, 25 iulie 2016

Criminals who are muslims

Many people consider as cause for last attack failure to integrate muslim population. The last attacks from Germany,Nisa,Paris,Bruxelles and London were done by petty criminals. None of them has a clean police record.
The  main problem I see is the spread of islam within criminal community, which can
organize criminals to do political acts.
Bolshevicks recruited criminals to overthrow governments, and to repress oposition, same thing happens with Daesh.
I think the authorities should focus on reducing criminality especially in Muslim communities.

duminică, 24 iulie 2016

Machiavelli and Erdogan

Machiavelli in his book "The Prince", advises to set as a temporary administrator of a new acquired state a ruthless man. This ruthless man will crush any opposition. After the opposition is crushed, the prince can dispose (kill/imprison him) of the ruthless administrator and he will be hailed as a good and kind ruler who saved the people from a blood thirsty tyranny.
I think Erdogan made the same think with ISIS.
He allowed them to thrive, by not stopping the trade with stolen oil and guns.Then he tried to enter in Syria and Irak, to save oppressed people and to be hailed as a saviour.
Maybe he is doing the same thing with the coup.
Crushing the coup can be seen as a gesture that he will defend the liberty of the people.
What I expect to see is that the Erdogan party to be armed to prevent further military coup, a kind of "Iranian Revolutionary Guard" a la Turque.

vineri, 24 iunie 2016

The Brexit is good for EU

The split of Great Britain from European Union can be a good thing for EU because it is creating a challenger for Bruxelles bureaucracy.
If till now the EU official were complacent and they thought that no country will split from the Union. Now they will have to prove that governance is better than national governance.
On the long term they had to reform themselves to survive.
But on the short term they will punish UK, in order to discourage other splits.
I am worry about Great Britain. If they didn't succeed to impose in a  500 millions inhabitants market, how they will succeed alone ?
Now they don't have any more British empire as a cushion.
Even Australia and Canada are orbiting around USA.
India is independent.
African countries are attracted by China.
Brexit remembers me about another British blunder: "Made in Germany" trade mark.
In the late XIX , early XX century, British industry was heavily competed by the German one.
In order to rally in the defence of the national industry, the patriotism of British subjects, the British government enacted the obligation of producers to imprint on their products the country of manufacturing. The side effect was that people were seeking now products "Made in Germany" without giving a second look at the products "Made in England",because they felt that they were of better quality,

The parochial thinking that led to Brexit is not new in Britain:
A Scottish woman who travelled in Romania at the end of XIX century noticed that english products were missing from Romanian stores, being replaced with French and German products.
The few clothes catalogue that arrived in Romania were in Imperial Units, making the ordering of the products impossible.
One Bulgarian importer of British agricultural machines, asked the producer to change the colour of its products from gray to more cheerful colours to make them more appealing to the customers. He was refused.
No wonder that the empire collapsed, in early XX century.

duminică, 19 iunie 2016

Educam copiii pentru prostie?

Niste elevi care se pregateau pentru BAC la istorie, m-au intrebat de ce a inceput al doilea razboi mondial. Ma intreb cat de prost pregatita este profesoara lor daca nu a stiut sa e explice lucru asta. M-am uitat pe ghidul lor care trebuia sa-i ajute la BAC: o colectie de date puse gramada care nu explica istoria. Wikipedia este de 100X mai buna.
Educatia romaneasca este orientata pentru trecut examane. Se dau niste examene, toate cartile sunt facute pentru a memeora niste date si a trece examenele.
Nu se explica si nu se urmareste ca elevul sa plece cu ceva util din liceu.
Suntem romani pentru ca avem o istorie comuna, daca tinerii uita istoria, natia dispare.
Neintelegand istoria, oamenii vor fi manipulati de orice fituica cu mare tiraj sau de orice site cu trafic mare.

duminică, 29 mai 2016

Valoarea unei natii sta in oamenii ei

Am auzit la TVR pledoaria lui Plesu pentru a da bani pentru a cumpara "Cumintenia Pamantului":
"Trebuie sa ne recumperam valorile".
Cat de valoroasa este statuia pentru un flamand,un analfabet, un bolnav care are nevoie de tratament, niste soldati care au nevoie de arme mai bune?
Valoarea este data de cerere si oferta si cultura nu face exceptie.
Valoare culturii a crescut in timpul dictaturii deoarece oferta era slaba.
In Romania cererea petru o astfel de statuie este mica.  Avem probleme mai grave de rezolvat, inclusiv in cultura, unde sunt monumente care se distrug desi este nevoie de mai putini bani pentru ele decat pentru aceasta piatra.
Cand vor fi mai putin flamanzi,vom 0 analfabeti, bolnavii vor avea tratamentul care trebuie atunci si oamenii vor avea timp de cultura si cererea va fi mai mare si niste viitori Brancusi vor putea sa se dedice exclusiv sculpturii.
Cultura este un lux, pe care si-l permit numai tarile bogate, asta a inteles si regele soldat Friedrich Wilhelm I al Prusiei care si-a vandut colectiile de arta pentru a-si construi o armata care i-a dat posibilitatea fiului sau Friedrich der Grosse, sa faca din micul principat o putere europeana, care va deveni mai apoi nuclelul viitoarei Germanii.
Departe de noi sa intelegem cum functioneaza cu adevarat niste tari de succes, la noi se cultiva in continuare formele fara fond,dupa cum se plangea si Titu Maiorescu in secolul 19.

vineri, 22 aprilie 2016

Eurovision: Romania's moment of silence

Romanian Television had for years debts to EBU the organizer of Eurovision.
Suddenly the EBU requests the 16 millions dollars debts or Romania will not be present. Romanian Television is bankrupt and it cannot pay.
This silenced the song "A moment of silence"of the artist Ovidiu Anton.
You will remark that the song is revolutionary and can inspire some people in France,UK,Germany,Belgium,Spain,Greece where the social tensions are increasing, and the political elite is losing ground.

marți, 19 aprilie 2016

Warning: sharks and terrorists

Acording to Russia Today the german news paper Bild, warn us that terrorists can attack people on italian or spanish beaches.
It seems that the terrorist will infiltrate as african salesmen, and put bombs on beaches, or they will shoot people as they did in Tunisia.
I think that the beaches can be defended, Israel has beaches and I didn't heard on any attack on the beach.
Anyway lets suppose the worst happens:
You are naked on the beach and a terrorist is aproaching you with a gun.
What you do?
Run in water and swim away underwater. The bullets lose their energy in a dense liquid as water. See the video

sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2016

Game of chicken

Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany bowed to the will Turk president Erdogan and allowed prosecution of comedian Jan Boehmermann for insulting the turkish president.
The Chancellor of Germany swerved aside last year when president Putin invaded Crimeea.
Angela Merkel is constantly avoiding conflict.
The base of the submission is conflict avoidance. The lions listen to the tamer's whip because they avoid conflict not because they are weak and the tamer strong.
We listen to our bosses not because they can beat us but because we want to avoid a conflict that can finish bad for us.
The human race it seems started as a matriarchy, Pharaoh's married their sister because the power was transmitted from mother to daughter. Some populations from remote Tibet and Tuareg from Sahara, are still ruled by matriarchs.
But now the patriarchy in the rule, even in most democratic countries, the politics is a boy's game, in which from time to time a brilliant woman has success.
The answer is in the Agela Merkel''s actions:
She is superior to Erdogan and Putin as education.( Erdogan was footbal player, Putin was a KGB officer, while she was a physics researcher.)
She is a better ruler than both. Germany didn't had internal unrest till the arrival of Syrian refugees. Turkey has problems with kurds. Russia with every nation that they occupied, mainly with muslims.
She stayed 11 years in power in a democracy where you cannot use force to intimidate opponents as in Russia, or close down newspaper and block youtube as in Turkey.
She is modest and doesn't have dreams of grandeur as Putin the Tzar of Soviet Union and Erdogan the Sultan of the new Turkish empire.
She is a leader of an economic power, in which citizens from both Turkey and Russia want to emigrate.
Yet, she makes concessions to both leaders.
Males play often the game of chicken. One classic case is when 2 men drive one toward each other in a collision course, and the one who swerves is "chicken" and lost status and respect of the spectators.
The best example is in movie "Rebel without a cause" with James Dean.
When 2 men compete the level of testosterone rises and the most rational thinker can be attracted in a deadly game.
Also in this game, being rational doesn't pay off. If you see a drunk men driving the other car, you will swerve, you cannot intimidate an irrational man.
The chicken game is game of guts, the most irrational and determined opponents wins.
Image now a chicken game between a man and a woman.
The man emboldened by testosterone, will forge ahead, while the woman thinking about future deadly consequences will swerve.
Angela Merkel swerved when Putin entered in Crimea because she thought at long term consequences on the German economy.
She swerved again,when Erdogan requested punishment for the German comedian, because she doesn't want to break relationship with ally that can keep millions of Syrians arriving in Germany.

History is a long list of wars, or chicken games between different groups.
Who swerved, or avoided a confrontation lost, not only that battle but also the future battles because they send the message that they do what ever it takes to avoid war, and they attracted other enemies who wanted their land and women.
Because women are tend to avoid conflict the most they swerved most and the matriarchy has lost ground in face of patriarchy.
The chicken game is fatal for both sides, and the only rational choice is to not playing it or both players to swerve.
If the women would ruled the empires from beginning of XX century we would not have WWI, because one of women leader would swerve, in that particular game of chicken.

The terrorism is a game of chicken between state and terrorists.
The terrorists as in a classic game of chicken show that they are irrational, (they behead hostages and destroy monuments) in hope that the government will swerve and make concessions.
The government must show it efficiency and ruthless, in order to discourage terrorist from taking action.

How to gain a game of chicken ?
Don't enter in a game of chicken. The game of chicken is a game of status. Go somewhere where the status is not important.
Make sure that the opponent that doesn't swerves gets a heavy loss if he wins.
For example: the Moldavian light cavalry in the Battle of Grunwald, run away in forest when they met Teutonic knights. The Teutonic knights believing that they won this "chicken game" they follow them in the forest were were butchered by hidden Moldavian forces.

miercuri, 23 martie 2016

From United States to disunited Europe

I have read a recent article which describes the 6 rebellions, before the American Revolution. One of the main grievances of the rebellious colonists against British government was that it took no actions against of the native Americans who attacked colonies.
So the rebels took the matters in their own hands and massacred every native American that they encounter, including the peaceful native Americans that were baptised and tried to adopt English customs.
Now the people from Western Europe are complaining that the government don't do enough to stop the attacks of the terrorists.
It is the danger that people will take matter in their hands and start to attack Muslims.
The trend is started, in East Germany the refugee from Syria are attacked by extreme right, despite the fact that all the terrorists attacks from London,Madrid,Paris and Bruxelles were done by citizens born and raised. in that countries.
In 1775 a complacent British government and support from France and Spain for rebels, split the 13 colonies  from British Empire.
Now a complacent European Commision and a right wing movement fuelled by Russia can split the European Union.
The cracks appear, an old member of European Union, Britain is asking itself if it worth pursuing the dream of European Union.
The Eastern Europe integrated itself in EU because of Russia scare, the Western powers accepted them because they sought economic expansion, cheap labour,new resources and new markets.
Now the western powers are upset because the ungrateful ragged child who begged to be received in EU, doesn't obey orders and doesn't align to the interests of the West, and doesn't want refugees.
The difference between British Empire and EU is that between the actors it is a dialogue and no one can use force, I think that Europe will be reorganized and strengthen. What we see now is a powershift from its centre in Bruxelles, to Poland in East and to the Britain in West.
The problem will be in Eastern Europe where the only check for corrupt politicians is the Bruxelles.

miercuri, 16 martie 2016

Trump card 2

I saw a video from Steven Colbert show in which Mr. Colbert  mocks Mitt Romney who attacked Donald Trump and call him a phoney.
Mr. Colbert called anti-democratic  Mitt Romney's request that all the republican voters to vote against Trump.

In Romania democracy was saved when right and left united and voted against the demagogue Vadim Tudor who promised executions on stadiums.

In France the democracy was defended when the left and right "ganged" (to use Steven's Colbert term) against Jean Marie LePen and stopped this xenophobe and extremist to take control of a big European nation and a nuclear power.

Donald Trump can be stopped if his adversaries from left and right are united. If some of the other candidates will give up and only one will remain, maybe Trump will not be to one step far from the White House.
Steven Colbert is leaning towards democrats, and his attacks against a anti-Trump coalition, and the presence of Donald Trump in his shows, make me think to a democrat plot to have Donald Trump as republican candidate.
Mr. Obama said that Trump cannot be president, but once another president said about another psychopath that he cannot win.
It was German president Hindenburg, who declared that Hitler could not manage the ministry of post.

luni, 14 martie 2016

The Trump card 1

When the ex. prime minister Victor Ponta lied us, and some people believed I thought that our democracy is immature only 25 years old and people are still gullible.
But in a democracy of more than 200 years, Donald Trump is lying and he is believed.
I think the television and the podium have special powers.
If you are drinking with your buddies a beer and you say that you don't know anything about KKK, you be kicked out of the bar because you are lying.
But if you are on a podium or in front of a TV camera, you can say the same thing and be believed.
In fact you can say anything and you will be believed.You can say that you are successful businessman.
I think that the podium and the TV camera offer special powers.
Maybe because it is hard to reach in front of a TV camera or on a podium, and if you succeed to reach these places, means that you either smart or either connected, and you get the respect of the people who don't have access. Some private clubs have the same magic.
Or maybe people have low standards and don't care any more about politicians say.

Regarding Trump.
I saw few days ago a clip in which comedian Joey Diaz is accusing Donald Trump having Mafia connections while he was building in New York.

He didn't brought evidence but it is possible. It is possible that Donald Trump has some skeletons in the closet. Why none comes forward with evidence? Why FBI doesn't make an enquiry? Maybe somebody wants that some republican candidates to lose.
Maybe they want that Trump to be a candidate to the presidency.
Any sane person which will have to choose between Trump and other candidate, will choose the other candidate.
If Trumps wins the race to nomination, the republicans will lose the presidency.

Cand educatia si tehnologia nu folosesc la nimic

La spitalul Marie Curie sunt 16 bebelusi bolnavi deoarece au fost hraniti cu sarmale si piftele.Stau si ma intreb, atunci cand oamenii erau anafabeti, cate cazuri erau ?
Cred ca atunci oameii isi foloseau bunul simt si nu dadeau carne procesata la bebelusi.

sâmbătă, 13 februarie 2016

2016 elections in US: First, do not harm

Bill O'Reilly said at Steven Colbert show that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are the same, they represent the angry Americans.
Maybe they represent the angry Americans but their approach to solving the US problems is different.
Bernie Sanders represents the left political current influenced by what is happening in Europe. It is a current that favour collectivity than individualism.
Donald Trump would represent the individualistic America, in which you have to defend you own interests with little regard to others.

The Republican Party are attacking Bernie Sanders view as unamerican. But why it is colective action seen as unamerican? After all the American Revolution and all the wars, except Vietnam were a collective action.
In nature when a group of social animals are under threat they cooperate, when they are safe, they compete.
US is separated by 2 oceans by the rest of the world, and has 2 weak neighbours and it was seldom under direct threat, and this favoured competition.

In contrast the European countries were always on the threat of their powerful, neighbours, so they had to utilise at maximum they human resources.
The high education was created in Europe by the state to have functionaries,engineers and military personal that were needed.
The free education was used to promote ideas of common origin and common language among different men coming from different provinces.

I think, now US feels more on the pressure from other countries, and it must shift from an individualistic ideology to a more collective one.
After the Word War 2 it was the only industrialized nation that wasn't destroyed, so few years they were number 1 producer of good in the world. But now China is producing 30% of the goods from the world.
The dollar was the worlds preferred currency, till euro appeared.
USA still has a powerful military but it expensive maintain it and more expensive to use it.

The US poor classes feel the pressure of globalisation and emigration.
If some is born in a poor family in US it doesn't has the hopes of an East European, an Indian or of a Chinese to go to college, to work hard and to land in a good job, and to help the family in this way.

He must go to work. But were?
The manufacturing was moved to China. The services were taken by Indians. The agriculture is made by Hispanics.

What a president can do about it?

Let's suppose that a Mexico-USA border wall will be built and all illegal emigrants will be sent home. Who will pick the produce for low wages? None, the fields will be fallow, the farmers bankrupt, and the US will have to import the produce that till now was produced in the country.
Ok, let's suppose that the Americans are ready to pay more for vegetables in order to sustain their economy.
Service industry: how you can stop companies using customer care centers in Indian, when for 1000$ you can hire 3 college graduates? You cut off  the communication with India?
The US government cannot stop companies to bring foreigners to work in US with temporary visa and they want to shut off all the calls with India?

And companies will be more competitive globally because they will use more expensive American workforce while other companies will use cheaper workforce from India?

How can a president stop China from selling cheap goods in US?
They will make an embargo?
China will sell in Mexico and then the merchandise will be sold in US.
And not all Chinese products are bad, if you want a cheap electronic device, China is the place to go.

To find a cure to these problems a collective approach is necessary.
The ancients said about cures: "prima non nocere" - first, do not harm.
I think that Bernie Sanders is less harmful:
Ok, maybe the budget will be in deficit, but some kids will be in college and some people will have health care.
Donald  Trump is more harmful,because he can ruin international relations. Already he has lost some business partners due to his anti-muslim stances.
His anti-hispanic rant will alienate the South America.
And his stance against China will make things worse. Let's suppose that he "convince" Chinese president to step back from Asia, and to accept some unfavourable economic treaties. How the chinese president will save face and make Chinese accept these unfavourable treaties if Trump brags about humiliating China?
If the chinese president had to enforce the treaties it he will lose his function and a more anti-american president will rule China, and maybe the things will escalate to a war in SE Asia.
If it doesn't then he will defy USA and Trump will have to enforce the treaties, using military force if necessary.
His domestic economic plan seems good on paper, but I am afraid of his attitude: America is rule by idiots, they need me to tell them what to do.
All the dictators started like this: Mussolini,Hitler,Stalin,Sadam Hussein and Ceausescu.
The started very energetically, the obtained a short term success,  they gained confidence and they thought that they are smarter than average and started to rule personally, and they lead the country to the disaster.

joi, 28 ianuarie 2016

The universe is playing Russian roulette with us

Russian roulette is a game of chance, in which a bullet is put in a revolver, then the cylinder is spinned, the muzzle is put against the head and the trigger is pulled. 
You have 1/6 chances to die.The same is happening in life: when you cross the street, it is x% chance to be hit by a car, when you fly a plane it is y% chance to crash, when you go to a terrace in Paris it is z% chance to be shot. I don't count here millions of deadly viruses,bacteria's,diseases,radiations,chemicals,human killers that could end our life.
We live our lives by ignoring this. It is like universe is playing Russian roulette behind our back and we are not aware.
Sometimes, life makes us to turn around and face the revolver pointed at us with cylinder spinning.
Then we are scared  because of uncertainty: we will have x% chances to live and (100-x)% to die.
It is like facing a guy with a weapon in the hand or a wild beast preparing to charge.
Our fight or flight system is torn apart by the conflicting decisions.
If they attack  you will focus on defending yourself and forget about fear, but they wait, and you are uncertain and tense.
We don't like uncertainty and because of that we used gods as explanation when we didn't understood natural phenomena.
Uncertainty produces fear, and because of that we ignore it or we search any explanation plausible.

sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie 2016

1984 and France

I have seen the Manuel Valls interview. He said that emergency state should continue till Daesh is finished.But how do we know that is finished?
US sent Japanese nationals in camps in World War 2, till the Japan capitulated. After that they were sent home.
Valls can keep his extraordinary powers forever, because Daesh is a phantom state that it will never capitulate.
The situation will be like in George Orwells novel '1984' in which the state Oceania is forever at war with Euroasia, and from time to time rockets hit proletarian neighbourhoods to keep the state of fear.All to remind people that Big Brother is their protector, and they mus support the state.
The current situation is similar with the period of Weimar Republic before the rise of Hitler in Germany.
In 1930 German president Hindenburg appointed Henrich Bruning as Cancelor
Bruning governed using presidents special emergency powers, bypassing the Parliament.
He tried to solve economic problems with these new powers, but he failed.
As result Nazi' s gained 37% of places in Parliament and Hitler was chosen as Cancelor with extended powers which he used to gain the absolute power.
Manuel Valls wants more extraordinary powers to fight terrorism.
If  Front National wins the elections they could have prime minister with extended powers.
How they will use it?
All attackers from Paris were Muslim but not all the Muslims from France are terrorists, or they supporting terrorists, but they can be discriminated in getting jobs. I don't think that Front National will concern with that. And in few years France could have a more polarised population if Front National wins.
The conflicts between Arabs and French  can keep Front National in power for a long time.
Maybe the EU will sanction more often the French government for human rights abuse.
Maybe one day a France  will decide that it had enough interference from Bruxelles and will exit from EU.
With UK and France out of Union, the main power in EU will be Germany.
What France needs now it is a reform in its institutions, and its political class.
Unknown to us, besides rioting of arabs, there were rioting of french gipsies who blocked roads,rail and burned cars in Moirans.This shows a lack of respect of the law caused by the government inefficiency, I don't think that this will be solved in 3 months during the emergency state.
Socialist party criticized Sarkozy for the fact that the police didn't stopped a young muslim to kill 5 kids. If they would find a common ground to solve then the terrorism problem we would not have the 2015 attacks.
Strange now the socialist government has 2 major attacks in a year with 160 deaths and nobody is requesting resignation of ministry of interior and of the Valls government. Maybe opposition knows that situation is serious and they cannot solve it.

Funny note: M. Valls was asked by reporter if the Schengen treaty will die. He responded "Schengen treaty will not die, but EU can die" If EU will die Schengen treaty cannot survive.

marți, 12 ianuarie 2016

Private versus public

In politics and in media it is a ragging battle between a religious, anti abortion camp and politically correct, pro gay marriage , pro LGBT camp.
Putting aside the fact that this conflict is exacerbated to deviate the public attention from the real problems, I think that this conflict it is between what we believe it is public and what is private.
The religious camp think that the woman's uterus is public domain and society must have a saying if a woman can give birth to a child or not.
The pro gay marriage camp thinks that we all must acknowledge the sexual deviations of some citizens, and we must guarantee to every body the right to have a family.  The sexual behaviour is of  private sphere and should not interest of the public. Even the most savage tribesmen, people who are naked all the time, are doing sex in private. Why we should acknowledge that Harry and James are making sex? We acknowledge that Mary and James are making sex because Tom must know that Mary's uterus reserved for James, and he should not leave some spermatozoa there otherwise he will be punished. James will not support Mary in raising the children if they are Tom's.
Marriage brings order in society. You know what children you have to raise, and as a parent you are obliged to give them material support.
If in a marriage cannot result children, the marriage is useless.
The gay marriage is a nonsense,even a couple as the Virgin Mary and Jacob, by the grace of God they had a children.
The gay marriage is a invasion of the public sphere by the private sphere.
I don't understand why we as a majority we must conform to a minority when it is not in our interest.
Why we should change our legal system to solve the private matters of John and Harry?
Why it is of public interest to know if John and Harry have sex?
In order to solve this conflict once for all we must define boundaries of private and public.
This is difficult because it is depending on society. The East Asia cultures are more collective and the private sphere is small, while the North European cultures are individualistic and they cherish their intimacy and private sphere.
Now the boundary of private is shrinking but more and more people are sensitive to share information, so in the future it will be cool not to be on Facebook.