duminică, 9 martie 2014

The Europe is my oyster, says the Russian stork

Russia threat to cut the natural gas supply to Europe.
Natural gas is used 92% as fuel and 8% as chemical feedstock according US Department of Energy.
So if the Russians cut the gas supply, mostly the energy sector will be hit.
But how dependent is Europe of Russian gas?
According to Eurostat European Office for Statistic: 62% of natural gas comes from outside EU and Russia's gas accounts for 31%. So Russian gas accounts for 19% of the EU gas (0.62*0.31), but the main customer for Russian gas is Europe 81% and Turkey 19%.
A halt on the gas trade, will hit mostly Russia.
Russia produced in 2012 more than 199.9*10^8 m^3 of gas,  so Europe imported 161.919*10^8 m^3, If Europe doesn't buy, where Russia will sell this gas?
To the East Asia through Liquified Natural Gas ships? They can sell only 7*10^8 m^3 through Sahalin terminal.

The EU gas consumption in 2012 was 4568972.433 GWh but the import in 2013 was of 1740.62*10^8 GWh (161.919*10^8 m^3*38.7 MJ/m^3/3.6). 38096 times greater.What they have done with all this extra gas? Where they store it?
It seems that Europe took measures to protect against a dependency of Russian gas and it has huge reserves. Also EU is reconsidering coal and nuclear as power sources.
The wind,solar and biomass energy counts for 20%  of Europe production and it seems it will the main energy source in future.The scarcity of resources in Europe will determine bigger investment in reasearch..

On the other side Russia has immense resources of  oil,coal and gas, any mineral resource in the world, it has enough water,population is not dense and it doesn't import much wheat (only 500 metric tonnes last year). What could be done to force it to leave Crimeea?
Only Kremlin incompetence stops Russia to be self-reliant.

The situation between Russia and Europe, it is similar with the one from the following Chinese story:
A stork, catched an  oyster, the oyster closed its shell locking the stork's beak. The stork asked the oyster to open the shell otherwise they will both die, the oyster asked that the stork open first, because it believed that the stork once free will try to eat it.Finally they both died, because no one gave up.
The Europe is oyster because it can only react to the Russian acts, while Russia is a stork that tries to pray on seemingly inoffensive oyster.

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