marți, 12 noiembrie 2019

Pierderea lui Barna castigul USR

Werner von Braun se bucura cand exploda cate o racheta, spunea ca macar nu a explodat in aer cu oameni in ea si ca a aflat ce nu trebuie sa faca.
Asa trebuie sa faca si USR-u cu racheta Barna, daca se vrea un partid care sa schimbe ceva in politica.
USR-ul ca organizatie trebuie sa se reanalizeze.
Cum organizatia a permis ca un om cu problemele lui Barna sa candideze ?
Motivul pentru care Dragnea a ajuns presedintele PSD si l-a dus in sant, a fost  ca selectia din partid a favorizat oameni ca el, si a defavorizat altii mai corecti si nu aveau instincte dictatoriale.
Oricine poate juca baschet, chiar si oamenii de 1.5m , dar regulile jocului favorizeaza jucatori de 2m si de astia vezi in NBA.
USR trebuie sa-si selectioneze oamenii inainte de a ajunge la putere.
E frumos ca exclud din partid pe oricine condamnat penal, dar fiind un partid mic ei trebuie sa trimita in lupta electorala niste sfinti, pentru a nu fi atacati.
De ce nu a fost o verificare interna ?
De ce nu l-a intrebat nimeni pe Barna:
"Cum puteti fi atacat domnule Barna ?"
"Ati facut afaceri cu fonduri europene ?"
"Ati facut afaceri cu statul ?"
USRul trebuia sa aiba un "avocat al diavolului" care sa-l prinda cu ocaua mica pe candidat, sa-l incurce, sa stabileasca discuti in care sa fie fie acuzat, sa fie chiar jignit.
Soldatii romani se antrenau cu sabii de plumb ca in batalie sabiile normale sa li se para usor de folosit.
O alta greseala a USR-ului a fost ca nu si-a cautat alti alegatori in afara dreptei.
Alegatorii lui Johannis erau impartiti cu Barna, cu ce sa intre Barna in turul 2 ?
Trebuiau cautati alegatori in afara dreptei, de la nedecisi si de la PSD.
Faptul ca s-au bagat in disputa cu referendumul cu casatoria intre persoanele de acelasi gen, a fost o greseala care i-a costat.
Persoanele care nu votau cu PSD, si care considera normal ca doar o femeie si un barbat se pot casatori, au fost pierdute.
Oricum USR-ul atunci a aratat ca poate duce o campanie mizerabila, si mincinoasa daca ii cer interesele.
Singurul care s-a opus implicarii USR in problema casatoriilor homosexuale a fost Nicusor Dan care a fost dat deoparte.
USR-ul imi aminteste de Piata Universitatii, unde o miscare care putea sa schimbe regimul a fost deturnata de sursa "Ioan", alias Marian Munteanu (vezi "Marian Munteanu de la sursa Ioan la liderul  din Piata Universitatii" de Ramona Ursu ediutura Adevarul 2016).
Sau mai clar de exemplul lui Victor Ciorbea, fost prim ministru taranist, actual Avocat al Poporului din parte PSD.
Sper sa nu fie cazul si cu USR, desi organizatiile tinere sunt vulnerabile la infiltrari deoarece au nevoie de oameni.
In aceste context dezvaluirile lui Marius Oprea privind unele persoane din vechiile servicii  din jurul lui Ciolos nu ar trebui ignorate de membrii USR.

O alta greseala:Neintrand la guvernare USR-ul a pierdut sansa de a capata experienta si a arata ce poate.
Putea de exemplu cere ministerul mediului si incepe oprirea defrisarilor,care le-ar fi adus voturile ecologistilor.

Dar au jucat prudent si probabil s-au temut pe buna dreptate de eroziunea guvernarii si inghitirea de PNL.

Totusi Uniunea SALVATI Romania este gata sa faca orice pentru a salva romania, chiar sa piarda alegerile,nu ?
 Ei vor sa faca alta politica  in interesul oamenilor nu al politicienilor.
De ce au renuntat la crezul lor si au inceput calculul politic ?

S-a lansat acum si zvonul ca PNL a sabotat USR ca sa iasa Johanis cu Dancila in turul 2.
Am auzit unii membrii USR ca vor prefera sa voteze cu Dancila de a dracului.
E o prostie din urmatoarele puncte de vedere:

1. Trebuie sa votezi guvernul, daca tu  si tara ati dus-o mai bine, indiferent de jocurile politice. Votantii USR nu sunt multumiti de starea actuala altfel ar fi votat-o pe Dancila.

2. Nu stim daca e adevarat. Vorba lui Ilie Moromete "Pe ce te bazezi?"

3.Se disperseaza voturile anti-PSD intr-un moment crucial.La o prezenta de vot scazuta si cu voturile USR impartite ne trezim cu Viorica Dancila presedinte.
PSD-ul stie foarte bine sa-si dezbine adversarii si sa intarate oamenii. Ultima chestie pe care am auzit-o "Nu trebuie sa-l votam pe Johanis ca va acapara toata puterea".
Dreapta l-a avut bau bau pe Dragnea, stanga l-a avut ca bau bau pe Johannis.

Unii din USR dau vina pe sistem ca nu au castigat. Ultima oara cand am auzit asta a fost cand Vadim Tudor a pierdut prezidentialele.
Cu "mentalitatea toti sunt impotriva noastra" si cu un electorat din ce ince mai ingust si mai radical, USR-ul poate lua usor drumul Partidului Romania Mare.Va fi un partid extremist ciudat: foarte filo-european, cu oameni educati si liberali.
Sper ca USR sa isi regaseasca directia si sa forteze celalate partide sa joace corect, si sa nu devina o scara pentru parveniti.

sâmbătă, 9 noiembrie 2019

Film review: 'Her'

I watched recently the movie Her. It is about a divorced writer who buys a new operating system with an artificial intelligence fitted with social abilities.
The writer (Joaquin Phoenix) decides that he needs a feminine touch and decides to give the operating system a female voice.
He starts to interact with the operating system (Her) and he becomes infatuated.
Based on our brain characteristics and our experience we all have an ideal partner. The AI discovered this ideal partner and simulated it. So he is in love with the illusion of his ideal partner.
Having the perfect partner for you at this time is bad because you don't evolve.
If you are a fat asocial gamer and you have a girlfriend exactly like you, you become more fatter, more isolated and you enter in decline.
Your partner should be good enough for live with her/him but different in order to explore different part of the reality and of you.
In the movie everything is fine till Her is blocked by an software update, and the writer is desperate to contact her.
Questioning her, he finds out that in the same moment, she speaks with over 8000 people and she is in love with over 600. He is devastated.
For millions of years people evolved with limited number of partners to look after it. Men had to fend of rivals who wanted to impregnate their wives. Women where dependent of the men who hunt and fought for the attention of the most able hunter.
Our survival depending on managing a small amount of people. We cannot remember more than 150 let alone manage them. An AI will outperform us even at this.
An AI is immortal, and doesn't need to reproduce, it doesn't have the biological restrictions. If it's main goal is to be social with many people as possible.

Finally Her dumps him because 'our meetings are like words, and the blank space between the words is becoming more interesting', or simply said he is boring. She has something better to do.
She said before that she is in love with over 600 people, so he is worse than 600 people.
Worst is that he is more uninteresting than 600 people.
If you are rejected because you are fat, old,short, you are missing a limb, you stutter, you have wrong kind of skin colour you accept it and you live with that.
But to be rejected by a computer because you are not interesting, a characteristic that you control, is worse.
Also to be placed 601 option is much harder to endure that to be placed the second option.
Advice: If you are placed 3-th option leave, the place is too crowded.

I am wondering about this AI failure:
The guy had a money back guarantee if the operating system dumped him ?
He could sue the producer because psychological harm caused by a faulty product ?
What is the difference between this AI and a wife that dumps you because you are bankrupt now ?
"Her" is a though provoking movie.
The movie is no longer a SF movie already we have Replika an AI bot

The bridge problem

Today are 30 years since Berlin Wall fell and I want to describe how over control can harm.
Let's imagine that we have a capital city connected to the agricultural area via a bridge.
Over the bridge passes all kind of lorries with wheat, vegetables, milk which feed the capital.
The bridge is strategic if it is blown up,the people from city will starve.
Government decides that the bridge should be guarded by soldiers.
One guy from military ask himself what if inside the lorry we have a device that can blow up the bridge ?
So it is decided that each lorry should be stopped and searched.
Of course this leads to delays in supplying the city, tomatoes are getting rotten, the milk is getting sour. The farmers are not willing to bother with bridge checks and they don't sell anymore to the city.
The city population is starving, is rioting and it is overthrowing the government.
This is the reason why communism fell: centralisation and police control.
The police has the ultimate word. Safety of the regime and not development was the main focus.