marți, 30 decembrie 2014

Lectiile de autoaparare ar trebui predate la scoala

Recenta crima din Baia Mare in care o fata a fost strangulata de fostul iubit ma face sa ma gandesc ca ar trebui facute cursuri de autoaparare in scoli mai ales ca unele eleve au fost batute, unele violate iar unele au fost omorate.
Global 35% din femeile ucise,ucise de sot,sau iubit.La asta se adauga violenta domestica neraportata.
Scenariul in care sotul, iubitul isi bat sau omoara femeia, este destul de frecvent, si nu inteleg de ce nu se face nimic?
Sunt destule tehnici de autoaparare care opresc un atacator sa te sugrume.
Pacat ca se pierd orele de sport cu exercitii stupide in loc sa se predea notiuni care iti pot apara viata.

miercuri, 24 decembrie 2014

Lupta politica submineaza SMURD, si ne costa vieti.

Dupa accidentul aviatic de la Suitghiol, televiziunile de partid s-au dezlantuit.
Ca niste hiene s-au incaierat la capatiul mortilor tragicului accident.
B1 l-a facut pe Raed Arafat pesedist, a insinuat ca ar fi ceva tulbure cu achizitiile de la SMURD. Iar un invitat care a fost inainte ceva scula politica pe la Interne, a spus de Arafat ca e un simplu medic, de parca 10 ani de Medicina nu se ridica la nivelul celor 4 ani de studiu la Academia de Politie.

Pe de alta parte Antenele l-au invitat pe Arafat, si i-au acuzat pe basisti ca pe vremea lui Boc, s-au luat taiat banii de la sanatate si nu pot retine in sistem oamenii pregatiti. Ce avea bugetul de atunci cu faptul ca nu a mers o barca cu motor acum? Toate sistemele trebuiau sa mearga unse.
Domnul Arafat nu a vrut sa intre in jocul lor si a tacut.

Sa zicem ca detractorii lui Arafat au dreptate, ca e depasit ca e vremea sa plece acasa.
Revista Harvard Business Review spunea ca dupa antreprenor, urmeaza managerul apoi leaderul.

Sa zicem ca antreprenorul Arafat nu mai face fata. Are cineva un manager care sa il puna in loc lui?

Vrea cineva un manager de la ministerul de Interne? Acolo unde conteaza mai mult respectul fata de sef iar cetateanul este trimis la plimbare sa-si rezolve problemele, cum a patit un amic care a reclamat la politie ca a fost injurat si agresat de un golan, iar politaiul local ia spus ca trebuia sa-l pocneasca pe golan.
E greu sa gasesti o asistenta care sa nu-ti panseze o rana, totusi, dar un politist local care sa nu-si faca treaba de a infrunta golanii, gasesti destui.

Poate ca Arafat e bun deoarece e medic, si are legatura directa cu oamenii suferinzi ai tarii asteia.
Poate unii il vor plecat pe Arafat pentru ca sta in calea unor manarii.
Poate unii din dreapta se tem de popularitatea lui Arafat, si se tem ca PSD se va folosi de Arafat ca de un port drapel asa cum PNL+PDL s-au folosit de Klaus Johannis.
Daca Ponta isi facea treaba bine, si era corect cu alegerile, Johannis nu castiga.
Sper ca poltica sa nu afecteze SMURD-ul si sa pletim cu viata pentru incompetenta si reaua politicienilor.

De ce membrii juniori ai Casei Regale Romane nu vorbesc bine romaneste

Nici acum dupa 25 ani de stat in Romania, printesa Margareta inca vorbeste cu accent romana, desi tatal ei e de origine romana.
In schimb Raed Arafat care este palestinian vorbeste foarte bine, cu un usor accent arab.
Asta dovedeste ca Arafat are mai mult legatura cu romanii decat asa zisii principi ai Romaniei.

Forgotten lessons from the past

According to an article in NY Times the president of Turkey Recep Erdogan,let's say it mildly opposes birth control.
25 years ago Nicolae Ceausescu the dictator of Romania was shot. People cheered then but Ceausescu wasn't always hated.
He started by being more liberal, he oriented the politics and economy towards USA and Western Europe and economy grew with 2 digits by year.We even stood against URSS when they invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Embolden by his successes he banned the abortion in Romania, and he took draconian measures to ensure that no pregnancy had aborted. The secret police Securitate, had the task to enforce just that.
(Also there were no condoms, or hours of sexual education to prevent unwanted pregnancies)
The rising population coupled with an economy in decline, gave rise to strikes in 1977, in 1987 and to a bloody revolution 1989, in which Ceausescu lost his life.
Mr Erdogan before he bans the birth control must see these films:
Children of the decrees
4 months 3 weeks and 2 days by Cristian Mungiu

If he doesn't care about this maybe his supporters will care, because he might not be in power to pay subsidies for children, but they will have to raise their children anyway.

Klaus Johannis si emigratia

Simpatia lui Johannis fata de diaspora nu este data numai de voturile date de acestia la alegerile prezidentiale. Sora si parintii sunt emigranti in Germania si stie ce inseamna lipsa familiei, fortate sa plece din Romania din cauza greutatilor economice.Iar deportarea etnicilor de catre rusi in Siberia in 1945 ii face pe acestia sa nu priveasca cu ochi buni Rusia.

luni, 22 decembrie 2014

Somaj sau proasta utilizare a resurselor umane?

Am vazut alaltaieri o emisiune a lui Moise Guran despre economia comunista. La final, Moise a spus ca lipsa de competitie cauzata de lipsa somajului a dus la caderea comunismului. Deoarece nu era somaj, nu era competitie, nefiind competitie nu erau produse bune.
Sa zicem ca toti oamenii de frica somajului ar fi muncit mai mult, ar fi schimbat cu ceva soarta investitiilor proaste si a managementului prost?
In intreprindere nu este o democratie, un intreprinzator sau statul, vine cu bani si angajeaza niste oameni care trebuie sa munceasca pentru el si sa faca ce zice el. Gradul de libertate al deciziilor angajatilor depinde de intreprinzator si/sau de stat.
Sistemul economic actual nu este democratic: nu se unesc niste muncitori, pun niste bani, fac o firma muncesc cu totii la ea, si impart profitul.
Si chiar de s-ar intampla asa ceva, din considerente practice tot angajeaza specialisti in pozitii de autoritate, pentru a face managementul firmei, pentru a dezvolta produse noi, sau pentru a supraveghea productia.
Iar daca firma se dezvolta noii veniti vor fi angajati pe pozitii inferioare, si asa volens-nolens, firma creste pe verticala, intr-un sistem ierarhic nedemocratic.
In final soarta firmei este determinata mai putin de angajati cat de manager si conjunctura.
Pentru ca o economie sa reziste la schimbarile conjuncturale ea trebuie sa fie diversa (sa aiba firme in cat mai multe domenii) si sa fie pluralista (resursele economice sa fie dispersate la cat mai multi factori de decizie).
Astfel daca o firma se inchide din cauza crizei, alta sa profite, iar muncitorii dati afara de la prima sa se reangajeze la a doua.
Distribuirea bogatiei la mai multi inseamna decizii economice mai diverse din care cateva pot iesi castigatoare.
Sistemul comunism nu avea nici diversitate si pluralitate.
Ca o corporatie din ziua de azi era orientat spre eficienta si spre deosebire de o corporatie din ziua de azi era orientat spre angajarea oamenilor in campul muncii.
O idee nobila, numai ca unii oameni nu merita sa munceasca, unii sunt chiar lenesi, si de ce sa-i tina altii in spate.
Nu sunt de acord nici cu amenintarea oamenilor cu somajul care i se pare fireasca lui Moise Guran si altor oameni cu gandire pro-business.
Nu trebuie sa mergem in America in 1886 pentru a gasi abuzuri determinate de o forta de munca ieftina, atunci ca si acum, saracii muncesc peste 8h, iar drepturile de protectia muncii le sunt incalcate, de niste patroni pe care ii doare in cur, ca un muncitor poate cadea de pe schela ca nu este asigurat, sau ca poate intra cu microbuzul cu pasageri intr-un stalp deoarece a condus prea mult.
Somajul nu determina investitii in capital uman, si nu determina managementul sa caute solutii mai bune, si mai echitabile.
Daca ai avea posibilitatea sa-l dai afara oricand pe angajat, de ce sa pleci urechea la problemele lui?
Daca e greu sa-l retii, atunci te gandesti si la mediul de lucru, daca este stresat sau nu, si atunci si managementul trebuie sa fie mai inteligent. Compara lucrul intr-o fabrica de confectii cu lucrul intr-o firma de IT.
Din cauza somajului oamenii calificati fac munci necalificate, si este o proasta utilizare  a capitalului uman.
Oamenii muncesc din mai multe motive: in primul rand sa puna o paine pe masa, apoi din nevoia de a realiza ceva sau de a avea bani de distractie.
Somerul pe linga ca are grija zilei de maine, se simte marginalizat si nu se simte implinit, trebuie sa faca ceva sa-si umple zilele, si de aceea ajunge sa-l voteze pe Hiter sau sa-l sustina pe Mussolini, sau pe bolsevici.
Somajul este adevarata stare de sanatate a economiei, arata cat de bine sunt folosite resursele, si cat de robusta este societatea la schimbari.

luni, 15 decembrie 2014

Accidentul de pe Suitghiol si siguranta elicopterelor

Cautand o explicatie pentru accidentul de pe lacul Suitghiol am gasit acest document:
Se pare ca e suficientunt un curent de aer care sa fie necompensat de pilot pentru ca elicopterul sa isi piarda stabilitatea.
De asemenea un simlu surub care nu a rezistat la 30 de ore de zbor a determinat prabusirea unui elicopter.

How tolerance encourages murder

I saw the news about the hostage crisis in Australia, where a psychopath, and sex offender and self proclaimed sheik has taken 15 hostages.
I think that Australian authorities  are confusing tolerance towards other religions with  tolerance towards all kind of nuts who are self proclaiming sheiks and want to die as martyrs.
Why this guy wasn't expelled from Australia when he sent hate mail to soldiers killed in Afghanistan? He was a radical and aggressive militant, the next natural step for him was to kill some infidels.
Why he was released on bail with such behavior?

Tolerance towards this type of criminals encouraged them to ramp up their criminal behaviour and undermines the integration of the local Muslim community.

The book 'Joseph Anton'  by Salman Rushdie shows the same behaviour from part of British authorities in late '80 early '90.
Instead of Britain to defend his citizen convicted to death by an foreign government for crime of free writing, the Thatcher government preferred to isolate and silence Rushdie and appease Iranian government, because of oil and gas.
They prefer to give attention to radical and noisy Muslims, instead to negotiate with integrated and moderated Muslims.
Maybe the London bombings from 7 july 2005 would never happened if Thatcher government would stand tall in front or Iranian demands and would encourage the integrated British Muslims.

miercuri, 3 decembrie 2014

How labour division affected youth and family

Since the switch to the capitalism in Romania, the juvenile crime it is on the rise. The parents are busy working and they don't spend enough time with their children.
But in remote tribes from Amazon, the juvenile crime is low.
The children are always in contact with their parents, either with their mother when they are small either with their father, when they are teenagers.
When they spend time with their parents they learn their skills to survive.
The skills can be easily taught.
In Amazon tribes there are not unskilled labourers who cannot earn a living, so an young man can hunt and fish from the day he becomes major.
A young man in a civilized society cannot earn his living from the day he became a major because either he doesn't have the skills, either he has no experience. He is more disadvantages than a hunter gatherer who fished since he was 10 and hunted since he was 16.
Our society works because the labour it is divided and we exchange goods. A peasant cannot smelt iron and work the fields (see Chinese Great Leap forward why). So who he has to concentrate in what he does best and the metallurgist in what he knows best and exchange potatoes for ploughs.
Because of specialisation and technological complexity of the jobs, a young man cannot be taught by his parents, he must leave them to go to study, to be influenced by the school and by his peers.

Parents must go also to their highly specialised jobs where they cannot bring their children to learn their jobs, The children cannot simply inherit the job of their parents and the parents must trade off  the time spent with children for the time spent working.

The children rely on state infrastructure to offer them the necessary surviving skills.
The educational system must match the requirement from the job market, the skills of the student with the budget. And the state has limited information about what the employer wants and the young can do. The labour market also cannot solve the problem because the young people don't know all the professions, and they could make wrong decisions.

I think in order to reduce juvenile crime, the parents must not work hard to support the family, and they must have cheaper goods for their children: better cheaper education, cheaper healthcare,
The business must have a say in vocational training of the young's, because they know what they want, and young must have the skills demanded by the labour market.
Periods of training in firms are necessary, to expose the youngs to the rality of the job and to diferent vocations.
The education system must be flexible to allow children to put their qualities and talents to a good use, and allow later a swift change of job for young people, if the conditions of the job market changed.

3 important questions

At the beginning there were subatomic particles, protons,neutron and electrons.
Then they aggregate in chemical elements, which formed molecules.
From organic molecules life emerged.
The life gave birth to humans and conscious intelligence,
Abstract thinking formed written language, and history and large societies emerged.
What it will be next?
How life was created from simple elements?
How human intelligence appeared?