luni, 2 decembrie 2024

Electoral lotery

 Poor people who voted demagogues are blamed unfairly that they are irrational.

But I think that is completely rational.

Most of the lottery tickets are bought by poor people.

Why ? Hope, with 1$ you can't buy much, but 1$ lottery tickets can change your life.

Of course is making more sense to save more or buy bread.

But if the lottery ticket is free, you can use it only once at 4 years?

Then it make sense to gamble.

Middle class and rich people don't want to risk their wealth at elections so they vote for stability.

The former even buy politicians to protect their assets.

Poor people on other side have nothing to lose, and everything to win from changing the system.

The Georgescu victory in first round for Romanian elections , wasn't a victory of TikTok.

It was a loss of establishment, after 2 years of pandemic, they had the bright idea to liberalize the prices of energy for households.

Of course the prices rose, with 30%, in part also because of speculations at energy exchanged.

Government didn't prioritized irrigations , and the drought of last year wipped out the incomes of small farmers.

Also government decided to increase taxes, which cooled down the economy.

vineri, 29 noiembrie 2024

Romanian muadib

 In a region with critical natural resources, an empoverished and opressed people, chose a religious leader a messiah to lead them against oppressors, influenced by myths created by a secret society.

The messiah uses this power to further his goals to take power for himself and his clan.

The military leader of the people grooms the messiah to unite people in a fighting force and chase the opressors.

The messiah leads his men to a bloody war 

Men follow him thinking that they will reach the paradise.

In fiction the region is Planet Arakis, the people are the fremen, Messiah Paul Atreides, military leader Stilgar, the secret society: Benne Gesserit.

In reality the region is Romania, messiah Calin Georgescu, secret society:members of the orthodox church,former secret police and army officers who continued a campaign of national and religious myths started in communist times and even earlier in the '30.

sâmbătă, 23 noiembrie 2024

Strange Trump nominations make sense

 Robert Kennedy and Doctor Oz were name heads of health care.

Tulsi Gabbard is head of national security council.

All 3 are challenged by the current establishment and there will ve some bruises.

That reminds me of a Machiavellian trick, name a brutal person to terrorize everyone and remove your enemy. Then execute same person for abuses he made, and you will look like a saviour.

The Trump nominees will get rid of Trump opposition within administration and after that they will be dumped.

duminică, 10 noiembrie 2024

Why we choose liars as leaders? Part 2

 The current democratic elections require the candidate to step forward to be seen and analyzed by the people. His past life is analyzed, family followed and recorded. Can a normal person withstand such a stress?

No.But a person with narcissism can, and it will enjoy it.

The truth upsets people, but if you lie, you will convince some naives to vote you.

The smart guys from your camp will understand the lie, and shut up about it. While your adversaries will expose it, but who will believe them ? They are interested to smear you, to win. They are bad person's anyway. And a bad person can't tell the truth.

The selection process of democracies in general and of USA in particular selects for narcissistic and deceitful persons 

No wonder that in USA one actor (Reagan) and a media personality (Trump) were voted as president and an actor (Schwarzenegger) was elected governor.

Other countries that had media personality in politics are Italy with Berlusconi and Beppe Grillo, and Ukraine with Zelensky.

vineri, 8 noiembrie 2024

Why we are choosing liars as leaders ?

 First if the country is big and information space is cluttered by partisan propaganda and you don't have reliable source of information you can't decide 

If Trump says that Haitians are eating pets in Ohio, if you are in Texas you can't verify.

If the country is small then you might meet someone from Ohio to tell you that is truth or not.

Second is the bias, I admired Elon Musk and I discarded bad info about him until I watched a documentary on how he took over Tesla and kicked out the founder.

I also admired Jordan Peterson and I also rejected the criticism from the left till he expressed his opinions on war on Ukraine.

I admired Obama till I found out about his decisions regarding Afghanistan and 2008 bailout.

So to get rid of political bias you have to exposed to the truth, which is is hard in big connected world 

Or you should be exposed to well explained information for a long time, which is hard nowadays, when TikTok are few seconds long.

We should get rid of the notion that rational people will take rational decisions and choose the best people. 

We should go to a more Darwinian solution:

These should be a selection from a largely pool for candidates and a selection out for the leaders.

USA has a low selection pool, only 2 parties, and this causes the degerecy of the political class 

Russia and similar dictatorships have also the problem of selecting out of he dictator.

Despite blunders in Ukraine Putin is not overthrown.

Biden despite his mental state is ruling the country. 

In Roman Empire, legions made emperors and also legions overthrew them.

In middle ages feudal lord were deposed by rivals.

This stock refreshed the leadership and allowed survival of the state entity despite a crude and inefficient selection system for leaders.

My idea is: if we can't choose the best leader anyway, let's make possible to depose him peacefully I'd he is not fit 

In conclusion USA democracy has 2 problems: Low Pool of candidates and  low probability to change the president if it is ill (Kennedy,Reagan,Biden), incompetent (Trump), corrupt (Lyndon Johnson).

marți, 15 octombrie 2024

Trump election will trigger a war in Pacific?

 I imagine Trump winning and starting to have a izolaționist policy.

The huge US government debt forcing the US administration to make cuts in Defense budget.

This 3 event will trigger reduction of military presence in Pacific and embolden China to take Taiwan.

It is not necessary to take it, it is enough  to enforce a blockade and US navy to do nothing , to show  the serrif is no longer in town and China can whatever it wants with US allies.

If fall of Kabul was disastrous for credibility of US in Central Asia, the blockade of Taiwan will be a blow for US credibility in East Asia.

If Japan defends Taiwan, then we could have maritime war between Japan and China.

South Korea might think that while the North Korea's protectors are busy in Ukraine and Taiwan it could take it.

If they disable the nukes, and cross the DMZ, they could overwhelm NK army, Reach Yalu river, reactivate the NK nukes, and threaten china with nukes if it intervines.

What if theory of evolution have been discovered earlier?

 The theory of evolution of appeared in 19 century.

The modern parliamentarian democracy in 18 century with American and French revolution.

The ideas of capitalist free trade economy were systematized by Adam Smith în 18 century.

What if the evolution theory appeared before?

How the ideology of capitalism and democracy would have been ?

miercuri, 9 octombrie 2024

Why you should ignore Nietzsche

 First it is hard to write.

Second besides teaching philosophy at Basel he didn't created or did anything.

Compare him with the contemporary Bismarck:

Otto von B was involved in politics he created Germany. He knew people and  he understood the world.

I have problems I prefer the advice of a Bismarck over the advice of a Nietzsche.

Honestly I had enough to stumble on internet over Nietzsche 

duminică, 6 octombrie 2024

Curtea constituțională blochează accesul lui Sosoanca la prezidențiale

 Au auzit în social media că Diana Șosoanca a fost descalificata de Curtea Constituțională in a participa la prezidențiale, lăsând la o parte motivațiile iată care sunt efectele:

- pe termen scurt: un candidat populist este oprit dar i sa da apa la moara. Ea poate folosi acest lucru pentru a arăta că sistemul nu se poate schimba prin alegeri. Electoratul ei va fi mai permisiv la o schimbare in forță a sistemului 

- pe termen mediu: voturile ei se vor duce la George Simion. Poate va ajunge in turul doi. Poate turul 2 va fi intre Simion și Ciolacu. Unfel de tur Vadim Iliescu.

Dar mă îndoiesc de victoria lui Ciolacu. La țară se votează Aur, cei de la oraș, unii nu vor vota Ciolacu in turul 2, alții vor vota Simion.

Baza electoratului lui Ciolacu se va rezuma in turul 2 la simpatizanții PSD de la oraș. 

-pe termen lung se va crea un precedent în care Curtea Constituțională numita politic se va amesteca in alegerile care trebuie sa fie voința poporului.

Va fi o decădere treptată a democrației, vom ajunge un soi de Mexic 2.0 (acolo langa farul democrației din 1924 până în anii '80 a guvernat același partid, deși erau alegeri, și nominal Mexicul era o democrație)

sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2024

The food in communist Romania was bio ?

 I had some online arguments with some western communist about the life in Soviet block.

I will summarize my experience in '80 communist Romania and explain how we got food 

We got the vegetables,cheese and live chicken from peasants that grow them on their small gardens,around their houses , so they had between 500m^2 to 2000^2.

Also the sheets who herded sheep were not colectuved and they were free to sell their cheese.

This small commerce with food was tolerated by communists because in the '40 and '50 we had a famine that we overcame it also with help of USA.

The Romanian communist were not idelogues like in Soviet Union they were pragmatic. I think Romanians don't buy too hard in ideologies and they are rather pragmatic.

These peasants compensated for the lack of supplies in state stores.

As for meat state store you could rarely find pig feet, chicken feet, wings and neck. Stuff you don't feed a dog today.

The eggs were rationed,cooking oil was rationed, 1-2 l/month, sugar was rationed at 1 kg/month.

Everyone had a ration card for these products.

Potatoes were not rationed but they were low quality, what cannot be exported.

In my town the bread was not rationed, but you have to stay in line to get it. I heard that in some cities even the bread was rationed. 

In Bucharest and Sibiu, there were less rationalisation, for example you could buy eggs without ration card.

The agricultural production was highjacked by the state to get dollars, the agriculture was mechanized and chemicals were used.

It was a story that whole train full of apples was reject from a western importing country because it was full of chemicals, no apple was rotten.

While the country food was exported and we had to stay in line with our ration cards, the paisants with their small gardens feeds us.

The Romanian soil and climate is good for agriculture.

If you didn't he have big expenses and you had a surplus , you could sell it on a market with completion from traders or food importers, you could have a decent life 

The Romanian paisant owned a small radio and not a TV because at TV you would see only propaganda.

He didn't had a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner.

Few had refrigerators , most of people used caves in basement for cooling.

He used fire wood, and water from the well.

His children went to the city.

And as woman tod me: it is not a sinn to steal from the state.

So some grain from state farms was used to feed paisants chicken, if that wasn't possible, bread bought from city was used, because villages were not supplied with bread.

He didn't had acces to chemicals for plant and animal treatment, so his food and our food from market was bio.

After the liberalization in '90, traders pushed away the paisants from markets, imports suplimented and replaced some foods.

The small producer is too old to sell in market and the one who sells in market uses the same chemicals as in other countries.

In conclusion, a large class of paisants with small gardens, who lived like in '20, feed us preventing a famine like in Russia or China. Because scarcity they could not use chemicals, and their food was safer.

The tolerated open market with an unwanted protectionism provided us for a short period of time with bio food. 

This was done by accident not by design.

If the peasants would have been protected against rapacious traders and imports this could have developed in something good. Imagine 50% of your food being bio.

But this wasn't sustainable market and political pressures ended small lot agriculture.

duminică, 25 august 2024

How to exploit country resources

If a hunter in prehistory killed a mammoth of 1000kg  and it could eat only 100 kg of meat in a week. The rest of 900kg was a waste for him and resource for other hungry tribesmen so he could trade the meat for tribesmen help.

When the refrigeration was invented the farmer could trade the meat for money instead of social support.

Food, water, shelter, medicines have an inherent value because ensure the survibility, but beyond the actual consumption their value is given by the demand 

Other resources such as oil have value dependent of the Dem ad. The price of oil is not determines by what the oil producers are doing with it. Oil oozed from the ground for milenia, and besides some limited use in lubrication,watertighting and lighting, the local population didn't used much.

With invention of car by Benz in 1890, the demand has increased, and the price has risen. 

Technology has created value for a resource.

Well then with all this new resource the oil producers countries became rich, right ?

If you have resources and you can't defend them , then you don't have them.

These are the 3 steps for selling you country resources:

1. Cover internal consumption

2. Sell the excess to countries that developed the technology that raised the price of the resource 

3. Build an army to defend the resources.

There are people who oppose selling the resources because they think that they have an instrinsic value.

They don't, their value is driven by the demand, and if you don't sell them, the buyer will change the technology an you will stay with resources on the ground or with the harvest rotting in the field.

miercuri, 14 august 2024

Matter good, idealism bad

 When you make something with your hands, you feel a satisfaction at the end.

When you think about something you feel worried, stressed.

Because ideas are in the potential field always in future always in peril of disappearing.

The ideal world is in contradiction with imperfect reality, and produces insatisfaction.All the totalitarian regimes were ideas that tried to impose on people.

The market economy was material real, not imposing, and gave results that worked. It produced stuff that made people happy.

Finally materialistic merchants vanquished the idealistic totalitarianism of fascists and communists.

luni, 29 iulie 2024

2 types of moral

 The scandal with opening ceremony of Paris Olympic games, made me wonder why some people think that the moral from the grandmother's village applies to the Paris, a city who invented the world libertinage.

Can we demand others to respect our moral code ? Why ? There are universal moral values ?

I think there are 2 types of moral code.

BIG MORAL: don't kill from your own group, don't steal from your group, don't sleep with your neighbor wife, don't have sex with you relatives

This MORAL, you când find it all over the place from tribes to nation state.

The second one is the small moral, related more to customs.

This includes how to dress, how to marry and to whom, how to behave in public, how to eat, what to eat, what is allowed and what is forbidden to drink.

This small moral is related to customs.

Customs evolved according to environment, people from tropics were summary clothes, those from desert covered all their body , the persons from temperate regions alternated by been fully clothes in winter to been fully naked to get vitamin D in summer.

The problem is that universal monotheistic religions mixed these 2 , and not respecting the customs is equivalent to angering the God.

In my opinion more a group is distancing from BIG MORAL, more is intolerant with breaking of customs, of small moral.

It is a moral accounting: I killed the infidels, but I respected the lent, I prayed every day, and my daughter's are cast,modest and well dressed.

Christianity despite imposing the dress code for people for all over the world, I think is more relaxed than Judaism and Islam, because formal respect of the customs was denounced by Jesus.

marți, 16 iulie 2024

Idolatry of authority

 I noticed that in general men whovresoect the authority don't accept that a simple guy can inflict damage to a whole organisation.

In their opinion the attack on Trump from 2 days ago, must be a plot, because How a guy can outsmart the secret service.

The 911 attacks an inside job, because how come some thirth world aliens, can demolish a building in center of US ?

They respect the idea of institutions, big and strong and they don't notice that institution is composed by people and it has its own routines.

Criminals are doing this all the time.

They corrupt people and use the rules of justice to get free.

sâmbătă, 15 iunie 2024

Truth is not universal

 A biologist, an astronomer, a psychologist search different truths. And their truths could not intersect.

Men since the beginning of time searched truth for their utility, the hunters seek the footprint of deer (indices) to find the deer (truth).

Truth depends of what you search: if I ask: what the height of Everest! And you answer: the moon rotates around the world. 

You answered with a true statement but you didn't answered to my search for truth.

Search for truth is a physiological need as hunger.

The truth we search is to fill that need, that void.

If you don't have a void you don't search for the truth, and you don't find the truth.

Flat earthers are seeking the truth ?

Maybe but their void is filled fast, and don't find the fact that disprove the theory.

duminică, 9 iunie 2024

Book review: Haruki Murakami "Norwegian wood"

 I heard about Norwegian Wood novel and I bought the book from a sale.

I didn't had any expectations about it, I didn't know the subject.

The novel develops slowly, we found out that Toru Watanabe after suicide of his friend Kizumi leave his native town to study in Tokyo 

There he meets Kizumi girlfriend and his crush Naoko.

Afer a failed sexual intercourse, Naoko dissapears and Toru finds her in a sanatorium for mental illnesses, together with a 31 year old woman Reyko.

Toru finds out that in the past Naoko has found her sister hanged.

Obviously the suicide of her boyfriend Kizumi hit her hard, and triggered a delirium and a mental illness that will culminate with Naoko's suicide.

Meanwhile a colleague of Tori, Midori is attracted to him, maybe because his detachment.

Toru seems to be detached and lonely, it has one one friend Nagasawa and one strange room mate. He prefers to do individual sports and to drink,it has one job a guardian in a record store.

He seems to have typical symptoms of a depression in males: loneliness, numbness and alcohol drinking.

Midori has her her own issues: her father is dying of a brain cancer as her mother died few years ago from same disease .

She is hiding this thing from Toru, saying that her father went to Uruguay after her mother death.

Also Toru hids from Midori that his girlfriend is in an sanatorium with mental problems.

This will cause some frictions.

Midori stress with taking care of her father and death if her mother makes her to adopt an attitude of: you only live once. She is provoking Toru with all kind of edgy proposals, to know better the men, she says.

I think she searched in Toru a replacement for her father. Both ger father and Toru didn't show the feelings.

The thirty woman Reyko, is more mature and it reminds Toru, after the death of Naoko that everybody dies and it has a duty regarding the alive ones, regarding Midori.

Toru makes love with Reyko, who becomes a replacement for Naoko, and closes in this way, his relationship  with Naoko. Reyko in Naoko clothes looks like her in Your's eyes 

Toru realises that death is a part of life and rekindles his relationship with Midori.

Some people consider the book a love book, but it is also a book about death and how can react to it:

Getting depressed as Nao

Getting numb and detached as Toru

Enjoying life and every moment as Midori.

Accepting the finitude of our lives as Reyko 

I would recommend to anyone who suffered a loss to read this book.

Post scriptum:

From cultural point of view what was shocking for me it was acceptance of multiple relationships from part of women and high rate of suicide, there are 3 in this book.

I don't know if it something specific to Japan or of that era, but for sure suicide there doesn't have same stigma as in christian countries.

miercuri, 29 mai 2024

Comunism vs capitalism

 Comunism works only if all people are altruistic, hence the emphasis on education in comunist countries.

Capitalism works even if all people are egoistic, it is not nice but it works.

Let's consider the worst job it can be: cleaning public toilets 

In a ideal comunist society where you have equal pay, why should you do it ?

You can have better job for same pay 

So the state should enforce that everyone from time to time washes public toilets.

So here it goes your freedom 

Also because you force educated people like medic to waste time cleaning toilets, you are not efficient.

A medic might get ill , not make his consultations and people will die.

On the other side on the capitalism inequal pay and need to survive forces some people to do worst jobs .

But the system is more efficient, it allocates the right person for the right job.

People from the bottom are sacrificed so that the system works. It is communistic in a way.

People's freedom is limited by the money they have.

In order to improve capitalism you must improve social mobility so money can be aquired easily, or improve the working conditions of the poor.

But people defend their own turf and don't allow others to challenge their position and they are managers who what to suck every profit even at the expense of working conditions.

Why we like Dune so much?

 I have read the books, saw Villeneuve's movies several time, but till now I didn't understood why I was attracted.

The book has 2 forces that drive the destiny of characters: the predetermination rooted on the past, and undetermined future.

Paul as his father Leto is forced to fight his enemies Harkonen by history of the houses, and an old feud that is forgotten. This feud is fed by political ambition of the emperor.

The prophecy is the future, the desire, the equilibrium.

It is not clear.

Paul is the Mahdi?

It will win, it will create a genocidal war ?

The future is created by past, Mahdi and Lisa Al Gaib are Bennegeserit superstition, created to keep in check fremden ecologic pressure who creates expectations.

But future is hundred by past and present: the unwillingness of great Houses to put the stability of system above their interests.

miercuri, 22 mai 2024

Why we reject inconvenient historical facts.

 History is science of sorting and understanding of memories.

Memories determine the identity.

If the history is curated to determine a certain identity or a certain population behave in a certain way for a long time, inconvenient or incongruous facts will be reject to maintain the identity.

If a populatin believes is peaceful and tolerant will reject fact that proves that sometimes it attacked others or persecuted minorities.

I like people who accept their mistakes, this means that they will change and improve.

marți, 7 mai 2024

The Bauhaus buildings and nature

 Along the centuries people adapted their houses to the environment, the more rain and snow you have the higher the inclination of the roof.

Less light you have bigger the windows are.

For example compare the German houses with those from middle east.

It seems that also the old architecture follows the principles of Adrian Bejan constructal theory, which states that systems evolve to allow minimum resistance access to the flows.

Modern architecture like the  Bauhaus put cuboids of Steel and glass regardless of these energy flows resulting in uncomfort and higher bills.

A cuboid of steel and glass in Bergen Norway will allow the light to enter but it will block the rain to flow, resulting in roof leakeges.

The same cuboid in Sahara, will retain water on the roof allowing to be saved for later use, but it will not stop the solar radiation to enter in the building and heat it, so you will spend money air conditioning.

A building should be design with end user in mind, the one who lives there and has to pay the bills.

It seems that modern architecture is driven by the tools and materials and not by environment and clients.

Unfortunately clients don't have a clue about physics and they are charmed by the beautiful design of architects 

joi, 21 martie 2024

Why Russia and NATO wants to believe that it will be a war

 If Russia conquers Kiev, it will be exhausted before taking NATO, the line of supply will be long and atta Ked by guerilla or NATO aviation. Eastern countries will mobilize fresh troops and the struggle to conquer them will be higher.

So why Russia threatens with war?

Intimidation, maybe some of NATO countries will balk and speed some negotiations 

On the other side NATO has to mobilize itself to discourage a bold action from Russia so the population must be wake up from slumber and support necessary expenses for defense.

The policy of Kremlin was to sell to the people ideea that they don't fight Ukraine, they fight NATO, and they use any scrap of evidence to prove it 

I don't understand why US bans use of F-16 against Russia.

How you gonna defeat Russia if you don't destroy its military industry ?

How you can destroy the industry without planes?

luni, 18 martie 2024

Russia and necessity to organize outside the state

 The elections in Russia just showed how impotent is the opposition without a structure outside the state 

When you use state infrastructure to communicate and to transfer funds, you are not able to create a momentum of people to overthrow Putin.

Communists and before them fascists knew this and they nationalised every Organisation from trade unions to boy scouts.

Russia needs an alternative structure, to undermine Putin and maintain stability after his demise . Otherwise it will be back 1992 but with a more selfish atitudine in the population.

Meanwhile in west the companies are eager to sell you a subscription model, where you rent your house, you rent your car, your information, only the weakness of the central government stops some western democracies to enter on an authocratic path as Hungary or Russia.

I am afraid what Trump will do with US intelligence power and power of corporations who concentrate a lot of information and infrastructure.

In dictators rise there are 3 phases:

- they mobilize a radical segment against their enemies (SA in Germany againts communist, social democrats and others)

- they get rid of the people they used for exacting violence (in the night of long knifes SA leadership was decimated by SS)

- they control the state Administration and each disident is dealt individually.

Trump could use right wing militia on democrats, then use national guard to quell right wing militia and bring 'order', he and his family will rule the Republican party who will win every election for next 20 years. Trump will leave the office after 8 yr. Then his sons or Ivanka will succed, or a puppet president will be set 

Luckily the states are independent, and people on the country side are self reliant and they could rebuild themselves.

If democrats think at betterment of US and want to stop Trump, the should convince Biden to withdraw and put a younger candidate.

Any will do.

duminică, 3 martie 2024

Power of technology in Dune

 For those familiar with Dube lore. The navigator guild didn't put satellites on south of Arakis and Harkonens didn't know the real number of firemen's 

They controlled the information and transportation of the empire.

Why none of the houses competed with them ?

Know how for sure, but also cost, it would take years of development who couldn't be hidden.

Anyway houses were busy killing each other and not paying attention to the guild 

Similar technocracies to guild, today are social Media companies from US, Taiwan semiconductor producers, deep sea oil extraction companies and oil equipment suppliers,turbine supliers, airplane suppliers. 

Their products are complex and require a lot of capital to be produced. Like guild's starships.

luni, 12 februarie 2024

Putin's interview

 I have listened Putin's interview and it reminded me about Ceaușescu.

Both old dictators, they have the same age now, 71 years 

Both fixated in the past.

Ceaușescu in 1400-1600, Putin in 1000 AD. 

They see the world in black and white. Ceaușescu has as enemies fascists and iredentist who wanted to broke Transilvania from motherland. Putin has the Nazi and the nationalists who broke Ukraine  from Russia.

Both blame west for their misfortunes, and have ties to China.

Both have frustrated oligarchs, that cannot spend their money.

sâmbătă, 3 februarie 2024

Europe without US

 Peter Zeihan, has some videos regarding world after US 'retreat'. 

Empires have flows and ebbs.

The American empire had a flow in '50 then in '90.

Now it is an a ebb like in '60,'70, when much decolonisation happened.

But how a complete retreat of US from Europe will affect the continent ?

It will look like Middle Ages or in the 1600.

The European countries don't have anymore the huge colonial empires to decide the fate of the world so the scope of their policies will be focused on Europe, Mediterranean sea and Middle East 

For middle east they will compete with Turkey.

For north Africa it will be a competition with Algeria and Maroc.

Inside EU will be a competition for power in Bruxelles.

While the Scandinavian,Germanic block will be more stable, because of their culture to put community first and individual second, France will be a problem 

Like Britain , France had a powerful aristocracy that demanded personal privileges. See la Fronde

But unlike Britain where it was a negotiated deal between Barron's and king, in France a centralized state under Louis iv succeded to control and ruin noblemen.

After the system fell, during french revolution, the declaration of rights human right of man and citizen was issued, imprinting the personal rights into law and in nation's conscience.

But unlike Britain were you educated about personal responsibility, in France you have statism.

This is due to 2 military dictators: Napoleon 1 and 3, who took power during troubled times, did a pretty good job, but they reasserted the power of the state.

The same thing happened with De Gaulle, a military man who took power in troubles times and saved the nation.

So in my opinion in France citizens have rights and expect that the state implement these rights 

But now the state can't do it 

The state can't addapt fast enough. France based its colonial expansion on the state and army. Britain on the private entrepreneurs.

British empire was bigger and more economically viable. Britain took Nigeria a fertile country, France took Niger an arid country.

The state doesn't keep pace with reality also in Germany. Created by Prussian military to funnel economic resources to the army and railroads, to beat the french, the German state worke well in 19 century and 20 century.

But the climatic changes require a change in sources of Energy and in crop cultivation, addaption to new migrants.

War in Ukraine requires addaption of industry to the war.

Adoption of photovoltaic panels by individuals is hindered by bureaucracy.

The farmers are ignored in favor of big supermarket chains.

The German industry is not on a war footing.

The states who will not have the burden of a bureaucracy will fare better on the future. Alliances between small actors, between individuals will fare better than government.

We will return in an age in which loyalty between individuals and between senior and his servants will be more important.

France and Germany will be in decline, maybe Spain and Poland will rise.

Spain as an exporter of green energy and Poland as military power.

miercuri, 24 ianuarie 2024

Mission of the artist

 Shakespeare has transformed the story of Romeo and Juliet, a story about some selfish families and selfish teenagers in a work of art.

Caravaggio transformed whores and beggars into saints.

Beethoven transform his pain caused by unshared love into musical piece 'Fur Elise'

Great artists transform the ugly into beautiful, dirt into ceramic and colors on canvas. Stones into sculptures.

Noise into to melody.

Who make the reverse is not an artist.

marți, 16 ianuarie 2024

Split of Western Empire

 In 276AD, emperor Diocletian split the Roman empire in 2 for better management.

Now the western empire US and EU are facing the same problems as Romans in 276AD: barbarians at the border in Ukraine, succession crisis in US, decline of traditional religious beliefs.

Will the western alliance split? Will the western Europe asume leadership for realtion with Russia and Middle East ?

It happened before when western countries allied to contain autocrats who become too powerful like Lou's 14, Carol 5, and Napoleon.

But what it will be with US ?

They are still isolated geographically by 2 oceans, Mexico is still a problem but not big enough 

Usually the civil war in Rome appeared when it was safety at the border, leadership was weak, there was enough money to loot for paying legionnaires.

Without rejuvenation of political class, the people will be attry towards extremist politics 

vineri, 12 ianuarie 2024

Miorița este Bushido românesc

Am ascultat un Podcast cu Damian Anfile despre români

Și se pare că nici un om educat și cu studii în teologie că domnia sa nu a înțeles semnificația baladei Miorița.

In primul rând Miorița este precreștină, discuția cu animalele, comuniunea om natură, lipsa lui Dumnezeu indica faptul că balada își are originile din timpurile când se practică șamanismul in zona României.

Balada este o pregătire pentru moarte, spune ce trebuie făcut și rânduit după moartea eroului 

O atitudine asemănătoare întâlnim la samurai, care erau pregătiți în orice moment să moară.

Atitudinea asta se mai păstrează în artele marțiale japoneze unde participanții sunt îmbrăcați în alb, culoarea de doliu in orientul îndepărtat.

Orice s-ar spune samuraii nu s-au predat niciodată fără lupta. Și nu cred că ciobănașul mioritic se va fi predat fără lupta resemnat.

Din contră pregatindu-se sa moarta a luptat și cu mai mult curaj.

Faptul că noi nu mai înțelegem această balada a Mioriței arată că ne-am îndepărtat de oamenii care au creat-o și că de fapt ea nu ne mai reprezintă.