joi, 18 noiembrie 2021

The stupid people: the fifth column of every state

 Background: when Franco besiged Madrid he said that it had 5 columns attacking Madrid: one from north, one from south, one from west, one from east and one from within city. This was the fifth column the people from inside.

In my opinion people are stupid if they have all the information necessary, yet they take a decision that hurts them and maybe others.

Medieval peasants believed that earth was flat because they were ignorant.

Flat earthers believe the same thing but they have a lot of contrary information, so they are stupid.

It seems that access to information didn't cured the stupidity.

In middle ages, the stupid believed the priest or the monarch. Then in modern time, he read the papers from within country, or listen to state radio and TV. The stupid was the backbone of the state, he supported anything that government said, and it was ready to die for fatherland.

Now with advent of satellite communications and internet, the ideas of the stupid are more diverse, access to foreign news gives him a veneer of sofistication, he is influenced more by outside forces and he/she can be used against his state and his community 

From an asset, stupid became a liability.

Countries who learn their citizens to think critically and invest in education will have a better chance of surviving.

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