luni, 18 iunie 2018

Fate in humanity

You can say about human race that is selfish and cruel but you cannot say that is stupid.
We couldn't survive and thrive if we were stupid.
I think when all the things will go bad, and everyone will be affected in directly in same way, we will do the right thing that the human specie will survive.
We did it with nuclear weapons, we did it with ozone layer and CFC, we did it with lead gasoline.
With these problems it was easier because we had more control and we had options to stop production.
Nuclear weapons were concentrated in hand of few countries (USA,Soviet,Union,China,France and UK)
CFC compounds and lead gasoline  were produced by few.
Also once you removed the CFC and lead gasoline from system this went to normal.
CO2 is produced by many and doesn't affect clearly the life as the nuclear weapons. Also if we don't produce anymore CO2 the response of the system will be slower, it could take decades to come to normal.
We start to lose a lot of money because of climate warming, this will trigger an economic crisis this will reduce consumption, will reduce CO2, and save life
This economic crisis will be the worst to come, emigrants from Africa and Middle East will pour in Europe, China will experience big internal troubles. In general the more populated will be an area, and more incompetent will be the government the worst will be the problems.
USA will have the standard of living lower than now.
The global economy will be history.
But this crisis will save the world, because it will re-balance the consumption and will force people to cooperate, to find solutions.

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