sâmbătă, 15 iunie 2024

Truth is not universal

 A biologist, an astronomer, a psychologist search different truths. And their truths could not intersect.

Men since the beginning of time searched truth for their utility, the hunters seek the footprint of deer (indices) to find the deer (truth).

Truth depends of what you search: if I ask: what the height of Everest! And you answer: the moon rotates around the world. 

You answered with a true statement but you didn't answered to my search for truth.

Search for truth is a physiological need as hunger.

The truth we search is to fill that need, that void.

If you don't have a void you don't search for the truth, and you don't find the truth.

Flat earthers are seeking the truth ?

Maybe but their void is filled fast, and don't find the fact that disprove the theory.

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