miercuri, 24 decembrie 2014

Forgotten lessons from the past

According to an article in NY Times the president of Turkey Recep Erdogan,let's say it mildly opposes birth control.
25 years ago Nicolae Ceausescu the dictator of Romania was shot. People cheered then but Ceausescu wasn't always hated.
He started by being more liberal, he oriented the politics and economy towards USA and Western Europe and economy grew with 2 digits by year.We even stood against URSS when they invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Embolden by his successes he banned the abortion in Romania, and he took draconian measures to ensure that no pregnancy had aborted. The secret police Securitate, had the task to enforce just that.
(Also there were no condoms, or hours of sexual education to prevent unwanted pregnancies)
The rising population coupled with an economy in decline, gave rise to strikes in 1977, in 1987 and to a bloody revolution 1989, in which Ceausescu lost his life.
Mr Erdogan before he bans the birth control must see these films:
Children of the decrees
4 months 3 weeks and 2 days by Cristian Mungiu

If he doesn't care about this maybe his supporters will care, because he might not be in power to pay subsidies for children, but they will have to raise their children anyway.

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