marți, 29 martie 2022

Why Zelenski wasn't accepted to speak at Oscar ceremony

 Yesterday the "Fresh prince from Bel Air" slapped Chris Rock because he made a bad joke about his wife.

The difference between what Putin did in Russia and  what Will Smith did, is the scale

Putin regime tells journalists to keep the mouth shut. Smith does the same with comedians.

Putin tries to kill a comedian Zelenski, Smith slaps a comedian Chris Rock.

The same hubris and same arrogance in both and the same idea that force can solve things.

They both live in a bubble and think that their actions don't have consequences.

What you expect from a Hollywood that accepted sexual abusers in they ranks ?

To support independence and freedom ? To keep at least a moment of silence for victims from Ukraine ?

In WW2 Hollywood stars advertised war bonds, now they go against their country interests because it is trendy.

Hollywood is good also to distract, everybody now  speaks about Chris Rock and Will Smith fight, everyone has forgot about Ukraine, Zelenski, Mila Kunis, and Sean Penn.

Sean don't melt the oscars, sell them and donate the money.

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