I argued in a previous post that people are not born free and they will never be free.
How the desire of freedom appears?
If everyone is in chains then they will consider themselves to be slaves ?
I think the desire for freedom appears when you see other options.
When serfs saw that commoners like them: city dwellers, had more options, they wanted them too, and they started to want be free.
So long only a elite separated by blood, had more rights like them, they didn't want freedom, because their options were limited at birth.
As in apartheid system, the ban of intermarriage between classes, kept the privileges.
So long you couldn't obtain those options not even by marriage, you didn't want them, you didn't have hink of them and and ceased to exist in your mind.
With extra options ceasing to be exist, you will be content, happy, and you will think you are free.
The generations born in serfdom an slavery will inherit the set of options from their parents, and up to a point they will consider themselves free.
Till they want an option not available to their class. Like marrying a free woman/man. Then they will see an option that they want and they can't have and they will demand freedom.
2008 crisis didn't pool people on the streets of west, as it is pooling now the anti COVID restrictions campaign, because people didn't see as an option to held responsible the financial elite.
Now with restrictions people see as an option to go to restaurant. It is an option that exist and I they can have it so they demand their "freedoms".
So people of NK consider themselves free because they don't see other options, and the few options that they have are monopolized by a narrow party elite.