joi, 21 decembrie 2017

Adrian Nastase si republica procurorilor, sau ce semeni aia culegi

Ma uitam aseara pe TVR 1 la 'Romania 9' a lui Cristache si invitat era Adrian Nastase care deplangea republica procurorilor, si ca unele cauze penale sunt folosite in interes politic, pentru a elimina din competitia politica politiciani nedoriti. Mai ca nu a spus "redati-mi drepturile politice pentru a reveni acolo unde imi este locul: la conducerea voastra" dar sa multumit sa-s exprime speranta ca actualele modificari ale justitiei vor permite ca sa nu mai fie interzise drepturi politice.
In 2002 se declanseaza scandalul Armageddon,  in care Mugur Ciuvica transmite diferitelor ambasade din romania  detalii despre afacerile necurate a lui Adrian Nastase. Mugur Ciuvica foloseste fara stirea unui prieten Ovidiu Iane contul acestuia de email.
Ciuvica este arestat,
Ovidiu Iane este anchetat de procuratura iar o parte din interogatoriu este transmis la televizor.
Ovidiu Iane neaga ca ar fi trimis el, spune ca Ciuvica i-a folosit contul de email.
Dar printre acuzatiile care i se aduc lui Ovidiu Iane este ca folosea programe fara licenta, cand in 2002,  90% din oameni nu aveau licente la software, iar el nu fusese arestat pentru asta.
Asta nu e proces penal instrumentat politic?
Va plangeti ca v-au luat cu catuse in fata camerelor?
Dar cum e sa-ti fie dat la TV interogatoriul in care esti pus la colt si umilit pentru ca ai trimis un mail?
Domnule Nastase, ati avut puterea sa faceti bine, puteati sa puneti punct atunci la "republica procurorilor". Dar ametit de straturile superioare ale puterii nu v-a trecut prin cap ca puteti cadea   si ajunge in malaxorul procuraturii. Daca ati citit ceva istorie ati citit-o degeaba, garda pretoriana a omorat mai multi imparati decat poporul Romei.
PS. Urmarea scandalului Armagedon: Ciuvica a dat in judecata procurorii care l-au anchetat stalinist, parchetul a dat neinceprea urmaririi penale, decizie care a fost infirmata de Laura Codruta Kovesi procurorul general de atunci. Daca acum este republica procurorilor, ce era atunci? Monarhia procurorilor?

vineri, 1 decembrie 2017

Book review: "Il ritorno del principe" de Saverio Lodato,Roberto Scarpinato

Din intamplare azi de ziua nationala voi face review-ul unei carti despre mafia si clasa politica italiana: "Il ritorno del principe. La criminalita dei potenti in Italia"

Si vorba imnului: "Că-n aste mâni mai curge un sânge de roman," clasa noastra politica se apropie de cea italiana foarte mult. 
Cartea descrie o istorie a evolutiei mafiei in context istoric si international.
Principele in cartea aceasta este sistemul despotic si amoral descris de Machiavelli in secolul 16 care in opinia autorului conduce Italia de-a pururi si doar recent a luat o fata constitutionala.
Contrar parerii generale mafia nu a fost o organizatie antisistem formata din infractori care s-au organizat impotriva puterii statului, ci a facut parte integranta din sistemul feudal de conducere din Sicilia. 
Mafiotii au fost bratul inarmat al latifundiarilor sicilieni, si aveau rolul de a reprima miscarile taranesti si a tine sub control infractorii locali.
Odata cu decaderea latifundiarilor, mafiotii au preluat averile acestora dar au mentinut aceiasi politica de control prin teroare.
Clasa feudala a intrat in declin si s-a ridicat burghezia care a preluat structurile mafiote.
Apoi agricultura a intrat in declin si mafia s-a orientat spre oras de unde veneau noii bani, de acolo recoltau banii din taxe de protectie, afaceri imobiliare si din deturnarea lucrarilor publice.
In carte se spune si cat cat pretindeau mafiatii din lucrari: 2% lua mafia,2% luau politicienii si 0.5% luau functionarii (Mult mai putin decat iau acuma politicienii nostri)

Interesant este ca mafia nu este formata numai din brute, este formata si din gulere albe, avocati,doctori,ingineri care controleaza mafia asa zis militara care e trimisa sa intimideze si sa ucida. (Scarpinato povesteste cum un onorat doctor dupa eliberarea din inchisoare pentru  asociere mafiota se intalnea seara cu elita locala, de avocati doctori,politicieni si apoi seara se intalnea cu drojdia societatii, cu criminalii de joasa speta care le faceau treaba murdara)
Mafia militara este recrutata din cartierele sarace din sud, si pe langa rolul de intimidare are rolul si de a controla clasele sarace sa nu intre peste elita bogata.

Scarpinato spune ca in interiorul grupurilor mafiote este o altfel de etica: daca cineva coopereaza cu justitia este marginalizat, daca face puscarie si se intoarce este primit din nou in grup. Asta se intampla si in cadrul gulerelor albe: in intreprinzator care a refuzat sa plateasca  taxa de protectie si a cerut ajutorul autoritatilor a fost parasit de toti "prietenii".

Acelasi lucru se vede si in PSD unde disciplina de partid este mai puternica decat respectarea legilor. Toti politicienii care au fost sustinuti de partid: Bivolaru,Nastase si Dragnea, au fost condamnati. Intr-un stat normal intr-un partid normal, ori si-ar fi dat demisia or ar fi fost demisi, deoarece afectau imaginea partidului.

Interesanta este similitudinea de evenimente din Italia si cea din Romania:
Mafiotii erau bratul inarmat al unei puteri absolutiste feudale care controla economia locala. Dupa decaderea acestora au preluat controlul.
In 89 Ceausescu controla toata tara, dupa caderea sa oameni din partid si securitate au preluat controlul asupra economiei.
Italia a avut parte de masacrul de la Portella impotriva muncitorilor, noi avut parte de masacrul de dupa 22 decembrie 89 impotriva demonstrantilor si de mineriadele impotriva opozitiei.
La inceputul secolului XX niste deputati italieni implicati intr-un scandal financiar s-au prevalat de imunitatea parlamentara pentru a scapa de justitie.
Curtea constitutionala i-a sustinut.
La inceputul secolului XXI niste parlamentari romani, gen Bivolaru,Dragnea s-au folosit de acelasi mijloc pentru a scapa de justitie.
Curtea constitutionala nu a zis nimic.
In Italia s-au ciuntit legile anti mafie si s-a incercat distrugerea cooperari intre magistratii antimafie in anii 80, la noi se incearca acelasi lucru cu legile anticoruptie si cooperarea intre servicii si procuratura.
In 2006 in Italia s-au eliberat cateva mii de detinuti pentru datorita aglomerarii, iar printre cele cateva mii au fost destui mafioti, in 2017 s-au eliberat cel putin 1500 de puscariasi pentru conditii improprii, care puteau fi rezolvate de mult.
In anii '80 si '90 s-a declansat o campanie impotriva magistratilor anti-mafie, in anii 2000 s-a declansat la o campanie impotriva "republicii procurorilor", impotriva DNA impotriva lui Kovesi.
Nordul Italiei se dezvolta mai repede decat sudul si tinde sa se separe (anul asta au fost 2 referendumuri de autonomie in Lombardia si Veneto, cel din Veneto fiind valid).
Transilvania si Banatul se dezvolta mai repede decat restul tarii si sunt voci (gen Sabin Gherman) care zic ca le-ar merge mai bine fara regateni.

Ca si fapt divers in 2003 Mischie seful CJ Dolj s-a infratit cu Sicilia, se pare ca au avut ce invata de la colegii sicilieni, actualii politicieni din PSD.

La multi ani Sicilia de ziua ta! Oops, vroiam sa zic Romania

marți, 14 noiembrie 2017

Bottle neck business: Standard Oil,Microsoft and Google

In oil business boom J.D Rockefeller concentrated his efforts to buy refineries, while others focused on finding oil.
Refining petroleum is necessary for its sale, so it is technological bottle neck in oil business.
Owning a refinery it is more safe than finding oil because you have a pool of oil prospectors and from this pool it is always someone who finds oil and needs to refine it.
Due to geographical and transport  limitations, the oil producers had to sell in certain places.
In computer business Bill Gates bridged the gap between users and computer hardware. Due to convenience the market has to be limited to one or two operating systems. Regardless of the type of computer Gates sold its kits.
In internet  business Sergei Brin and Larry Page connected the data to users with a easy to use algorithm. Due to its ease to use and its popularity Google has a virtual monopoly on internet searches and firms have to consider search engine optimisation on google.

In conclusion all three business models have these characteristics:
1. They own a technology that decreases the gap between resources and consumers.(refining oil, operating system software, search algorithm)
2.The technology is a bottle neck and it cannot be bypassed easily
3.There are constraints that force the users to use only one provider: cost of transport for oil industry, software compatibility for software industry, cost of data retrieval and transmitting for internet business.
4. There are all in an expanding country (By the way France had the first idea for internet: Minitel, Romanians refined for the first time the oil)

duminică, 12 noiembrie 2017

Despre regi,vatafi,burghezi si tarani

Ascult la TV cum ca regele Mihai ii este rau in Elvetia, ma gandesc la necunoscutii care sufera pe paturile de spital din Romania, fara bani si vai de capul lor, macar pe averea lor nu se bate nimeni.

Alaltaieri, ministrul de finante apara viitoarele scaderi de salarii spunand ca "si acum patronul poate reduce salariul angajatilor".
Domnia sa nu a auzit de inventia moderna a contractului?
In Republica Constanta unde a lucrat inainte, probabil nu se practica semnarea contractelor, poate totul era la negru.
In guvernul comunisto feudal de acum se pare ca "Iluminismul" nu a intrat.
Se pare ca este o mentalitate de ev mediu, in care vin arnautii si iti iau din batatura, vaca pentru ca Domnu trebuie sa dea haraci la Stambul, fara sa iti dea nimic inapoi.
Clasa mijlocie este buzunarul oricarei tari, bogatii sunt prea conectati cu lumea politica pentru a plati taxe, saracii nu au bani.
La alegeri saracii au votat cu PSD-ul pentru ca Statul le dadea bani, clasa de mijloc nu s-a prezentat pentru ca Statul nu poate sa le dea bani deoarece au sursele lor de venit. Dar ei au uitat ca Statul le poate lua bani, si ei nu se pot refugia in paradisuri fiscale.
Clasa mijlocie trebuie vina la vot pentru a nu pierde bani,pentru a nu permite unui stat abuziv sa le bage mana in buzunar, ei trebbui sa vina la vot pentru a sprijini domnia legii.
Pentru clasa mijlocie vot este o corvoada ce trebuie facuta pentru a evita un rau.
Partea proasta este ca oamenii nu gandesc pe termen lung. E mai usor de convins un pensionar ca i se va mari pensia in anul urmator decat un IT ca este posibil sa i se taie scutirea.
Se pare ca "Vine iarna" si frigul trezeste din somn clasa mijlocie.

sâmbătă, 14 octombrie 2017

Old stones are round

When a child is born it is like a volcanic rock, aggressive, with sharp edges.
The life erodes these edges, and the end it is round pebble, that be be carried in hand.

duminică, 1 octombrie 2017

Spanish war forgotten lessons

The Spanish prime minister Mariano Rahoy decisions to use force to suppress the Catalonian independence referendum has given what the independence movement need it: an enemy to fight against. All the nations were formed against an enemy.

When you see police storming poll stations, you think at fascism, Franco and last resistance of Catalonia against Franco's dictatorship. These are powerfull images that can be used to rally people to Catalonia independence cause.

The intolerance brought the scourge of the civil war on Spain, and it seems that this lesson was not learned by Spaniards. They try to settle old scores even now.

Franco could be more lenient towards his political opponents and not build concentration camps to kill them.
Mariano Rahoy could be more lenient and not order police to use force against some people who voted.

He could let people vote and even encourage them to vote in order to win a majority. 
Even if the referendum would be 100% for secession he could claim that is unconstitutional and refuse to acknowledge it. 
What the Catalans would do? Take arms and face Spanish army?

If the Catalans would lead an armed revolt they would be the bad guy at TV, not the Spanish police.

Mariano Rahoy transformed a local problem: the Catalonian independence in a global problem: the right of people to assembly and express an opinion in Spain.
Maybe there are Catalans who didn't support independence, but seeing that their friends are beaten by police for voting, they change their opinion.
They were independence referendums in Scotland and in Canada and they didn't won the majority. Why was the Spanish government was afraid? That Catalonia will secede?
Czechoslovakia separated peacefully after '89, so even the Catalan's divorced they could have good relations with Spain, maintaining they economic ties. Not even now they don't have a border between these countries.
Yet while Czech republic and Slovakia shared a common destiny and never fought one another, the actual Spain was created by Franco with help of the army, similarly with what Tito did in Yugoslavia. 
The advantage for Spain is that has common history for all its provinces since 1492 and a strong identity, but it had a civil war and unresolved disputes and it has strong local patriotism. 
To spark a second civil war it needs an economic crisis or some other form of chronic discontent, intolerance and external support with weapons.
The government is intolerant, Catalonia has a busy harbour and can receive weapons from all over the world (Lybia is near) only the economy is recovering but youth unemployment is high.
Those who sow wind, reap storm.

marți, 8 august 2017

Extreme left logic: If not everybody has milk, then kill the cow

I saw a news regarding an attack on a turist bus in Barcelona.
The youth wing of a leftist catalan party was frustrated that the working people don't have money to pay rent in a city overwhelmed city (26 milions visitors in one year).
They forget that these tourists pay other working men such as cabbies, waiters, cooks etc, who could not find somewhere else to work, due to lack of industry of lack of skills.

The tourist overcrowding is serious. The city of Barcelona have an indigestion caused by too many tourist.
Using the cow parable, the problem is not that the cow is not giving milk to every one, but that the cow is grazing other pastures.
The pasture is the rented apartments , the transport infrastructure and the prices in restaurants.
But if you want to keep your pasture, you have to put a fence, not kill the cow:
Put a tax on apartments rented via AirBnb, force the landlord to lend apartments for a long period. Make stricter rules for offering accommodation to tourists. And build more hotels.
The locals don't use hotels, tourist do. So if you want to avoid overcrowding of in apartments, build more hotels and tax the apartments who offer accommodation to tourists..
Regarding transportation: use pricing to separate tourist and locals.
 For example a local will use the bus for a whole year from 8 to 10 when he goes to work, and from 16 to 18 when he returns.
Make 1 day ticket or 7 days ticket used by tourist more expensive in this period and cheaper between 10 and 16 when almost no local are travelling.

It is a problem of economy not a political problem, but it seems that Spanish left didn't learned anything from the Spanish civil war.

sâmbătă, 8 iulie 2017

Paranoic diet

I saw a film on youtube about ketogenic diet as a cure for cancer. And I was wondering why we didn't solve the cancer issue long before 'big pharma' involvement. And why in communist states where you didn't have interest of 'big pharma' lobby nobody used this diet and people still had cancer.
I made a little bit of research and I found this article on National Health Institute.
It is explaining that the ketogenic diet makes the cancer more vulnerable to chemotherapy and it doesn't replace the treatment.
In brief: the metabolism of cancer cell is broken and produces more H2O2 which would be toxic unless you have glucose to neutralise it.
When we switch to ketogenic diet we have less  glucose and more H2O2 in cancer cells which made them vulnerable.
But the purpose of this post is are snake oil salesmen.
The biology is complicated, I had to read the article above twice , googling terms to understand it.
The snake oil sales men simplify biologic processes by combining truths with lies:
"The cancer cells need glucose to survive and divide"-true
"The cancer cells consume glucose at a higher rate than normal cells" -true.
"If we are fasting or making a ketogenic diet our glucose level will drop"-true
"Then if we will have low blood sugar the cancer cell will die" not true, because the speaker used 2 antagonic categories: bad cancer cells versus good human cells.
The cancer cells are more like the lost son who went on drugs and  on crime and become a social danger. It is a danger to society but his origins are from within society.
The cancer cells are human cells and they have the same propriety adaptation to the provided nutrients, so they can use ketones.
Of course the mind of audience a question pops out:
"Why we are not using this diet already?"
"Because big pharma wants to make money and they are threatened by cheap treatments" comes the answer. A true statement as you can see in the case of Martin Shkreli who took advantage of the monopoly on a HIV drug to increase the price with 400%.
Because people understand better the behaviour of other people, and few people have personal access to doctors, or pharmacists, this explanation is believed. And since is easier to rationalise good versus bad, if the greedy big pharma is bad and lying  then anyone who s against them is good, and says the truth.
Then these people form a paranoid cult who doesn't believe in traditional treatments as vaccines,antibiotic and chemotherapy, and follow all kind of diets vegan,ketonic,paleo.

Their guru's are always claiming that the truth was hidden from them in facts it is the opposite: they never seek the truth.
I didn't make a research but it seems that USA is most afflicted of this disease.

Maybe they are used to think in black and white?
After all, in the westerns the good guys wore white hats and bad guys wore black hats.

duminică, 4 iunie 2017

I shit therefore I am

Arguing with the pest control guy. regarding the existence of the cockroaches after his visit, I had an epiphany regarding of the Blaise Pascal proof "I think therefore I am":
It is better to say  "I shit therefore I am".
Cockroaches don't think but they exists. How we know that they exists despite the fact that we don't see them? They shit all over the place. This main argument, help me winning the philosophical debate with the pest guy and request for a refund.
If you notice all living thing produce shit. So being able to shit is similar to being alive.
This philosophical (physiological) proof "I shit therefore I am" implies that life is not an illusion, because our mind does not want to imagine a smelly turd.
Have you seen in video games simulated turds? They recreate every thing but not turds.
The recreate almost all physiology but not defecating. (How would be to play Grand Theft Auto, and stop for defecating?)
In Grand Theft Auto they simulated sex and violence (things that we like) but not defecation (thing that we don't).
If the life is an illusion of the mind, and the mind likes sex and violence but not turds, why we have turds and we don't have enough scantly clad women?
So with this shitty argument I deconstructed all the Cartesian theory and all the philosophic ideas that life is an illusion of the mind.

duminică, 30 aprilie 2017

The gold standard

I hear often that we should go to the gold standard that the currencies should be backed by gold. But the gold standard it is not a defence against the inflation.
In the book "Industrial Revolution in Middle Age" by Jean Gimbel I found a chapter in which Philip IV of France called the Fair, diminished the content of gold in coins  because the economy was booming and need it more coins from the same gold.
The medieval economy which had a lower volume as ours needed cash, but it was limited by the usage of the gold standard for currency.
What are the functions of the currency after all?

  1. It can be transformed into goods.
  2. Can be stored indefinitely.
  3. Offers information about the prices of goods.

The water and food are goods demanded everywhere they can be used as currency before they are spoiled.
The gold is used as currency because it is not spoiled, but how it transforming it self into goods?
Why the gold was in high demand before it was used in technology?
The feudal lords used force to collect excesses of goods  from their territory, but they have to compete with others, for land,status, and for daughters of other princes.
If you show that you have an excess of food, then you can afford an army and your neighbours will respect you.
Gold and luxury goods were and indicators of the personal welfare.
Who had less gold was at bottom pecking order. and had less influence and could be attacked easily.
The feudal lords had food and they need gold.
On the other side the city dwellers need it food.
The merchants collected gold and exchanged for food from feudal lords or peasants.
Because it was a constant need of gold, lords bought luxury goods regardless of the situation, or in a dire situation, there were others who hoarded gold out of fear.
The value of gold is fear: fear of losing status from the elite, fear from losing savings from the common people.
Due to increase of the economy and of the modern state who didn't rely so much in personal display of gold for showing status, the role of gold diminished as currency.

We could say that distribution of gold, and the display of gold shows the distribution of power within a society.
More hierarchical and rigid is the society more gold it needs and it displays.

miercuri, 19 aprilie 2017

Kim Jong Un is the puppet of Putin?

It is strange Kim Jong Un's boldness, US is at war with them, China is massing troops.
The only aid it seems is Russia. Soviet Union put Kim Ir Sen his grand father on power. North Korea is a Soviet creation.
Korean's don't like he Chinese empire.
North Koreans hate USA and Japan.
Maybe now it makes sense why Russia deployed missiles to North Korean border.
They are not to help Americans, but to ensure that they fail in North Korea, it is response for US strikes on Syria.
China doesn't want US so close, so they are not interested in weakening North Korea, maybe China will intervene in North Korea, in behalf of the Americans but they will demand some concessions in South China Sea, maybe at the expense of Philippines. 

duminică, 9 aprilie 2017

Despre iluzii vandute: PNL si Ciolos calul troian in USR

Am vazut aseara un reportaj la TVR cu oamenii care au iesit singuri la protestat in micile orase din Moldova, unde speranta a murit.
M-am gandit la alte tari in care speranta a fost ingropata de-a binelea, gen Afganistan, Syria. Acolo sunt mafioti care sunt la guvernare si mafioti care te ajuta contra cost sa ajungi in Vestul Europei. Daca stai in tara respectiva te storc mafiotii locali, daca vrei pleci spre o viata mai buna  trebuie sa dai bani la alti mafioti, sa te treaca cu calauze muntii si sa te abandoneaze la granita UE.
In Romania rolul mafiotilor care te calauzesc o viata mai buna, este jucat de PNL, care nu are alt rol decat acela de a recicla electoratul anti-PSD , in voturi pentru aceiasi mafie transpartinica.
Altfel nu se explica non-combatul PNL-ului cand s-a hotarat ca primarii sa fie votati dintr-un singur tur, sau atunci cand s-a revenit la votul pe lista.
Votul pe lista intarind conducerea centrala de la Bucuresti in defavoarea provinciei, si intarind implicit puterea lui Dragnea in PSD.
Oare cum doamna Turcanu (fosta sefa a PNL) a putut cadea la acord cu PSD-ul stiind ca va avea un copil care va trai in aceasta tara? Sau poate si-a luat cetatenie in Monte Carlo si va privi de acolo fumul ce se va ridica din ruinele acestei tari?
Venirea USR-ului cam deranjeaza acest joc marginal al PNL si ar fi bine ca USR-ul sa fie deturnat.
Si ce om mai bun este decat competentul premier Ciolos pus de PNL?
USR ideologic se revendica ca un partid anti-sistem. oameni sai declarand ca nu au legaturi cu actualul sistem politico-economic.
Cum se potriveste activitatea domnului Ciolos de pana acum cu ideologia USR: a fost premier pus de PNL? Da,
Basescu a declarat ca el l-a facut comisar european la agricultura? Da.
A fost ministrul agriculturii? Da.
Sunt televiziuni care il ridica in slavi?Da.
Astea nu sunt dovezi ale legaturii intre Ciolos si sistemul actual?
Daca Ciolos va deveni presedinte USR, partidul va pierde pe termen lung, credibilitatea ca partid anti-sistem, in folosul unui relativ castig pe termen scurt in notorietate.
Nicusor Dan este destul de cunoscut acum in Romania, nu e ca la inceput cand se batea singur cu consiliul municipiului Bucuresti, asa ca Ciolos ca lider nu ar aduce cine stie ce castig.
Voluntarii UR nu au muncit ca sa-i faca lui Ciolos partid, daca vrea sa intre sa intre ca orice membru.

duminică, 12 martie 2017

Limits of globalisation and limits for EU commision

I have read the Jean Claude Juncker speech and I must say that I am glad that someone stirred some debate in the European countries.
This speech made me think about decisions,globalisation,speed and stability.
The cheap transports made the globalisation possible and world much more instable.
The systems to be stable they must have a negative feedback loop, for example in order that a car to stay on the road, it must have a driver to look a the road and to turn the wheel.
But if we have a delay in this feedback loop, driver reacts too slow for example, at high speeds the system (car) will become unstable, because the driver will try to overcompensate. The only solution is to drive slower.
But the international competition doesn't allow you to drive slower.

A good example of instability created by delayed feedback is the Iran SUA relation.
USA overthrow Iranian prime minister Mossadegh in 1953, replacing him with the Shah. Shah was overthrown by Islamic revolution in 1979, and the Iranian-US relations are sour since then.
Between cause and effect was a delay of 26 years.
If the delay was shorter, let's say that Iranians somehow would punish USA for overthrowing Mossadegh, the USA wouldn't overthrow the democratic elect Iranian government and would start a negotiation about oil reserves in 1953 not about the nuclear program of Iran in 2016.
Another example is from nature: the trees give oxygen,regulate weather and fix soil.
If we cut 1 tree nothing happens because we have a buffer, the rest of the trees produce enough oxygen and drain enough water.
We cut 1000 trees, nothing happens, we get money and we develop a forestry industry and we cut trees for decades without something to happen.
Till one day the soil starts eroding, we have flood and droughts.Now we have a feedback that is telling us that we should stop cutting trees. Too late.

The best example of instable situation kept stable by a good and fast feedback is the nuclear threat during Cold War: if one side launched missiles the other would do the same.
The feedback was very fast in few hours after you pressed the button you received the feedback in the form of enemy nuclear missiles.This made th e rulers think twice.

What would happen if we would have the same feedback for damaging the environment? What if when we spill chemical wastes on a field we would lose our crop and die of hunger?
This type of feedback we have it before the railroads, the local communities survived with the local agricultural products. Then and now in poor rural communities from Romania, people take more care about their land.
Coincidently, now  the demand for local products rose with the awareness of the environment impact. Maybe, we as a society we organize our self to be stable.

Maybe the fact that we have in the world long feedback loops with delays, which determine instability, determines an isolationism in some countries such as USA and UK.
What the Europe shall do?
First define which feedback loops have delays.And decide where to act and where to give freedom to national governments.
For example: unemployment  in Romania it is a long feedback loop for Bruxelles: it must gather data, discuss within among other  issues, then implement some measures to be carried out by local authorities.
The feedback loop between national government  it is faster, the collection of data is faster, the interest is immediate and te measures can be implemented faster.
So the national government should replace the EU commission, and EU to be only a trade agreement?
Not at all. There are some issues, like defense and foreign policy where the national government might react slow
For example: Russia attacks Finland, and the French government should take a position.
Finland is far from France and it is not of interest, second France has some special relation with Russia (see armament deals), why should they bother?

Till the situation becomes worse for France, the situation will become worse for Finland and for members of EU from the Baltic Sea.
An supra national organization like EU, or NATO, will feel threaten faster because its border is at the Baltic sea not at the Rhine, and it will react faster.

In my opinion that EU should do few things but well, for more countries.
A 2 speed EU will drive to disintegration of EU due to economic polarization.
EU could become a supranational state with economic discriminations between its citizens.
Habsburgic empire was a supra national state with discrimination between nationalities and it collapsed after WW1, when the nations didn't want to fight for it.
The only multinational state that is working is Switzerland.
Switzerland started as treaty between cantons with equal rights, and the first topics that they agree were extradition of criminals,freedom of trade and common defence.
Let's learn from swiss modesty and start small.

duminică, 5 martie 2017

How japanese sword techniques can help fighting lies and fake news

Today we must process information faster and faster and we leave the emotional brain to process information, and the emotional brain takes what it likes and discard any additional information.
If someone is primed to think that USA is behind any conspiracy in the world it is difficult for him to reject the false claims that the landing on the Moon was a fake.
It is hard to change someone's wrong ideas,but at least you can discourage him to spread the falsehoods, by making him doubtful.
After all nobody want to be considered a fool.
Let's imagine that you are on a TV studio, and you are trying to convince someone who believes that Moon landing was a fake, that he is actually wrong.
You can try to explain how the Saturn 5 rockets engine worked, or principles of optics on ancient film camera's, but even if you convince a technically ignorant person of your truth, it will take more than 5 min.

In Japanese sword fighting it is an school Iaido which is focusing on drawing the sword and cutting the oponent. The duel in this case takes seconds and the weaker opponent is dead.

The Iaido school focuses in simple fast techniques focused to hit vital organs, using the openings in defense.
We must develop a similar technique with fake news, to not let them spread.

In the case of fake Moon landing what is the vital organ, the hearth of the fake news?
Conspiracy. The US government has spend millions of dollars, for a Moon landing show.

So we must hit the conspiracy. And we must add to this conspiracy someone who is unlike to be a conspirator: the Soviet Union the archenemy of US in Cold War.

If the Moon landing was a fake why the Soviet Union kept silent? After all they could intercept rockets telemetry, and also they have high ranking moles as John Walker,Hansen and Aldrich Ames?

 Knowing were to hit is not enough you must also have the sword and the technique.
The sword it is an undisputed truth. The rivalry between USA and URSS is well known.
The technique consists of presenting the information in a way that is not rejected by the defense mechanisms of the other person.
If you say: "The whole thing with Moon landing fake is paranoia fueled by Russia", the other person will refuse to listen to you, because you making him looking like a fool, tricked by propaganda.

But if you put the misinformed person in role playing situation, maybe he will analyzing his believes.
Putting him in the role of URSS leader. he may wonder, if an ordinary man like me knows that the Moon landing was a fake, why the leaders from Kremlin, didn't know or didn't do anything.

In wining a dispute first you must have truth of your side, and you must be informed and know life sciences such as physics, well.

Second you must conceive simple fast experiments that can test the truth.
If someone is telling you about the car propelled by water. Ask him to ignite water. A fuel burns, if the water is fuel then it will burn.

Third you must know what truth's you can use.

Knowing how a camera works doesn't help in convincing someone who is ignorant about physics.
But everybody knows that enemies don't help each other, and was no reason for Soviet Union to cover USA in the biggest lie of the century.

miercuri, 8 februarie 2017

Ce mai poate face PSD-ul dupa ce are Parlamentul si Guvernul la dispozitia sa

Argumentul PSD-ului zilele astea suna cam in felul urmator:
"Am castigat alegerile, facem ce vrem"
Pe temeiul asta dupa gratierea puscariasilor, ar urma amnistierea celor care omoara oameni cu masini scumpe, a celor care fura banii pentru bolnavi si poate vor aduce si obiceiul medieval al primei nopti, in care seniorul feudal, trebuia sa se culce in prima noapte cu proaspata mireasa a omului de rand.

PSD-ul uita ca a fost votat de jumatate din cei cei 35% de participanti la vot pentru a guverna in interesulpoporului roman.

Inca de pe vremea lui Locke si Rousseau se discuta despre contractul social intre guvern si guvernati. In care poporul dadea drepturi extinse unei elite pentru a guverna in interesul sau.

Cand elita nu guverna in interesul poporului, contractul era rupt si poporul se putea revolta.
Dar ce sa explici despre contracte unei adunaturi de tzepari.

marți, 24 ianuarie 2017

The members of NATO, already pay US for their safety,Mr. Trump

Donald Trump often declared that NATO in an old alliance the members should pay US for security provided.
NATO membership doesn't mean that all countries will receive free weapons from US. They have to pay for their planes,tanks and rockets.
Below is a list with planes bought by NATO allies.The planes are the most expensive items and they are a good indicator of how much the US armament industry has sold in that countries.
  • Albania
  • Belgium 60 planes F16,10 transport plane Lockheed C-130 Hercules

As we can see except France and Germany who have money and industry for producing their armament and they can provide security for the alliance, and excepting cash strapped countries, all other allies are customers of the US armament industry.
In addition to the planes the allies bought also spare parts, licenses, payed for trainings and bought equipment for land forces.

So if US will leave NATO, they will leave a lot of customers who will buy European made planes as Eurofighter ,Saab or Mirage.

Another interesting point is that the defense of UK,Netherlands,Italy and Norway is depending of F35 plane, so canceling this plane will determine these countries to find another supplier, and US will lose money and jobs.

In my opinion even a baby is better president as Trump: a baby doesn't know to speak and cannot affect the NATO security with stupid declarations, but most important a baby is cute.

Heat shock proteins and shell shock

I was always intrigued by the fact that a temporary trauma as the shell shock (or post traumatic stress disorder) can have long term effects on the human psyche.
I was viewing this lecture in heat shock proteins and the effect of the stress on them, and I was wondering what effects on the psyche the quantity of heat shock proteins can have.
A mild stress on the cell increases quantity of heat shock proteins, protecting in this way correct folding of proteins and functioning of the cell.
A high stress however depletes the reserve of heat shock proteins and the functioning of the cell is more affected by the genetic factors.
For example lets suppose that you have vulnerability for an organic psychiatric disease but due to heat shock proteins your neurons are working normal in a normal environment, but if you receive a shock like an aggression or a drug consumption, the heat shock proteins are depleted, and your neurons are working chaotically and you start to have delusions.

Truth, post-truth and alternative truths

I am reading the novel of brothers Arkadi and Boris Strugatzki "Monday,starts Saturday" and the main character ask himself if we believe more extraordinary things because of scientific discoveries.
If you are telling a person in 1940 that in 1968 someone will walk on the moon, you were considered a nut-case.
But now we foresee in near future, a flourishing   space tourism industry.
Also the Internet has aggregated all kind of unbelievable strange fact from all over the world.
Because we know that some things are possible we don't analyze too much the tricked photos and video's, and video of a alien autopsy becomes news.
Also because existence of tricked photo's we don't believe anymore in Moon landing, and it is hard to prove the truth.
It is the same with the Trump's inauguration photos.
How can you prove that picture is true?
You can't, because every falsehood has a hint of truth, as a yogurt with fruits has some pieces of fruit and a tonne of food additives.
A photo alone is not enough to be used as evidence in court, it must be correlated with other information sources or the picture must be proved forged.

duminică, 22 ianuarie 2017

More details you know,less you are informed

Two things happened Wednesday 18 ianuary 2017 in Bucharest.
The president Klaus Johaniss has presided a government session in the morning and in the afternoon it was a demonstration against the planed pardon of 4000 convicts for corruption.
In that day the government led by Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu should have proposed 2 ordinances that should modify the penal code and pardon the deeds of corruption and bad public management.
Luckily the President intervened, in time and according to article 87 from Romanian Constitution he presided the government session, and blocked in this way the adoption of the ordinances.
What was on the TVR state television?
It was a talkshow in which some "journalists" discussed minute by minute what happened in that morning. What the president has done at 9.05? But what he did at 9.06?The prime minister was announced or not ? The president should have announced with an hour before or not? The protection service of the president informed the prime minster about it?
The "journalist" Ion Cristoiu was wondering why the president didn't announced with 24h before that he will participate?He didn't bothered to read the constitution to know that the president it is not obliged to ask permission to participate at government meetings regarding national security.
In short it was discussed every detail, but not the main problem: that government wanted to free some felons and that the people are in the street.

Post scriptum:
Now the famous Bamboo club owned by Castelano family burned down, a it can be reason for televisions to avoid again discussions about the pardon of the felons.
Or maybe it will trigger a movement like the one after the burn of the Colectiv club in November last year.
It seems that in order to persuade the Romanian youth to participate in politics you have to burn down their clubs.

miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2017

Republica Bananiera Romana

In campania electorala trecuta am auzit deseori argumentul ca Transilvania este mai bogata deoarece a votat cu dreapta (PNL,PD,PNT).
Cunoscand incompetenta politicienilor romania as zice ca e invers: Transilvania bogata a votat cu dreapta.
Sa ma explic:
Dupa revolutie economia a fost capusata de catre fostele cadre din PCR si din Securitate.
Dar nu toate judetele au fost egale in privinta sanselor de dezvotare economica.
Sa comparam Botosaniul cu Timisoara.
Cei din Botosani nu se puteau duce in URSS sa faca trafic cu marfuri, dar cei din Timisoara se duceau in mod frecvent la sarbi si unguri sa cumpere marfa ce nu se gasea in Romania. Acest lucru a dus la acumulare privata de capital.
Pentru a avea un partid, trebuie bani pentru a plati oameni care sa organizeze campaniile si sa cumpere mass media.
Transilvania datorita avansului economic a putut avea mai multi oameni care sa se lanseze in politica, iar votul acolo a fost mai divers.(Nu a fost niciodata 100% dreapta dar votul a fost mai diversificat)
In Moldova si Muntenia dependenta de economia statului a creat un monopol politic al FSN,PDSR,PSD din lipsa de concurenti.
In Europa acumularea de capital din orase a dus la aparitia burgheziei, si a parlamentarismului si dezvoltarea democratiei.
In Africa concentrarea bogatiilor in mainile colonistilor si mai tarziu a guvernelor indigene, a dus la o saracire mai accentuata a populatiei, pentru ca o populatie saraca care traieste de pe azi pe maine, nu va cere drepturi politice si va fi mai usor de controlat. Rezultatul a fost tipica dictatura africana.
La noi se incearca implementarea aceluiasi model african, prin care doare cei conectati si putin sa aiba acces la resurse, in timp ce restul populatiei sa lucreze pe bani putini sau sa emigreze.