In world war 1 it was used some mature technologies such as railways, artillery and machine guns, some new technologies such as the tank,the plane and radio and as weapon of mass destruction the poisonous gas.
In second wold war the previous novel technologies were matured change the way the war was conducted (think of plane,tank binome). New technologies appeared such as computer,jet engine and the flying bombs(V1 and V2) . The previous weapon of mass destruction gas was not used but it was invented a new one: the nuclear bomb.
So what is next for the thirtieth world war?
The novel technologies from WW2 are matured: V1 is the cruise missile, V2 is the ballistic missile, jet planes are developed, the computer is the backbone of planning,logistics and of the cyber army.
What are novel technologies for WW3?
Satellites? Drones? AI?
What it will be the WW3 weapon of mass destruction?
In second wold war the previous novel technologies were matured change the way the war was conducted (think of plane,tank binome). New technologies appeared such as computer,jet engine and the flying bombs(V1 and V2) . The previous weapon of mass destruction gas was not used but it was invented a new one: the nuclear bomb.
So what is next for the thirtieth world war?
The novel technologies from WW2 are matured: V1 is the cruise missile, V2 is the ballistic missile, jet planes are developed, the computer is the backbone of planning,logistics and of the cyber army.
What are novel technologies for WW3?
Satellites? Drones? AI?
What it will be the WW3 weapon of mass destruction?
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